Making the bed around the cat


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
:yeah:This thread goes well with the one we all know: “Sleeping around the cat!“ :lol:
That is the same as Moving Around The Cat While Sleeping........ right !? As cat is stretched out as far as he can. You are the one who then has to lift and move your legs and arms around them because they are out like a stone and are not going to budge!!!!! ⭐😍♥

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
That is the same as Moving Around The Cat While Sleeping........ right !? As cat is stretched out as far as he can. You are the one who then has to lift and move your legs and arms around them because they are out like a stone and are not going to budge!!!!! ⭐😍♥
It’s either that…or the “letter your body parts go numb and your bladder cry for mercy” thread. (But I digress…).

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Our cats are trained.

If Casper is on the bed and I come into the room to take off my clothes and put on my jammies, he automatically gets up and moves over even before I get into bed.

If the cat doesn't move, I'll pet him and say, "Move over." I give him a half-minute to wake up and get his bearings but, if he doesn't, he gets a gentle pat on the bum and another, "Move over." If that doesn't work, I just climb into bed and nudge him over.

Repeat that enough times and, eventually, the cat will learn that, when the humans come to bed, it's time to scoot over.

Casper is almost twelve years old and he's been in our family for nine years. He's got the experience to know the bedtime ritual.

Elliot is two and he's been with us for a year. He's still learning. A pat on the bum usually does the trick but there are still times when he's stubborn.

Cats are almost always allowed in bed with us. They just need to move over by two feet or so.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Our cats are trained.

If Casper is on the bed and I come into the room to take off my clothes and put on my jammies, he automatically gets up and moves over even before I get into bed.

If the cat doesn't move, I'll pet him and say, "Move over." I give him a half-minute to wake up and get his bearings but, if he doesn't, he gets a gentle pat on the bum and another, "Move over." If that doesn't work, I just climb into bed and nudge him over.

Repeat that enough times and, eventually, the cat will learn that, when the humans come to bed, it's time to scoot over.

Casper is almost twelve years old and he's been in our family for nine years. He's got the experience to know the bedtime ritual.

Elliot is two and he's been with us for a year. He's still learning. A pat on the bum usually does the trick but there are still times when he's stubborn.

Cats are almost always allowed in bed with us. They just need to move over by two feet or so.
Getting into bed was never a problem with my beautiful boy. It was always in the middle of the night when I wanted to turn over. Not complaining. Him being stretched out along me helped my chronic pain but you could shake him and nothing. Miss him dearly.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Elliot likes to sleep on top of you. It's kind of nice but he weighs in at about fifteen pounds. That's a lot of cat to fall asleep under!

I'm teaching him to sleep next to my pillow. If he does that and stays quiet, I'll roll over and put my arm around him so he can snuggle. He's good about it most of the time, now, but I still occasionally wake up with a cat on top of me and a face full of fur. When he moves, in the middle of the night, to sleep on top of you, it's usually on top of your head!

If he does that more than twice in a night, it's grounds for eviction from the bed. ;)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Elliot likes to sleep on top of you. It's kind of nice but he weighs in at about fifteen pounds. That's a lot of cat to fall asleep under!

I'm teaching him to sleep next to my pillow. If he does that and stays quiet, I'll roll over and put my arm around him so he can snuggle. He's good about it most of the time, now, but I still occasionally wake up with a cat on top of me and a face full of fur. When he moves, in the middle of the night, to sleep on top of you, it's usually on top of your head!

If he does that more than twice in a night, it's grounds for eviction from the bed. ;)
Have a friend who said cat wanted to sleep on her face! What? Well I think breathing might be an issue.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
He usually tries to sleep with his butt in your face and his front paws on your chest!

I tried to get him to scoot his butt over so he's laying crosswise but, no, he doesn't want that. I get it. He wants to sleep close to his humans but that's over the limit! Besides, he farts!

I don't know about you but waking up with a cat sticking his @$$ in your face and farting isn't my idea of a good night's sleep!
THAT will get him kicked out of bed in a heartbeat!

My compromise is to let him sleep next to my pillow with his "business end" pointed in a safe direction. If he behaves, I'll roll over and let him snuggle. I usually put my arm around him and he puts his paws around my arm. It's very cute when he does that!

He's learning the routine. He's good, most of the time, but there are still those few nights. He's getting better, though. :)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Elvis likes to sleep on the pillow. This is great, until he suddenly decides to have a bath. And he likes to jump on the bed and come in under the covers. I love it when he settles in there. But he doesn't stay long. He usually wakes with a start. Which means he wakes me, too, if I'm lucky enough to have slept. It's all good, though. I'm just grateful and joyful to have him here!

Happier days: our beloved angel Suha in her favorite spot on the bed :hearthrob::heartshape:while Elvis looks on from the window :redheartpump::bluecat::redheartpump:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Daisy's usually down near the foot of the bed when I get in, so I don't have to move her. She moves up later - she wants a big cuddle session when I lie down (usually when I'm trying to read 😄) and generally sleeps near my hip or knees, which does make getting back into bed after a loo trip tricky.

I also often wake up to find Phoebe on top of me. Luckily she's a kilogram lighter than Daisy!