Neutered male humping female in heat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 1, 2024
Hey guys,

my female cat gave birth to kittens 12 weeks ago, my male was neutered 8 weeks ago. My female is due to be spayed, her appointment is in 2 weeks, she has just come into heat again it would seem, and my neutered male has mounted her. I heard her calling and went looking for her, and I caught them in the act even though he’s been neutered? But also when he come off of her, I noticed some wet patch/leakage of sorts form under her?! I’m just wondering does this mean his neuter wasn’t successful? Is this normal for him still to do? And what’s the wet stuff? He’s not still producing nothing surely?! Quite concerned, really don’t want her having another litter of kittens for all of the reasons but also she’s literally just had a litter so it’s surely not good for her. Please advise if I’m worrying for nothing? And if somehow there is a risk of her being impregnated again, will the vet likely still be able to do her spay regardless? Am I cruel for even considering that?

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
It takes a while for a neutering to "kick in," so to speak because there is still left over testosterone in the cat's body. Testosterone is the hormone that makes male cats want to mate. As testosterone fades away, so should the mating instinct. However, it takes a period of time from four to six weeks, up to a few months, for all the extra testosterone to go away, completely.

During this time, yes, male cats might try to mate, especially if a ready female is close by.

If the neutering was done properly, there should be no chance of getting another cat pregnant even if the male "does the deed." When a male cat is neutered, its testes are completely removed. Without testes, the cat does not produce sperm and, without sperm, no pregnancy can occur.

The caveat is that a just-neutered male cat might still have residual sperm inside its body. It takes the same amount of time for that residual sperm to go away. During that time, yes, it is still possible for a male cat to impregnate a female.

The bottom line is that, even though a male cat has been neutered, it can still mate but won't be able to impregnate a female. However, it takes about two months for everything to settle down after the surgery. During that time, pregnancy is still possible.

If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say that your female shouldn't get pregnant but, since the male was neutered only two months ago, there's still an outside chance.

A phone call to your vet might be in order, just in case.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Caspers Human covered it. I'll just add that even if she is pregnant again, her spay will be able to move forward.