apartment with "natureless" windows = bored cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2016
hi all,

i got my two 5 year old cats a few days ago. the apartment they lived in with the original owners had lots of windows that looked out onto the street, trees, birds, etc. and like any cat they loved sitting at the window. also they have always been indoor-only cats.

my apartment is very different. it's a studio and it has two windows that look out onto concrete and the side of the next house 

i took these two in because 1) i really wanted them and 2) the original owners moved to spain and couldn't take them along.

i'm locked into this apartment until october 2017, so moving is not an option.

anyhow, i'm concerned that my cats are not happy since they can't look outside or even hear much nature.

the pros about my place: they have a catwalk up high, which they love to perch on. they seem to enjoy playing with the toys i've got for them, though sometimes they do look a bit stressed out as opposed to playful... the place is small, but the are a couple of separate spaces for them to roam in.  

my main concern (and probably theirs too) is the lack of world-watching windows.

i do have some ideas, but would love to hear from folks who have dealt with this problem.

here are my ideas so far:

1) a window mounted bird feeder (though given it's an alleyway not sure if birds will come. probably a question for a bird forum)

2) potting some plants outside just below the window

3) installing a window perch  

any other ideas for how i could maybe enhance their indoor environment as well as their window situations would be so appreciated!

thanks for reading through my long first post!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It sounds like you have some great ideas and your new cats are very lucky to have such a loving human. The only thing I might add is to see if you can find a cat show or TV program they can watch. Don't ask my why but when I watched the new Ghostbusters movie the other day both of my cats were glued to it whenever a ghost was on screen.... it was the oddest thing since they have never paid much mind before. 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Welcome to TCS!

All of your ideas are good, especially if you have some flowering plants in warm weather that will attract butterflies or bees for some added "sights". Does the alleyway get foot (or vehicular) traffic? Cats are so curious they'll enjoy watching people use it, too.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 4, 2016
thanks kieka and moorspede for the cat tv ideas! i'll have a look on youtube to see what i can find.

jcat, thanks for chiming in. sadly the alley is very low on traffic and no cars come thru at all. it's a good idea what you suggest about plants that will attract bees and butterflies. luckily i live in new orleans, louisiana so the weather is still good for planting all kinds of things. thanks all!

also the way i see it, a year here won't do as much damage as say a lifetime... when my lease is up perhaps i can consider moving to a place with windows. for now tho i''ll see how we can make do with what we've got!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 16, 2013
As a city dweller with two energetic cats, I sympathize.  I confess that views of trees, birds, squirrels etc was high on my priority list when I picked out my current apartment, but it will still never match what you can get with a house & yard.

Here are my city kitty survival ideas - but always open to more:

1) Window perch, open window, outdoor planter with bird feeder:  if you can pull this off, this will be your best bet.

2) Cat tree/wall perches and cat runs

3) Aquarium

4) Interactive play time 2-3x/day with a variety of fishing pole toys and mouse toys/treats to throw for cats to chase.  This is my next most successful tactic.  Do it at fixed times, as cats love rituals and they'll be up for playing instead of napping.

5) Leave out safe toys, cardboard boxes, paper bag, your yoga mat etc.

6) Cat grass grown indoors

7) TV and radio.  Love the "video games for cats" on youtube especially.  Radio for when you're out.

8) Leash walking.  Mine love venturing outside but encounters with unknown people terrify them.  I've been thinking about getting a big kitty stroller so I can take them sightseeing and maybe let them leash walk if I find a nice spot with no one around, but I keep thinking that would look a bit too "crazy cat lady" and it's also not cheap.

I was thinking about buying a dog crate to stick through an open window, using 2x4's passed through the grating to brace it against the wall.  This would create a removable outdoor window catio.  Has anyone tried this??  Wondering if it would be worth it, but my cats do love to perch next to open windows.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I was thinking about buying a dog crate to stick through an open window, using 2x4's passed through the grating to brace it against the wall.  This would create a removable outdoor window catio.  Has anyone tried this??  Wondering if it would be worth it, but my cats do love to perch next to open windows.
There are such window units for cats that you can buy. Here's one:http://catsolarium.com/cat-perches/

You should check with your landlord if something like this is allowed.

Having a bad or no view out the window stinks. I don't think cats really care too much about the view as long as they have something to look out of and get some sun and air and can listen to the noisy world outside. Providing enrichment inside your home will keep your cats happy. Cat trees and othef furniture, scratchers, toys, a radio playing soft music or NPR, one of those kid's fake battery oeprated fish or turtle swimming in a plasitc bowl if you don't want to maintain a real fish tank.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Thank you for the pointer!  That cat solarium looks wonderful.  Unfortunately it won't work for me (old-style casement windows with only about 14" wide openings), but I bet it would be great for many apartment owners/rents because it doesn't require any modifications to the window or outside walls.  It operates on almost exactly the same mechanical principles that I had in mind with the dog crate.

Cats can be happy looking outside if all they see is something moving.  In my last apartment, I had a view mainly of a busy street.  No trees.  My cats still spent hours looking out the windows.  I think they especially enjoyed the cars' headlights.  I'm not sure how much entertainment an alleyway offers though, which is why the OP needs a planter and bird feeder.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Large computer monitor, computer and wonderful videos of birds and other nature for kitties to watch is something mine seem to like. One has already learned to beg to put "bird window open", so she stares with perfected sitting position and meows slightly there to get to see those videos again.

Usually it is so that cat replaces me at front of monitor and sits there following birds around.

Just go to video site of your liking and search video for cats birds or video for cats fish or something of such variety to find wonderful videos some other cat lovers have uploaded for everyone (human and cat) to enjoy.

Tip, keep liquids away and keyboard + mouse hidden :hide:

charlies mom

TCS Member
Young Cat
May 22, 2015
Go to Pinterest and look up some indoor cat gardens. There are a variety of cat safe plants you can grow inside to give your kittens a sense of the outdoors.


TCS Member
Jul 22, 2016
hi all,

i got my two 5 year old cats a few days ago. the apartment they lived in with the original owners had lots of windows that looked out onto the street, trees, birds, etc. and like any cat they loved sitting at the window. also they have always been indoor-only cats.

my apartment is very different. it's a studio and it has two windows that look out onto concrete and the side of the next house 

i took these two in because 1) i really wanted them and 2) the original owners moved to spain and couldn't take them along.

i'm locked into this apartment until october 2017, so moving is not an option.

anyhow, i'm concerned that my cats are not happy since they can't look outside or even hear much nature.

the pros about my place: they have a catwalk up high, which they love to perch on. they seem to enjoy playing with the toys i've got for them, though sometimes they do look a bit stressed out as opposed to playful... the place is small, but the are a couple of separate spaces for them to roam in.  

my main concern (and probably theirs too) is the lack of world-watching windows.

i do have some ideas, but would love to hear from folks who have dealt with this problem.

here are my ideas so far:

1) a window mounted bird feeder (though given it's an alleyway not sure if birds will come. probably a question for a bird forum)

2) potting some plants outside just below the window

3) installing a window perch  

any other ideas for how i could maybe enhance their indoor environment as well as their window situations would be so appreciated!

thanks for reading through my long first post!
I totally recommend TV for Cats YouTube videos and Cat Games (will try and get the specific link later on) on You Tube. They are terrific and when I had to confine my 6 month old to the basement for some time, these kept her thoroughly entertained. There is particularly one game, Wild Winter Wings, that she goes crazy on. Some of these videos run for hours, so they are great for when you are at work too. And there are so many of them, so repetition is avoided too. Try them, you will be surprised at how much your cats love them.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
Cats love watching Crow videos for cats on youtube or watching animal planrt. Birds started coming my way from bird sitting the more nature inside the better. Only if cats are non aggressive of course. Also bought them dwarf hamsters enjoyed excercise ball with hamsters.
*had windows plus balcony - being indoors means we need to provide more stimulation/entertainment for them.

Congrats on your new babies any :pix: to share?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
We haven't tried that, but there are prefab window inserts for cats that you can buy; search them on your search engine if interested, or look on BestFriends.org's website; they have some in their magazine in the ads section.


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
Welcome to the Cat Site! Most of the ideas that I had were already stated! I agree with your ideas of bird feeders and plants outside. Also inside you can look into getting an aquarium or terranium (I saw on My Cat From Hell a butterfly terranium that a cat LOVED). You can get some cat plants for inside as well. These were my ideas that were already stated.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree with the above, my cats absolutely LOVED to watch the fish in an aquarium, just make sure you have a good top on it! Birds will find a feeder pretty much anywhere, it may take about a week, but believe me, they will find it. Welcome to the site, and bless you for helping these two,  they will bring you much pleasure and love once they get over all these changes which I'm sure are very stressful for them All the luck!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I forgot how much Rocket loves laying on the floor watching the fish tank (or when I put a chair against it, its tall enough she can't jump on top of it). It's her zen spot when she's in the house. 


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
My two loved the fish tank when we had it. Especially the big algae eater.  Our old neighborhood wasn't the best so I never would have left a shade up for them to look outside like they do here.  They had a cat tree, the fish tank, toys and each other and they were content.  I did put a suction cup bird feeder on one window.  It wasn't as good as the hanging one I have here because it was exposed to the elements and hard to reach without a step ladder.  The seed is best kept dry so it doesn't spoil or sprout.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2015
You mentioned that you are considering a bird feeder.  I think that is a great idea.  I have 3 feeders placed near windows.  Archie and Lucy stay glued to them.  Sometimes they run from one to another when something interesting happens.  Feeders aren't that expensive (though the food does add up); give it a try.

Oh BTW: If you've never had a feeder before, it can take several weeks for birds to find the new food source.  So if you don't attract birds right away, don't dismay.

Several people have mentioned aquariums.  That's also a great idea.  My vet has one with a small carpet covered step ladder in front of it.  When ever we visit the vet, there's almost always a cat or two perched on the ladder watching the fish.
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