A Letter To My Foster Kitten....


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Mar 11, 2005
I'm having a rough night, I'm tired and alone so I need to get this off my chest. I really love fostering, but it can be hard too. So here is the letter I wish my latest favorite foster could read.

To Hamlet my little Tabby Boy,

I'm having a rough night and I miss you. Don't tell your littermates (who I loved as well) but you are my favorite. You were so sweet and friendly and loving from the beginning. I tried not to fall for you too hard because I knew I couldn't keep you, but you are possibly the most personable kitten I have ever met.

I know right now you are snuggled with your littermates in your cage at the adoption center. I wish you were running free around here, but I know you aren't suffering. The staff there loves and takes care of you, and will find the perfect home for you, better than I could find on my own. I know I will visit you tomorrow, and shouldn't be feeling like I've said good-bye already.

Mostly though, I want you to know why I didn't keep you, and don't keep any fosters I fall in love with. I didn't keep you because there is a wonderful family out there for you, who will focus on you and love you better than I can. I didn't keep you because my two girls still deserve to be the only cats in the house on occasion. I didn't keep you because if I kept you and every other foster I fell for, I wouldn't be able to foster anymore.

I didn't keep you because I want to be there for the next Hamlet (or Meatball or Leopold or Squirt... [past favorites]) that comes along. Which means I can't keep my favorites.

I hope you know and never forget how much I love you my fat little tabby. I'll see you tomorrow, and as many days as I can until you go to a wonderful home.

Your Foster Mom


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 28, 2005
Fayetteville, AR
That is so sad! I want to foster but I am afraid that I will end up like you and want to keep them and be sad when I cant.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Aww. I don't mean to scare anyone off of fostering. The other day I saw one of my favorites, Squirt, the sweetest black kitten, get adopted by the NICEST couple ever. One of them thanked me for taking good care of him. It made me feel So Wonderful -- honestly one of the best days I've had this year.

But it is hard sometimes too, I just wish I could explain things to them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
Somewhere over the Rainbow
That is very sweet, It must be hard, I have these 5 baby girls here that I rescued and I know I will cry when they go, it's impossible not to fall in Love with them, sometimes it's hard careing so much


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 10, 2004
That is so sad! It would be hard to foster, although I think I'd like to do it someday. I have a hard enough time pulling myself away from the cats at PetSmart! I'm very glad for the work that you do and the chance that you give those kitties.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 8, 2004
Long Beach, New York
What a sad & true letter. I too, have fostered, and it is sooo hard to let these little ones go.

God bless you for caring so much for these little fuzzys.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Thanks everyone for your support!

I feel much better this morning. Last night I was alone at home, my bf was at work real late, and thats when it hits me the hardest. I just wish I could really explain what was going on to my little babies. I mean, I try. But I want them to look me in the eye and say "Oh, we know you are doing what is best for us!" Then I could feel better I think.

Anyway, I'll perservere. Gonna visit my little Hamlet (and his littermates) today...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 13, 2005
Orlando Florida
Loving your foster kitties so much is what makes you a good foster mom Sara. Yes its lonely and empty when they are adopted, yes its sad when they don't make it.

Here is what I tell myself:

There are soooo many cats and kittens out there who need people like you to give them a fighting chance at a quality life. Miss them when they go, yes, love them when they are with you, absolutely, and should they not make it, weep for them as you would your own. But find them a great home, you must, and open your heart to the next gang because now the next gang of orphans need you now and you need them.

Hope this helps.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 17, 2005
Southern California
I know how you feel! I took Isabell and her babies in when they were left behind by their former owners. Her runt Yoda is staying with us and I found a home for another and the other two are at Petsmart looking for their homes. Isabell is waiting for her turn once she is able to be spayed. On the way to drop them off I cried and told myself I couldn't and wouldn't do this ever again. I worry about them too much. When I got the boys to Petsmart there was a four week old very dehydrated kitten there that had been dropped off with no mother. The head of the rescue asked if I could take her home and see if Isabell would take care of her. Home she went. She didn't like Isabell (Isabell did try) and is doing okay on her own. The following morning the rescue called again...they had five 2-3 week old kittens needing a nursing mom. Isabell is cooperating and feeding them, bless her heart. I keep telling myself perhaps this was a stall for Isabell so that her perfect home will be ready when she is done with her foster kittens! I also keep telling myself and my daughter we aren't going to ever do this again and we can't keep anymore!

Dozen2Luv (Regina)

because cats

TCS Member
Young Cat
May 16, 2016

Thank you for this post.

I dropped off my first foster family today and it is so hard. I loved them like they were my own which they deserved but has left my heart hurting.There are two that were really sweet and one that would let you hold him like a baby and would fall asleep in my arms almost every night. I had them for 10 weeks since 3 days old. Momma was a stray and I enjoyed earning her love and trust (well in the end! haha after I earned it!) I had some really enjoyable weeks once the ringworm was cleared up.  

I know they must be so scared right now.... at least they didn't take mom away immediately... but I know it will happen soon. They are black so I worry they will not be adopted quickly plus mom might sit in a cage for a while herself. She is beautiful though. 

I tried my hand at adoption photos but it proved too hard for me. 

What can you do....? Just hope for the best for them and not let missing them keep you from helping another family.  Although I am definitely taking a break haha.......ha (sniff sniff) 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
THIS is why I could not foster. I have "foster failure" written all over me.

Thank you for this post.
I dropped off my first foster family today and it is so hard. I loved them like they were my own which they deserved but has left my heart hurting.There are two that were really sweet and one that would let you hold him like a baby and would fall asleep in my arms almost every night. I had them for 10 weeks since 3 days old. Momma was a stray and I enjoyed earning her love and trust (well in the end! haha after I earned it!) I had some really enjoyable weeks once the ringworm was cleared up.  

I know they must be so scared right now.... at least they didn't take mom away immediately... but I know it will happen soon. They are black so I worry they will not be adopted quickly plus mom might sit in a cage for a while herself. She is beautiful though. 

I tried my hand at adoption photos but it proved too hard for me. 

What can you do....? Just hope for the best for them and not let missing them keep you from helping another family.  Although I am definitely taking a break haha.......ha (sniff sniff) 
Awwww this looks like what could have been my Penelopy and her little brood. She had her babies almost exactly 11 months ago (a few months before I knew of her existence even). All black, just like their mama. I adopted mama from the shelter in December and now she's my little Pea-Pea Head :) I'm sure the babies have long since found homes of their own, but they did look just like her. Just like these babies do.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 23, 2016
Henlow, Bedfordshire
Aw Eatrawfish, my heart goes out to you but without foster carers like you these cats might not even be alive right now! My daughter does the same with dogs and it breaks her heart everytime one is found a home but without her the dogs would have been put to sleep so while your heart is breaking remember you've given them the best chance of life that anyone could ever do, so be proud of yourself. We need people like you in this World, you're an Earth Angel.

because cats

TCS Member
Young Cat
May 16, 2016
Awwww this looks like what could have been my Penelopy and her little brood. She had her babies almost exactly 11 months ago (a few months before I knew of her existence even). All black, just like their mama. I adopted mama from the shelter in December and now she's my little Pea-Pea Head
I'm sure the babies have long since found homes of their own, but they did look just like her. Just like these babies do.
Your Penelope is a beautiful girl :) I am glad to hear that some people really like black cats! I am hoping their long hair with grey tabby under markings gives them an extra adoptable edge haha... who knows. I wrote up personality descriptions last night and the shelter used them on the website. I will just keep hoping they finds loving homes with people who are like the ones on this website. They didn't use the pictures but that's okay. They will get better ones I'm sure. I'm missing them today but look forward to helping another family in the future. One day at a time right.....

I should have added on my post that I was dragging up an old post/thread. I just found it comforting so I added a comment to it.

And I plan on becoming a failed foster just once :) so it has to be a cat I just can't part with in anyway. I already have one adopted cat and two is my limit. I just don't want to stress about affording end of life care for my fur babies as they age. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Aw Eatrawfish, my heart goes out to you but without foster carers like you these cats might not even be alive right now! My daughter does the same with dogs and it breaks her heart everytime one is found a home but without her the dogs would have been put to sleep so while your heart is breaking remember you've given them the best chance of life that anyone could ever do, so be proud of yourself. We need people like you in this World, you're an Earth Angel.
Just to piggyback off of this post: I could not agree more. If it were not for a kind, loving person like you, my cat would likely not be with me today. She was abandoned as a kitten and she and her litter mates were raised by a foster mom. Because of your love, hard work and now sacrifice, three sweet kittens begin their journey to bringing lots of purrs and cuddles to their forever families just as my girl has done for me over the years. Thank you for loving these babies as if they were your own all the while knowing you would have to part with them [emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️