Integrating feral with inside cats


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2023
One of my four cats is very aggressive toward Robbie, the feral I fed for 15 months and brought into the house last December after trapping him and having my vet test him. I have to keep the two separate. I don't know if I will ever be able to have all of them living in harmony as we had before bringing Robbie in.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
What do you mean by 'aggressive'? Has there been an honest-to-goodness, claws out, fur flying fight, or is it just hissing, posturing, and 'cat swearing'? Either way, in my opinion, this doesn't sound like an irredeemable situation. Try very gradual, carefully supervised reintroductions, per these articles:

How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide]
Introducing Cats To Cats: The Expert’s Guide To A Smooth Transition

You may have to start again. It may take months. You may never get there. But at least you'll be giving them the chance and doing all you can to fix things. Whatever the result, you will have given Robbie a better life than he could ever have had outside. Thank you for rescuing him. ❤
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  • #3


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Aug 23, 2023
Both times Newman attacked it appeared that he wanted to kill Robbie. Robbie had a bite on his head and I stupidly tried to break it up and ended up with 9 cat bites on my hands (all from Newman of course) and had to have them Xrayed and take antibiotics. That was the first attack. The second one broke up with less damage but still left Robbie terrified. Robbie has become the cat I love more than any I've ever had and he loves me just as much. But as long as I allow Newman to get near him, his trust is diminished. I'm going to hire an animal behaviorist and possibly see a vet about getting medication for Newman to keep hi m passive. I'm at wits end. But Robbie's mental and physical health is the most important issue now. We are in love with each other. Newman is now isolated in the catio and what was Robbie's room just inside the catio. He is separated from my bedroom by a screen door that he tried to chew through so I had to install hardware cloth over it and a dead bolt to prevent him from getting it open. He keeps trying to get to Robbie!
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  • #4


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Aug 23, 2023
I've done everything recommended by the experts - swapping spaces, bedding, feeding together, etc. Newman accepted Robbie being in my bedroom as his territory but whenever he ventured out of my bedroom, Newman viciously attacked him.
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  • #7


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Aug 23, 2023
I currently have Tommy in the catio with Newman. Tommy loves it out there and Newman is happier with a companion. They can get into the small room if it gets too hot or cold in the catio. I'm hoping with Tommy out there Newman won't be trying so hard to get into the rest of the house.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I don't know how long you have had Robbie and what kind of Introductions you did, nor how long you stayed at each stage of the introduction before moving on. It has always been said that you can only move as fast as the slowest adapting cat. Not all cats have to move together with each step either. I do think giving Newman a companion rather than leaving him locked out by himself is a good move. Newman only knows his life was turned upside down by Robbie and that is part why he acts the way he does. Site swapping should still be done so that Newman has a chance to be in parts of the house he was used to before and is now denied.

All of the cats should be allowed to spend time with one another, other than Newman and Robbie for now. Having more of Robbie's scent on the other cats might help Newman long term. It also keeps the others in a stable set up with each other, even if they spend time in different locations with different cats.

You are more than welcome to try a behaviorist, but they essentially do the same things that are recommended here - only you pay for it. Yes, they can observe your cats where we cannot; we rely on you for that and the more you observe the more you, yourself, learn about behaviors.

Read those articles that you were provided, as well as these.
Do Cats Get Jealous? (And What To Do About It When They Do) - TheCatSite
Stress in Cats - The Ultimate Guide - TheCatSite
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  • #9


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Aug 23, 2023
Thank you so much for this! I fed Robbie outside for 15 months and trapped him in December 2023, had him tested, and brought him into the house. My area is full of predators, mainly coyotes but also hawks, owls, and raccoons. At first he was confined to my bedroom and the adjacent catio. He is just now getting comfortable in other parts of the house while Newman and Tommy are in the catio and the adjacent little room inside by way of doggie door. When I recently tried keeping Robbie in the bedroom and letting Newman back in the main part of the house, he tried to claw and chew through the screen door that separates my bedroom from the rest of the house in attempt to get at Robbie. I guess I will need to put the solid door back on but then they won't see or smell each other. (I have two screen doors - one separating my bedroom from the main part of the house and one separating my bedroom from the little room accessed from the catio through the doggie door. Maybe the solid door is ok as long as they are swapping spaces? If I leave Robbie in my bedroom while I am in other parts of the house, he cries. I have been able to feed all of the cats in my bedroom. Maybe they all either see that as Robbie's territory or as Switzerland so I will continue to do that.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
You could also consider getting a piece of plexiglass and affix it to the screen door to prevent Newman from clawing through the screen but still allow sight.

When I mentioned behaviors, I neglected to mention your own. From your post, it is clear that Robbie pretty much has your favor, especially over Newman. Don't kid yourself into thinking that hasn't changed how you react and behave around Newman. Cats are very sensitive to how people perceive them, particularly when there is a change.

Does Robbie have to be alone when he is in your bedroom? Doesn't he get along with any of the other cats?
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  • #11


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Aug 23, 2023
I always leave my oldest cat with Robbie because Newman bullies her too. She's a cranky old thing - likes people more than other cats. The others tolerate her but Newman bullies her. She is safer with Robbie than out wherever Newman is. But she's not much of a companion for Robbie. Tommy licks Robbie's face but tries to dominate and intimidate him - weird! Robbie tries to play with Sasha but even though she tolerates him, she won't play with him. Plexiglass is a good idea! I will try to get some for that screen door.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
If I recall ,Robbie was in the bedroom space and the catio where he could see the back where he used to hang out- his old established territory-at that time I believe I suggested another area or blocking his view to where he wanted to be- is that correct?Thst was back in December -there were a couple of changes at first and it can take a minimum of 30 days ,up to 90 for a kitty to establish a new territory-Robbie has only been inside for 4 months

Introductions can go left IF too soon depending on the individual cat...AFTER the new kitty has a WELL established territory then he is ready to expand,explore further into the residents territory- if new kitty is a scaredy cat introductions ( individually of course);should take place within new kitty's safe space- if new kitty is the aggressor then it's best outside of his new territory

The reason for this is that new kitty feels safe,confident..... residents are usually confident in all of the house and that's why room swapping is important before physical introductions- sight is not implemented at this time( sound and scent is)

So it's a good idea to think back on the process to see where it went left- then you can go back and restart

Did Robbie have enough time to establish a territory ?Did you swap beds( no sight) -did they paw and sniff under the door before sight?I'm guessing something was too soon - 4months is a short time for a multi cat household that already has some issues( Newman being a bully)

I would suggest working one on one lead training Newman to have control over him and to teach him what is acceptable and what is not-he will need alot of attention to correct his behavioral issues and you can have a household of peaceful co- habitats

How about vertical space - who prefers vertical space and is it provided for them.... many times space is an issue for multi cats and vertical space gives them more options for avoidance rather than conflict
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  • #14


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Aug 23, 2023
I will start over. Yes I remember when I first brought Robbie in I closed the doggie door to the catio and hung a beach towel over the french door so he could not see outside. He was confined to the bedroom and was separated from the other cats in the rest of the house by my solid bedroom door. When I start over should I confine Robbie again and give the other cats the rest of the house or start space swapping? I thought of swapping every day but maybe that's too often. I currently have plexiglass over the screen door that separates the bedroom from the rest of the house. Should I put the solid door back on?
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  • #15


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Aug 23, 2023
I did the same thing with Robbie that I did with the previous feral and she integrated nicely after being confined for about 2 months with a screen door so they could see and smell each other but obviously that was too soon with Robbie.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I did the same thing with Robbie that I did with the previous feral and she integrated nicely after being confined for about 2 months with a screen door so they could see and smell each other but obviously that was too soon with Robbie.
That's right- they all move at their own pace- I think I'd start over with the solid door- conflict always starts with eye contact so it's probably best for Robbie not to be intimidated with stare downs and for everyone to just relax a while- gotta let Robbie feel safe and confident before facing aggressive body languages or he'll continue to act like prey and encourage more chase......

Meanwhile work with Newman one on one - when eventually they do " meet" he will be on a leash and you can pull him back saying " No"- nobody is at risk for injury that way( especially you)

You're goal should be that Robbie is not terrified and then you can move on to sight---- when Robbie is ready you can start with crate intros where they can be in the same space with scent ,sight and they'll show you when they are ready for contact.....

Some cats just integrate very easily,others can be very challenging but there's always steps to take to help them along the way..... and you're energy is very important,cool ,calm and lots of praise for good behavior
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  • #17


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Aug 23, 2023
Thank you so much as always for your advice. I appreciate it so much!!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Of course- just don't get discouraged.....I don't think any of my own cats really like Timmy or want to be his pal but they certainly know it is unacceptable not to behave nicely ,sometimes I feel bad that he doesn't really know how to play because he's really looking to socialize with everyone now but he gets too assertive and they don't know what to make of him - the more confident he gets with territory the more bullyish he gets and that too is unacceptable - remember you are in charge and each of your kitties should aim to please you,cats love praise,reward and affection- correction is counter productive without reward,the best results come by praise...... People often forget when cats just ignore each other or avoid conflict peaceably that is very deserving of high praise

Keeping attention focused on positive things like jumping from perch to perch on command or basics like " come and sit' for a treat keeps them distracted from fixating on the others- the only reason why cats are more challenging to train than dogs is because they have a short attention span- it takes alot of time and effort to keep a cats attention,work on that with each one and you'll see how beneficial it is
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2023
Thank you so much! I will try that. Sadly it all has to wait because I will be gone for two weeks with my daughter taking care of the cats. I planned to leave Newman and Tommy in the cat room and catio and Robbie and the girls in the rest of the house until I get back and can start all over. But do you think that's the best arrangement? I am afraid that if I leave Robbie confined to the bedroom in addition to missing me as his only companion and the only one who cares about him, he will be depressed. I don't know if Newman is depressed out there. If so, that's no good either. If I leave Robbie in the bedroom should he have access to the catio or will that make him want to go back to being a feral? What do you think is the best set up until I get back and can start the integration process all over?
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  • #20


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Aug 23, 2023
Also do I need to start with them not being able to see each other?