What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
My sentiments exactly and you're 100%right- " thank you" hardly seems enough

From the bottom of our hearts" thank you and God Bless you "to all who have served
You know that I never once heard the phrase, "Thank You for your Service" until Desert Shield and Desert Storm had taken place. Prior to that time period, recognition for all members of the Military wasn't spoken readily. Only those whom had received special honors for deeds done were recognized. I was rather dumbstruck thinking are you actually talking to me. I never once recall anyone thanking me for my service from 1973-1994. I think the first time that phrase was spoken to me was around the year 2000.
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NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
You know that I never once heard the phrase, "Thank You for your Service" until Desert Shield and Desert Storm had taken place. Prior to that time period, recognition for all members of the Military wasn't spoken readily. Only those whom had received special honors for deeds done were recognized. I was rather dumbstruck thinking are you actually talking to me. I never once recall anyone thanking me for my service from 1973-1994. I think the first time that phrase was spoken to me was around the year 2000.
Same here. From when I got out in '71 until Desert Storm, it was a Tommy Atkins situation for all vets who weren't in the 'Big One'. For reference, see Rudyard Kipling.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
You know that I never once heard the phrase, "Thank You for your Service" until Desert Shield and Desert Storm had taken place. Prior to that time period, recognition for all members of the Military wasn't spoken readily. Only those whom had received special honors for deeds done were recognized. I was rather dumbstruck thinking are you actually talking to me. I never once recall anyone thanking me for my service from 1973-1994. I think the first time that phrase was spoken to me was around the year 2000.
Hearing things like this just breaks my heart- I wonder,is it because I was an Army brat? Because my Mom and Dad raised me to appreciate living in the Land of the Free and to be Grateful for the brave men that fought for our Liberty and sought justice for all? But then again after my Dad left the Army everyone I ever knew and grew up with were proud of our soldiers- was it the Italian American neighborhood we came from where our families of immigrants kissed the ground we walked on in the Land of opportunity or because we all lost so many friends and family members to the senseless VN war?

I can't imagine ANY American NOT saying " thank you for your service" to you and everyone that SERVED for me,my family ,my countrymen.....it's shameful

Yes- YOU, N NY cat man and all your brothers in arms( past,present & future) .... here and in Heaven Above

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Industrial Design
That would be a tough one. It could be that you have to take a position as an unpaid intern until you can show a potential employer that you can do the work, and take a side job to pay the bills. It's not a perfect solution by any means, but it may be what's necessary.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
Hearing things like this just breaks my heart- I wonder,is it because I was an Army brat? Because my Mom and Dad raised me to appreciate living in the Land of the Free and to be Grateful for the brave men that fought for our Liberty and sought justice for all? But then again after my Dad left the Army everyone I ever knew and grew up with were proud of our soldiers- was it the Italian American neighborhood we came from where our families of immigrants kissed the ground we walked on in the Land of opportunity or because we all lost so many friends and family members to the senseless VN war?

I can't imagine ANY American NOT saying " thank you for your service" to you and everyone that SERVED for me,my family ,my countrymen.....it's shameful

Yes- YOU, N NY cat man and all your brothers in arms( past,present & future) .... here and in Heaven Above
In some way I think the outward affection could be looked upon differently than in today's culture. My relatives were very conservative. And unlike Italians that are
outwardly affectionate. My father was Army WWII , had a Uncle who was Navy in WWII and a Uncle who was a Marine in WWII. Growing up, I never heard when around them the phrase "Thank You For Your Service". Perhaps these were more private people. And none of them of Italian decent.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
That would be a tough one. It could be that you have to take a position as an unpaid intern until you can show a potential employer that you can do the work, and take a side job to pay the bills. It's not a perfect solution by any means, but it may be what's necessary.
I'm just worried because my work schedule as it is right now is affecting my relationship with my partner. He was basically in tears last night telling me that we hardly see each other anymore because he's got school in the day and I am home and then when he gets home, I am leaving for work until night. So to do an internship plus job on the side, I don't know if it's realistic. I'm going to talk to my old supervisor today from my internship from school and ask for advice.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I'm just worried because my work schedule as it is right now is affecting my relationship with my partner. He was basically in tears last night telling me that we hardly see each other anymore because he's got school in the day and I am home and then when he gets home, I am leaving for work until night. So to do an internship plus job on the side, I don't know if it's realistic. I'm going to talk to my old supervisor today from my internship from school and ask for advice.
For 37 years, my wife worked straight nights at the hospital, while I worked straight days at my job. The only time we saw each other was on alternate weekends, her night off, or bad weather made it necessary for me to drive her in, as we lived within walking distance of her work. It wasn't easy, as our social life was basically nil, but we did what we had to do to get by. By the way; later this year will mark our 52nd anniversary.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
In some way I think the outward affection could be looked upon differently than in today's culture. My relatives were very conservative. And unlike Italians that are
outwardly affectionate. My father was Army WWII , had a Uncle who was Navy in WWII and a Uncle who was a Marine in WWII. Growing up, I never heard when around them the phrase "Thank You For Your Service". Perhaps these were more private people. And none of them of Italian decent.
One factor that made a difference was that there was a greater portion of the population that served, in one form or another, and aside from some who volunteered immediately after Pearl Harbor, most were draftees. I recall a line from a book written by Robert Leckie, a Marine veteran of Guadalcanal, New Britain, and Pelelieu, and how people would say " You asked for it". Today, post-draft, with such a small percentage in uniform, it's different.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
One factor that made a difference was that there was a greater portion of the population that served, in one form or another, and aside from some who volunteered immediately after Pearl Harbor, most were draftees. I recall a line from a book written by Robert Leckie, a Marine veteran of Guadalcanal, New Britain, and Pelelieu, and how people would say " You asked for it". Today, post-draft, with such a small percentage in uniform, it's different.
I agree those from a prior generation had a different outlook toward serving. My Dad was drafted in the Army in 1943. My Mom said that my Dad had hoped to be drafted prior to 1943. But a medical condition prevented that. His younger brother 10 his junior volunteered for the Marines in 1943, at 17 needing his parents permission to join. My Navy Uncle joined in 1940. My Mom said that people during WWII would look down on you if you weren't proud to serve. Nowadays there's a different thinking unfortunately.
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
In some way I think the outward affection could be looked upon differently than in today's culture. My relatives were very conservative. And unlike Italians that are
outwardly affectionate. My father was Army WWII , had a Uncle who was Navy in WWII and a Uncle who was a Marine in WWII. Growing up, I never heard when around them the phrase "Thank You For Your Service". Perhaps these were more private people. And none of them of Italian decent.
A lot seem uncomfortable with the recognition too. Support for other veterans i hear; but not self recognition. Unfortunately I do know of instances in my adult life where active duty recieved some of the treatment previous generations did. One of my stepfathers guys was spit on while getting gas in uniform. And that wasn’t long after 9-11 when it seemed like patriotism soared. I’ve heard the accusations and name calling.

Another issue I’ve personally witnessed them facing is how some younger ladies in particular see men in uniform as an easy paycheck. Like a ticket to security. Those relationships don’t last because they have a romanticized idea of what military life is like. They don’t love the person for who they are. And the life isn’t easy. People get hurt. :disappointed: And jet fuel soaked uniforms are…stinky. :lol::rolleyes2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Industrial Design
That would be a tough one. It could be that you have to take a position as an unpaid intern until you can show a potential employer that you can do the work, and take a side job to pay the bills. It's not a perfect solution by any means, but it may be what's necessary.
This was going to be my suggestion. My son took an unpaid internship with the parks service at the Petrified Forest in the ecology/preservation department. Fortunately, he is still in college and this was for the summer. I don't know how you can work and intern at the same time, since an intern is full time.
Maybe work at a company but at a lesser position and move up until they see the worth that you are.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I'm just worried because my work schedule as it is right now is affecting my relationship with my partner. He was basically in tears last night telling me that we hardly see each other anymore because he's got school in the day and I am home and then when he gets home, I am leaving for work until night. So to do an internship plus job on the side, I don't know if it's realistic. I'm going to talk to my old supervisor today from my internship from school and ask for advice.
It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination but unfortunately when we desire to excel it requires sacrificing something,more often than not that means our personal affections are put on hold- but when people love each other they support one another,give up a little to gain much- love does not wax or wane,true love withstands the hard times and the test of tike as it's all temporary and for the greater good of the relationship...... struggling financially I do believe is a major cause of broken relationships - Unfortunately there are not enough hours in one day nor enough of " us" to go around to please everyone- if this is your hearts desire,,your passion, then make it work

So many couples face these choices and when one gives up their goals,ambitions and the pursuit of a particular career for the other it doesn't usually end well- working at a 9-5 that is not your passion simply to make ends meet is not very gratifying..I personally was headed in one direction after many years of study when ,to the disappointment of some/many- walked out and followed my passion ,changed my profession- worked over 4 decades doing what I love doing .... many relationships suffered as a result of it but I suppose I loved my career more and "whomever" loved me less than a true love would have..... I don't know but I do know I've had a rewarding life helping many people and animals-maybe I'm selfish but I have to fulfill the purpose of my call...... search your heart,my Dad used to tell me that most of your awake time that you live you spend at work,do what you love doing(& I did) - it's been interesting to say the least and I've done well,gratified and joyful,grateful


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Cats know when I go to the linen closet, it means I am getting out either the vacuum or the Crosswave. Scared of both. Gracie took off running to the basement.

Poor Boone was panicked as to where he could go. Started heading towards the basement and remembered that was Gracie's area now and would probably cause a fight now that they are friends anymore.

Next he tried running to my youngest's room but he had the door tightly closed. Boone then started heading to the basement and turned back around. I opened up the door to my youngest's room and tried to direct Boone towards it.

Boone is running around between the kitchen and living room until he finally decided to run into my room.

Geez!! All that work and I hadn't even started mopping the dang floor yet!!

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Cats know when I go to the linen closet, it means I am getting out either the vacuum or the Crosswave. Scared of both. Gracie took off running to the basement.

Poor Boone was panicked as to where he could go. Started heading towards the basement and remembered that was Gracie's area now and would probably cause a fight now that they are friends anymore.

Next he tried running to my youngest's room but he had the door tightly closed. Boone then started heading to the basement and turned back around. I opened up the door to my youngest's room and tried to direct Boone towards it.

Boone is running around between the kitchen and living room until he finally decided to run into my room.

Geez!! All that work and I hadn't even started mopping the dang floor yet!!
I read the first sentence and thought: “Aha, they’re gonna climb up in it and make sure to cover the clean linens with cat hair!” 🤣 Now that I am sans cat, I have to train myself it’s OK to turn on the vac whenever I want— I don’t have to put Zorro in the other room first!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020

I read the first sentence and thought: “Aha, they’re gonna climb up in it and make sure to cover the clean linens with cat hair!” 🤣 Now that I am sans cat, I have to train myself it’s OK to turn on the vac whenever I want— I don’t have to put Zorro in the other room first!
Stuff doesn't even make it to the linen closet before it's covered in cat hair. They just jump into the laundry basket and lay in it while I am trying to fold stuff.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Noodles used to burrow under the pile of towels on my bed and look completely unrepentant if she got the chance! Her fur was short but fine so toweling off with one was awful!! The cats haven’t been allowed in our bedroom or on the bed so she was being naughty all around. She just didn’t care. :lol: :rolleyes2: I miss her!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
My Timmy ,now 9 mos an official housecat was so terrified of every little house sound that I didn't vacuum for well over a month!!!During which time I researched the quietest vacuum made and bought a Fabuletta( pretty darn quiet)

I started far from Timmy's safe place and with each time got closer & closer - now he just watches me vacuum and doesn't run away......Sami practically sits on top of the roller head and everyone just hops onto one of their vertical spaces and looks on

There's not anything really scarey inside - it's the outside stuff that sends them running especially the lawn people thst I'd like to go postal on


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I was shopping the Goodwill today and for a couple dollars got a package of two Fluent Pets communication buttons and mats. I just have to see if I teach Lola to use a button instead of screaming at me when she wants a bathtub faucet drink.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Has anyone ever found lawn services for the elderly? I know I've heard of such a thing but besides googling i'm not sure where to look or if people are finding it a good experience..
OK, going through this for upkeep inside my home. Contact your Department of Human Services, and ask to speak with Adult Care. Someone there will either be able to help you, OR give you a referral to an outside agency. Here, I believe, it is "Senior Services." It is separate from the DHS, but they do work to refer people.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
OK, going through this for upkeep inside my home. Contact your Department of Human Services, and ask to speak with Adult Care. Someone there will either be able to help you, OR give you a referral to an outside agency. Here, I believe, it is "Senior Services." It is separate from the DHS, but they do work to refer people.
Each fall from a larger community than mine there's a TV ad telling people that there's Free Snow Shoveling available for Seniors. They just need to contact that City to sign up . Perhaps there's something similar in your area for Lawn care.