Longhair or shorthair in his future?

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
def seal point. seals are the only point that have black points. and bits on his face and tail are deffo black. his eyes aren't solid blue which I think means he has some burmese or tonkinese ancestry (ragdolls can have this trait). might be a mink with how dark his back is and how little he is and the eye coloring.

oh wow yeah I think tehre is some tonkinese in there


your baby has a face that is very much like these kittens.

Oh wow, some of them do look like his face! This dark one reminded me a lot of some of the first pictures I took of him. What fun it is to compare!

He is the most talkative kitten I've ever met. He never stops chatting and screaming. He yells at his toys, his brother, people...he talks in his sleep, he meows and chirps back to EVERYTHING you say in his direction. Its hilarious! He spends a lot of his time just standing up tall on the back of a couch or chair so he can get as close to someone's face as possible to yell at them with all his might. Anyone who walks by his perch gets an earful of Tato.

His tail is starting to thicken up and he is developing longer fur on his bum cheek area and on his face. It is cute. He certainly doesn't look like a whispy long haired kitten. His fur is very tidy but long on his extremities. I don't have the best pictures today but -



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  • #22


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
Today's pictures. This little guy has such a wonderfully weird personality. I have no idea how to even put it into words what he's been doing the last few days.

He LOVES to be held. Absolutely loves. He often shouts at the top of his lungs to be picked up so he can nuzzle your nose against his and lick all over your face.

Well. When you reach down to pick him up, he stands up on his hind legs and raises his arms straight up, then TRUST FALLS into your hands as they reach around to grab him. If you aren't prepared to catch him, he will jello right through your fingers and land on his back - he doesn't try to catch himself at all. A total trust fall into your hands.

Today he took it a step further. He is basically incapable of jumping up at this point and we feed the cats on the mudroom counter, so I have to pick him up every morning for breakfast. I called his name this morning and bent with hands out to get him....and he ran full speed to my hands and belly flopped onto my palms, totally ready to be carried up to his bowl. My partner said he's afraid this little cat might be a bit spoiled. Whoops!

He is also still so small. I bought him and his "brother" (still not sure that they're siblings) identical collars. I've loosened Niko's several times over the last few weeks because he is consistently growing out of it. Tato's collar hasn't needed loosening at all yet. It is still as small as it can be. He IS growing. But he has such a tiny frame. And his brother looks like a monster next to him.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
what a sweetie. just on the side of caution you might want to take him into the vet if his sibling is outgrowing him drastically.. just to rule things out. he might have worms or something. how old is tato now?
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
what a sweetie. just on the side of caution you might want to take him into the vet if his sibling is outgrowing him drastically.. just to rule things out. he might have worms or something. how old is tato now?
Estimated three months. We've been to the vet several times now and he's been dewormed each time and they've said that he now appears healthy. When we found him he was fighting an infection though.

We aren't truly sure if they're brothers. Odds are in favor of them being siblings, but I've had my doubts because of how different they are in body type, size and personality. They were found a week apart from one another - one inside our workshop and one outside in the snow.

The "brother" is a perfect cat. He has developed quickly into a little boy who doesn't even look like a kitten anymore so much. He makes full jumps, he's strong and muscular and very independent, with long legs and a long tail. A proper teenage cat. He is also very quiet and "whispers" instead of meowing.

Tato is the opposite. He is loud, very dependent, small and not muscular at all. He loves to be held and loved on. Their overall builds and frames are very different.

Tato feels like a stuffed animal. His muscular is soft and floppy and his fur is so soft. Niko has course fur and thick, strong muscles - not really soft or "cuddly" feeling at all. He's like a little wild creature.

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  • #25


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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
I spoke too soon! He must have known I was gossiping about him. This afternoon I did a collar check and it was actually snug! I loosened it for the first time. And then he surprised me even more by actually JUMPING! It was only about a foot, but he's never been able to do that before. He's always been so clumsy and short.

Check out his feathery little tail! It's gotten so dark and grown so quickly.


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TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
you mention the food is out of reach for tato other than food time. you might consider leaving him some dry kitten food out all the time for grazing (double ditto for water def should be available at all times). some cats don't like eating on a schedule and for kittens its important they eat when they're hungry all they can eat yannow?

these two are brother and sister. claud (the snowshoe lynxpoint) is longer and lighterweight than his sister. they're almost 11 months now. this pic taken a few weeks back. they're both downy soft claude is cross eyed so he's been very clumsy. it was about 5 months old when he started making jumps at all decently. one time he tried to jump off my desk and my hubby was like don't let him.. (i'd watched him jump to the chair just the day before successfully so I was like he's ok) but he missed. we have had to be pretty careful with him but he's getting more better now. he actually made a jump to a counter today. some of the highest jumping I've seen from him. they both do the liquid rubber thing. and are constantly falling off things because they suddenly just melt. i've been a little worried that maybe claude is a very very mild cerebellum cat.. but its probably just crosseyed and this ragdoll thing he has going. he has an appt next month with the vet for an over all going over. his sister is much more athletic than he is, but she doesn't have crossed eyes and she isn't quite as floppy cat as h
e is. just sometimes.

claude has been about half a pound off his sister from when they were about 5 months old. he's finally catching up as of their last weighing. I think he's going to be a very big cat. just slow on the weight gain.
PXL_20231208_133430992.MP (1).jpg
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Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Pointed cats definitely have funny personalities. Often clingy, often vocal... but I love them. Your two could still be siblings - different fathers. Both are adorable!
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
you mention the food is out of reach for tato other than food time. you might consider leaving him some dry kitten food out all the time for grazing (double ditto for water def should be available at all times). some cats don't like eating on a schedule and for kittens its important they eat when they're hungry all they can eat yannow?

these two are brother and sister. claud (the snowshoe lynxpoint) is longer and lighterweight than his sister. they're almost 11 months now. this pic taken a few weeks back. they're both downy soft claude is cross eyed so he's been very clumsy. it was about 5 months old when he started making jumps at all decently. one time he tried to jump off my desk and my hubby was like don't let him.. (i'd watched him jump to the chair just the day before successfully so I was like he's ok) but he missed. we have had to be pretty careful with him but he's getting more better now. he actually made a jump to a counter today. some of the highest jumping I've seen from him. they both do the liquid rubber thing. and are constantly falling off things because they suddenly just melt. i've been a little worried that maybe claude is a very very mild cerebellum cat.. but its probably just crosseyed and this ragdoll thing he has going. he has an appt next month with the vet for an over all going over. his sister is much more athletic than he is, but she doesn't have crossed eyes and she isn't quite as floppy cat as hView attachment 467789e is. just sometimes.

claude has been about half a pound off his sister from when they were about 5 months old. he's finally catching up as of their last weighing. I think he's going to be a very big cat. just slow on the weight gain. View attachment 467788View attachment 467789
I've been leaving food out all day for them. He just can't reach it and I can't keep it on the floor because we have two large dogs that scoop it right up. But I work from home and just pick him up for a snack every time I walk through the mudroom. He is also very vocal and lets me know in no uncertain terms that he is hungry.

We've been working on getting him some steps as well, but it's hard to find a solution that works for such a small room that's also a footpath. Right now we have a chair propped against the counter, but he can't jump onto the chair yet. He DID manage to jump from the chair onto the counter today though.

Your kittens are beautiful!
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
Pointed cats definitely have funny personalities. Often clingy, often vocal... but I love them. Your two could still be siblings - different fathers. Both are adorable!
I wouldn't doubt different fathers! I'm pretty sure I've seen both prospective dads as well. I've never had a colorpoint before so this has been a fun little "getting to know you" adventure. He is absolutely hilarious!

Today my partner was commenting that Tato only likes me. I told him that he needed to start baby talking him and cuddling him like a little baby when he cries to be picked up. When he did, Tato just melted into purring mush. And then the second he put him down, he was shouting to be picked up again! This went on three or four times before he finally put him down and walked away...and Tato chased after him yowling to be picked back up. 😂 He created a cuddle monster.
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
Dog tax - This is one of our hairy vultures. He is highly intolerant to any poultry ingredient so we have to be very careful about keeping cat food well out of his reach.

He adores the kittens though and is constantly mothering them. They're never QUITE clean enough to him. He often grabs them and gives them a thorough bath. And when they play wrestle he runs in and shoves them apart with his nose. No roughhousing, someone might get hurt!



TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
I've been leaving food out all day for them. He just can't reach it and I can't keep it on the floor because we have two large dogs that scoop it right up. But I work from home and just pick him up for a snack every time I walk through the mudroom. He is also very vocal and lets me know in no uncertain terms that he is hungry.

We've been working on getting him some steps as well, but it's hard to find a solution that works for such a small room that's also a footpath. Right now we have a chair propped against the counter, but he can't jump onto the chair yet. He DID manage to jump from the chair onto the counter today though.

Your kittens are beautiful!

ty. the coloring reminded me of your gorgeous pair.

do you have any small boxes with a kitten sized opening or could make one out of a plastic tub wiht a lid,) you could put out for him that the dogs couldn't get into but he can or something along those lines?
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
ty. the coloring reminded me of your gorgeous pair.

do you have any small boxes with a kitten sized opening or could make one out of a plastic tub wiht a lid,) you could put out for him that the dogs couldn't get into but he can or something along those lines?
I don't trust food on the floor at all. Perhaps my situation might seem odd or negligent to some, but it is where we're at. Our dog is very determined if food isn't put up - and when I say he is intolerant I mean severely, deathly intolerant.

The last time he got into something inappropriate, in that case a single chicken nugget, he actually went completely unconscious because his intestines had swelled entirely shut. He spent three days in the ER under risk of surgery to relax his intestine.

We've found great success keeping the food on the back of the counter. And when I wasn't feeding kittens, I'd put meals out twice a day and then pick up the bowls afterwards so that there were no accidents.

On the floor, not so much success. I wouldn't trust him not to knock over a box or barricade to get a "poisonous" snack. I can't risk him ending up in the ER because of a bowl of cat food.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2023
I don't trust food on the floor at all. Perhaps my situation might seem odd or negligent to some, but it is where we're at. Our dog is very determined if food isn't put up - and when I say he is intolerant I mean severely, deathly intolerant.

The last time he got into something inappropriate, in that case a single chicken nugget, he actually went completely unconscious because his intestines had swelled entirely shut. He spent three days in the ER under risk of surgery to relax his intestine.

We've found great success keeping the food on the back of the counter. And when I wasn't feeding kittens, I'd put meals out twice a day and then pick up the bowls afterwards so that there were no accidents.

On the floor, not so much success. I wouldn't trust him not to knock over a box or barricade to get a "poisonous" snack. I can't risk him ending up in the ER because of a bowl of cat food.
I just read this wide eyed....geez that is crazy. I'm currently customizing my cat tower to where it has a "gate" between levels so the big kids can be separated during meals and the baby won't get into their food until we know what is causing her stomach issues. One is a grazer the other is a piggy, so it can be tough to keep them getting the appropriate amount of food.
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
I just read this wide eyed....geez that is crazy. I'm currently customizing my cat tower to where it has a "gate" between levels so the big kids can be separated during meals and the baby won't get into their food until we know what is causing her stomach issues. One is a grazer the other is a piggy, so it can be tough to keep them getting the appropriate amount of food.
I hope you figure out her issues! It took us AGES to figure it out with ours. We tried (or thought we tried) everything. But even all the special sensitive diets and whatnot still hurt him. We spent so much time and money at the vet. We finally figured out that it was poultry after like two years of puking, diarrhea, and pain. We were considering QOL, which sucks. Chicken is the worst. Did you know that ALL dog foods are soaking in chicken fat food flavoring??? We finally found a single food that is certified poultry free and he's been perfect ever since. But it was a nightmare trying to puzzle through it all. Food intolerances are a personal nightmare to get to the bottom of and I sympathize with you.

I like your idea of a custom cat tower! That would surely work wonders to keep yours separated.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2023
I hope you figure out her issues! It took us AGES to figure it out with ours. We tried (or thought we tried) everything. But even all the special sensitive diets and whatnot still hurt him. We spent so much time and money at the vet. We finally figured out that it was poultry after like two years of puking, diarrhea, and pain. We were considering QOL, which sucks. Chicken is the worst. Did you know that ALL dog foods are soaking in chicken fat food flavoring??? We finally found a single food that is certified poultry free and he's been perfect ever since. But it was a nightmare trying to puzzle through it all. Food intolerances are a personal nightmare to get to the bottom of and I sympathize with you.

I like your idea of a custom cat tower! That would surely work wonders to keep yours separated.
Thanks so much! I am not at all surprised that everything has chicken flavoring (I mean it's cheap, I even look at it longingly when picking meats for their homemade food LOL). I was shocked (and annoyed) that all the expensive sensitive digestion foods have chicken, both vets keep pushing them but I'm like $90 for a food my cat thinks is disgusting and has cheap low quality ingredients that often trigger health conditions...? Why? If we knew the cause and said food avoided those triggers I could understand but at this point it makes so little sense to go full tilt in a direction that probably won't narrow down the problem at all. I'm so glad y'all figured it out at last because that sounds miserable, we're only at 2-3 months and it's already stressing us out.

It's hard enough to figure out and eliminate my own food intolerances to the point I gave up and just deal with the consequences :flail:

They love their cat tower! When they want to go to bed for the night they'll start fighting over (mainly stepping on each other until the other leaves LOL) which bed/level they want. It's so funny. Eventually I want to build a cat walk across to the window so they can access it without jumping on our TV.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
I don't trust food on the floor at all. Perhaps my situation might seem odd or negligent to some, but it is where we're at. Our dog is very determined if food isn't put up - and when I say he is intolerant I mean severely, deathly intolerant.

The last time he got into something inappropriate, in that case a single chicken nugget, he actually went completely unconscious because his intestines had swelled entirely shut. He spent three days in the ER under risk of surgery to relax his intestine.

We've found great success keeping the food on the back of the counter. And when I wasn't feeding kittens, I'd put meals out twice a day and then pick up the bowls afterwards so that there were no accidents.

On the floor, not so much success. I wouldn't trust him not to knock over a box or barricade to get a "poisonous" snack. I can't risk him ending up in the ER because of a bowl of cat food.
sorry about your pup.. but food and water really needs to be accessable at all times to a baby kitten. especially one overcoming some health issues. just trying to help you find some sort of solution. if he can't jump you're risking the babies health as well by not giving him grazing options. cats graze. aren't there kitten dry foods with no chicken? I don't have dogs so I don't have a ton of clever solutions off the top of my head but I think some of the other areas of this forum have areas that a lot of people might be able to help you come up with good ideas to be able to keep some food somewhere for the baby that he can get to that the dog can't. maybe they can even help you find a way to make a staircase for the kitten out of shelves or something


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
That could be why the one kitten is smaller. Some cats are grazers and only eat little bits during one sitting. Others, they'll eat a big meal a couple times a day and be okay. They make cool door locks that keep a door only open a few inches. Cats could go in a closet or spare room but dog couldn't. I looked into that once so dog wouldn't eat cat poops. There are also pet doors that could be put in that a dog couldn't get through. Totally understand not wanting the dog to get even a smidge of food. The RFID feeders are not good for this - not 100% (just FYI).
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
sorry about your pup.. but food and water really needs to be accessable at all times to a baby kitten. especially one overcoming some health issues. just trying to help you find some sort of solution. if he can't jump you're risking the babies health as well by not giving him grazing options. cats graze. aren't there kitten dry foods with no chicken? I don't have dogs so I don't have a ton of clever solutions off the top of my head but I think some of the other areas of this forum have areas that a lot of people might be able to help you come up with good ideas to be able to keep some food somewhere for the baby that he can get to that the dog can't. maybe they can even help you find a way to make a staircase for the kitten out of shelves or something
I'm not sure where you got the impression that I don't leave water out for him. My issue is with FOOD being left on the floor or within reach of the dog. I have water bowls stationed throughout the house. I already said, I am working on a solution. In the meantime, there will be no food left on the floor, even if there is some sort of clever workaround with locks and gizmos and boxes and walls. I'm not starving Tato. I offer him canned food four times a day and he eats almost an entire can each time. I offer him dry food every single time I get up. I mean every SINGLE time. I am home with him all day offering him as much food as I can, and I am working on creating a step system that works for him in our tiny mudroom. We just aren't there yet. The room is so small that we bash our legs on every workaround we think up. It will happen. It's just a thinker.

Now, that reiterated, that I do feed and water the kitten regularly, I am going to change the subject back to his developing coat, because this conversation is unfortunately becoming stale and going in circles.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Aug 7, 2018
His lovely coat has faint (ghost) striping!

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  • #40


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Aug 7, 2018

And even though his general coat doesn't seem extremely long his tail is changing every day