Cat peeing outside of box - ready to give up


TCS Member
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May 3, 2024
Hi -

I'm sorry this is so long. I think we have a multi-facted problem here...

I have a 1.5 year old Doll Face Persian that is peeing outside of the box. He has kidney issues (IRIS stage 2) as well as sensitive stomach issues that may be playing into this, but I feel it is behavioral since it seems to start when I get home after work. I get home, pick him up and give him love and attention until he wants to get down, so I set him down. Then he will wander away. Immediately after I set him down, I check for pee where it should not be, all clear. Shortly thereafter, I start finding it in random places: by the back door, in the shower, in the pantry, on the woodstove hearth, occasionally in the bedroom - I'm constantly having to watch him and look for pee on the floor and it is tiring. We have been to the vet multiple times, had an ultrasound, they say everything looks good, the IRIS diagnosis is based on blood work results.

Due to his kidney and intestinal issues, we did not get him neutered until last week. He peed on the floor the day after surgery then nothing for a whole week! I was so thankful that this problem appeared to be resolved.. I love this kitty but he absolutely can't go on ruining my house. Well, one week after surgery I found he peed by the back door (this was yesterday). My heart sank. This morning I discovered that he peed in the shower. I seriously want to cry at this point... I thought the inappropriate peeing was over, apparently it's not. At the time of of these 'new' incidents, I was doing dishes, so I was 'ignoring' him I guess. So this forum is one last try to fix this problem before I'm forced to find him a new home. I have had him since he was a kitten and this breaks my heart.

I'm trying to figure out why he went 7 days without any peeing outside the box, but it has suddenly started again. Were the incisions sore, so he was being good for some reason related to that and now that discomfort is gone? He seems to have recovered without any problems, he was back to his normal playful self 24 hours after surgery. A friend suggested letting him outside. I live too close to a busy road... so that won't work.

Here is what I have tried (these are not all for the peeing - the last two are to get him to eat):

1 ) Feliway (2 places in the house)
2) Gabapentin (makes him sleep - did not solve anything)
3) Amitryptilene (didn't work)
4) Cerenia (for any nausea caused by kidney problems)
5) Mirataz (works for a few days)
6) Elura (seems to work a bit)

He has two litter boxes that I clean daily. He has peed right along side of both of them. He is fully capable of getting into them. I have watched him pee in his box, then walk directly to the bathroom and pee in the shower. No excuse, it's a behavior problem.

Other issues: within a month of getting him in late 2022 (he was 3 months old), he had awful diarrhea and was peeing HUGE amounts and drinking a lot of water. Finally the vet found a food that seemed to fix the problems (Royal Canin Renal Support + Hydrolyzed Protein). He was great for 6+ months. Then in January this year he got a rabies shot and within a couple days his eating nearly stopped. He has lost 2.25 lbs since mid-January; was 11.25 (I think a bit overweight at that point), now he is 9lbs. He runs around, plays, jumps up on the counter top, etc., like he is fine, he just will not eat enough.

I appreciate any help or direction.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It kinda sounds stress related. i mean physically stressed, which means excitement, handling, etc. When you get home he is excited, (and maybe stressed that you will find pee) and especially after vet visits. You are right he may have been sore after neutering and concentrated on that. You might try confining him to one small room with his boxes, sometimes they need 'rewiring' to use the litter box, and onlyb let him out when you can supervise until he consistently uses the box. There is ALWAYS a reason cats avoid the litterbox. Since you have tried pain meds adn calming meds, try the physical aspects of his litterbox and litter. Change the litters in both boxes to different kinds, one in each, try unscented, and different kinds besides clay. Try a large, low sided storage container for one box, a covered box for the other. Some cats prefer to go on newspaper, and definitely try puppy pee pads next to the box too, those are preferred too by some. i know you would like to try everything possible before rehoming him, make sure the new people know about his problem too, or they may euthanioze him. I feel for you, i pray you find a solution!


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry about the reason that's brought you here. It sounds very frustrating.

I have watched him pee in his box, then walk directly to the bathroom and pee in the shower.
When he pees outside of the litter box, is he spraying? Like marking territory? I ask this because it sounds odd that he would pee in the litter box, then immediately go and pee in the shower. I would think his bladder would be empty. Though perhaps it's related to his kidney issues.

Since he's just been neutered, things may improve once the hormones are fully from his system. The stinky tomcat pee smell will definitely go away.

If he's avoiding the litter box due to a memory of discomfort, you could try getting a totally different type of litter box, and putting it in a different spot.

You could also try Cat Attract litter. A lot of people have found it helpful.
Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract® Cat Litter - the litter cats love™

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
He could have very well been spraying/marking territory! it can take 60 days fro teh male hormones to completely leave his body. give him at least that long.
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TCS Member
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May 3, 2024
The peeing problem seemed to ramp up. It started with the closet in my room, so I banished him from there and keep the door closed. All was fine for many months until a few months ago (I lost track of when it really started)... then it seemed to slowly get worse.

I would definitely tell any new owner about the problem for the exact reason you state. I really want him to stay here though, his mom and I are all he knows. I have been ecstatic all week because this problem appeared to be gone. I'm so sick that it has started again.

How long do you think he should be confined to one room? I know he will make a ton of noise because that has never happened in his time here.

We are currently using Tidy Cat Free and Clear. What other litter would you recommend?

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TCS Member
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May 3, 2024
When he pees outside of the litter box, is he spraying? Like marking territory? I ask this because it sounds odd that he would pee in the litter box, then immediately go and pee in the shower.


If he's avoiding the litter box due to a memory of discomfort, you could try getting a totally different type of litter box, and putting it in a different spot.

You could also try Cat Attract litter. A lot of people have found it helpful.
Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract® Cat Litter - the litter cats love™
I don't think it's spraying, it is a puddle or maybe a line of pee.

I will try that litter and move the box if I can find a better place.. anything at this point!

I do recall him meowing either just before of after peeing BEFORE we had his food figured out, so there could be some memory of pain with the box in it's current location. However, I added a box in a different location since; he does seem to prefer the new box. One box is high sides, the other fairly low.


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Nov 25, 2013

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My cat sprayed a puddle, it can be a bunch. If you have a place he goes to consistently to pee, go to Walmart or order some clear plastic carpet runner with the nubs on the back. Put it nub side up wherever you don’t want him to go. It hurts their feet. You can take it up when he learns.
right now I would just grab a bunch of small bags of different litters, scented, pellets, all different kinds and try them. Get puppy pads too. I really think in a month he’ll get better once the hormones leaves him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 3, 2024
My cat sprayed a puddle, it can be a bunch. If you have a place he goes to consistently to pee, go to Walmart or order some clear plastic carpet runner with the nubs on the back. Put it nub side up wherever you don’t want him to go. It hurts their feet. You can take it up when he learns.
right now I would just grab a bunch of small bags of different litters, scented, pellets, all different kinds and try them. Get puppy pads too. I really think in a month he’ll get better once the hormones leaves him.
I got some of the Cat Attract litter to try. We shall see how that goes.

I really feel like it is a behavior issue. Both of these recent peeing incidents were while I was doing dishes and not able to play with him.

He likes to wake me up between 5 and 6 am... if I don't get up when he 'asks', I sometimes get a puddle by the bed. The house is wood floors so not as bad as carpet to clean up and I 'insulated' the back door with 3x6 rubber mats, so that area is easy to deal with... but the peeing has to stop.

Thanks for the help!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
I agree with rubysmama, cat attract may help. Like di and bob said try different things. That may be litters, boxes or locations. I literally made a box for a cat after all else failed and that worked.