Benji was PTS Today

Tigger's Mum

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2022
England, UK
Been a while since I've posted.

You might recall we lost Harley last year. Sadly, today his brother Benji was PTS. Benji was just a few weeks shy of his 19th birthday.

Last night Benji had been sitting on my son's lap, happily getting petted and purring. He jumped down, sat on the floor under my son's computer desk...then fell over sideways and had a massive seizure. We have Alexas in every room so son called me to come up. I took one look at Benji and knew it was really bad. Benji was having major seizures every 3 - 5 minutes and I noticed he had nystagmus. Definitely a huge stroke. Unfortunately, vets here don't do house calls anymore and the 24 hour vet - well let's just say they are worse than useless and extremely expensive. In any case, we would not have been able to get Benji into the cat carrier due to the seizures which really were violent. We laid Benji on the floor and surrounded him with thick pillows to stop him injuring himself on the furniture.

We sat up with Benji for most of the night, me grabbing about 3 hours sleep as I knew I'd have to phone our vet early in the morning and drive us to their surgery. Between 3am and 4am, the seizures became less frequent and less violent.

An appointment was made for Benji at 2.30pm this afternoon. The vet weighed Benji and was surprised at how heavy he was - 6.9kg (15.3 lbs) and not a piece of fat on him anywhere. Benji was half-Bengal. They took him into another room to insert a catheter. The vets nurse said he was aware they were there because when they moved away from him he meowed. They brought him back to the room we were in and we held him while the vet helped him cross the Bridge. As he made his final journey, a vision came before my eyes as I remembered picking Benji from the litter when he was only 2 days old. I couldn't hold the tears back. 19 years just gone in a flash. When we collected Benji at 12 weeks old, we were given his brother Harley too. My son's cat Chico took the kittens under his wing and the three were inseparable, earning them the nickname "The Three Amigos".

Today The Three Amigos were reunited at Rainbow Bridge and for us, it's the end of an era.

Our vet has arranged Benji's cremation and his ashes will be home on Tuesday. They also do a lovely souvenir box which will have a cast of his paw, an inkprint of his paw, clippings of his fur in a lace baggie and Forget-me-Not seeds.

We knew since Harley passed last year that Benji probably wouldn't be far behind but we did not expect that last night - it was just so sudden. One minute he was fine - the next - this.


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
Please accept my condolences for your loss of Benji especially so soon after Harley's passing.

I also have lost a cat to the same type of seizure event though she passed immediately after her seizure and it is terrifying to watch.

Benji had a good almost 19 years with you and though it is not long enough, know that he was definitely loved by you and your family and has now joined his feline companions so he is once more part of 'The Three Amigos'.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Benji, dream you deep. Your purrs echo in someone's heart forever.

Such a lovely, long life he had with you, but where there is love, eternity is not long enough. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, he blesses you for a life in which he lived, breathed, and had his being wrapped in your love. And he sends his own love, translated and purified into Love, to walk with you down through all of your days, just as the other Amigos have done. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I am so sad about your loss of Benji, but happy he got to spend so many years in a happy home with his brother, Harley, and best friend Chico, "the 3 amigos". They are now united for eternity and will wait for you, for them, the time that passes will be but the blink of an eye, for you, endless. Each year, time will bring a softening of the hurt and pain, but it takes a long time to heal a broken heart. Hold on to your happy memories and know you gave him what he wanted most in life, a home, care, and a wonderful family. He is at peace because of that.
I keep you in my thoughts and prayers, please know we all here know the pain of losing these beautiful little ones. Our hearts go out to you and your family......RIP precious Benji. You will always be remembered, you will forever have a secure place in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Oh, no, I'm so sorry to read about Benji's passing. You're right, even when they're getting older and we know they can't last forever, it's still a shock when we lose them, especially if it's sudden like that.

I also understand about the trio--we also had a trio of cats we called The Three Amigos! Two have passed and it will be a sad day when our third boy goes to join them. It will definitely be the end of an era.

Again, my condolences for your loss. My heart goes out to you. :hugs:
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Tigger's Mum

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2022
England, UK
How quiet and strange our house feels last night and today. Benji's great grandmother was a Siamese and he inherited the Siamese "Wow" while his brother meowed like an ordinary cat except he was loud. I don't have many pics of them as I lost most of my pics when one of my hard drives crashed so those I do have are when they were kittens. Benji is the kitten at the front of the pic, Harley is behind him.

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Tigger's Mum

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2022
England, UK
We collected Benji's ashes on Tuesday and he's back where he belongs - with us.

He is in the sleeping cat angel urn, three identical urns now - Chico, Harley and Benji, The Three Amigos united again for eternity.

I'm going to plant a memorial space in my back garden to commemorate all our cats, dogs and snakes that have gone to Rainbow Bridge as soon as the weather clears - been raining for over a week here.
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Tigger's Mum

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2022
England, UK
I’m sorry, sweetie. But now you’ve got the three amigos watching over you. They’re in the sunshine. The flowers. The rain. They will always be with you.
Yes, they will. It's true that they leave their pawprints on our hearts. Gone but they will never, ever be forgotten.

Stormy accepts you

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 6, 2023
North Carolina
Yes, they will. It's true that they leave their pawprints on our hearts. Gone but they will never, ever be forgotten.
And they never should be. Love is worth remembering. Like in The fox and the hound. Our hearts are better for it. I’ve noticed that the people here are much kinder. It takes love to do that.
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Tigger's Mum

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2022
England, UK
And they never should be. Love is worth remembering. Like in The fox and the hound. Our hearts are better for it. I’ve noticed that the people here are much kinder. It takes love to do that.
They give us unconditional love. It is love in its purest form.