Mum cat trying to kill her 7 week old kittens


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2024
Hi all, I'd love some advice/ help.
My next door neighbours got 2 russian blue kittens (sisters) 2 years ago. They hardly fed them and I couldn't sit and watch so I took them in. Bear In mind I already had a rescue cat (same age and neuted) and a 12 year old farm cat who comes in from time to time for some food.
2 years later the two russian blues get pregnant ( I didn't even consider they're not spayed!!) Anyway the first has 4 kittens and 4 days later the second has 2. They shared a large nesting box and it was all going perfectly. They'd share in the feeding, and the nursing box was out the way of other cats so they had their own room. The first 4 turned 7 weeks old and one of the mum cats has turned mental, she's attacked the other mum so badly whilst I was at work the house was full of cat hair and the attacked cat was shaking with fear. The cat who's done the attacking had also fouled all over my house (un heard of always use a litter box) all over my sofa! (I saw her do it!!!) Anyway she then jumps in the nesting box and proceeds to attacking the kittens and I mean violently she had one by the neck shaking it like a rat, all the kittens were screaming!! I managed to jump in and get her (I'm dripping in blood!) All the kittens are petrified, lying down shaking. I've put her outside and locked the cat flap and kept the other cat to look after them. (Note all kittens were nearly weaned and are o biscuits) have I don't the right thing in putting her outside? I can't have her in the house attacking everything and pooing everywhere. She's not sickly or suffering. I've checked all her glands for mastitis or anything causing her pain and she's fine she's just turned evil. Any advice or suggestions would really help as I'm at my whits ends


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, have you been able to get your scratches/bites taken care of? That's first priority now.

When's the last time she was at the vets?

How is her sister and that kitten? You might also consider getting them to the vet.

I'm not certain, but I'm leaning towards the attacker cat having seen something outside (another cat or dog) that frightened her and caused her to lash out at everyone in her near vicinity (redirected aggression). Having her outside may not be a good idea, since if the animal comes by again there could be another fight.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2024
Hi thanks for the reply. Yes the scratches are all cleaned up, they're not as bad the bite on my chest from her. I've cleaned this up also and will keep an eye on it. They can't have seen any animal outside as the room they were in has very tall windows, her eyes just went massive and she sprung into full attack mode. I understand a mum cat teaching her litter a lesson, but this was an attack her spine was up her tail puffed full hissing and darting for the kittens and shaking them about awfully. I think I'll be taking her to the vets to see what has caused her to turn like this. I'm awfully stressed about this!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hi all, I'd love some advice/ help.
My next door neighbours got 2 russian blue kittens (sisters) 2 years ago. They hardly fed them and I couldn't sit and watch so I took them in. Bear In mind I already had a rescue cat (same age and neuted) and a 12 year old farm cat who comes in from time to time for some food.
2 years later the two russian blues get pregnant ( I didn't even consider they're not spayed!!) Anyway the first has 4 kittens and 4 days later the second has 2. They shared a large nesting box and it was all going perfectly. They'd share in the feeding, and the nursing box was out the way of other cats so they had their own room. The first 4 turned 7 weeks old and one of the mum cats has turned mental, she's attacked the other mum so badly whilst I was at work the house was full of cat hair and the attacked cat was shaking with fear. The cat who's done the attacking had also fouled all over my house (un heard of always use a litter box) all over my sofa! (I saw her do it!!!) Anyway she then jumps in the nesting box and proceeds to attacking the kittens and I mean violently she had one by the neck shaking it like a rat, all the kittens were screaming!! I managed to jump in and get her (I'm dripping in blood!) All the kittens are petrified, lying down shaking. I've put her outside and locked the cat flap and kept the other cat to look after them. (Note all kittens were nearly weaned and are o biscuits) have I don't the right thing in putting her outside? I can't have her in the house attacking everything and pooing everywhere. She's not sickly or suffering. I've checked all her glands for mastitis or anything causing her pain and she's fine she's just turned evil. Any advice or suggestions would really help as I'm at my whits ends
I agree with you here happened some nasty bad, and yeah, it seems she tried to kill the kitten - when a tom kills a kitten its usually this way you describe, by shaking to death - it breaks the spinal cord "broken neck". But kitten did survive? no visible harm??

Anyway, you must isolate her. In the spur of the moment you took her out. Otherwise, an isolatingroom for just her would be standard. Or even - a big dog cage.

I too think on redirected aggression... The reaction may be nasty, almost as here.
But if it wasnt NOT redirected aggression, nor any other threat from outside...

Some mental disease? A brain tumor?? A vet check up is in order. And if it not becomes better, PTS may come into question.
Not only because of the dangers, but if she HAS a brain tumor...

For the rest - something calming is in order. A feliway adapter is the quickest...

Dr Bach´s Rescue remedy could be an alternative... These were fairly common about 20 years ago. Im not sure they are uset today too.
Him Galaxy Jackson has a somewhat similiar serie...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She needs to be spayed immediately to see if this will calm her down. The other mom cat should be spayed in the near future as well.

My guess is something triggered her — perhaps kittens playing with her tail or some other such shenanigans that are normal for 7 week old kittens and that mom had enough of it and being closed in a room with kittens day in and day out. She’s ready for a break and to stop being a mom.

She’ll mate again outside, so get an appointment to get her checked over and spayed ASAP. Do not let her back in the room with the others even after spaying. Once the kittens are re-homed and the other mom also spayed, it will likely be okay for the adult cats to be together in the house again.

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