I Got My Feral In The House Today!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Thanks for taking the time to read my update and thanks for the encouragement!!
we are going to try putting them in the yard again this weekend.
Sammy is the Tester cat, if he can get out it's a no go. Tex is pretty tough too.
Oh my THANK YOU for all you are doing!!!!
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  • #743


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
update - Walli is now Free to leave her Catio, she can go out in the yard now with Sammy and Blacky
she can still get in the house through her catio, I'm hoping Sammy and Blacky will come in the house when
winter comes, they do come in to eat some of her food, but not sure if their ready to be in a bedroom with her, it's only been a month, OMG another adventure
I broke my heel in December I locked myself out of the house by going out the gate that locks now, I jumped the gate in flip flops
and that is how I broke my first bone, now I know I'm breakable! hee hee
I almost had the yard ready, and with a broken heel I was not very mobile.
So I pretty much forced myself to put them in the yard, it was sketchy at first, but I think they like the safety.
unfortunately Texy had to be put down, He was an awesome cat.
So I have the 3 together and Joey is still by himself in the house, I hope hope hope, he can someday be with the other cats.
maybe as he gets older he will not be so aggressive, he seems to have calmed down quite a bit with me, he rarely bites me.
So the only other street Feral I fed was Charlie and he belonged to another colony, I do not have any more Ferals out in the street
I just have the 4 cats now.
I'm really happy for Walli, 1st time in a long time I have seen her tail up in the air and she is running around, she is still very Feral and
I have never pet her, but she watches me brush Sammy and hold Blacky. Blacky could be a house cat!! I hope they can all come in someday, it's all up to Joey. I still bring Blacky and Sammy in the garage at night, It's still too new with Walli, it's like they need a break from her. During this heatwave they are all staying in the Shelter we built, it seems to be cooler.
It's only been a month since they have been together, I have learned to take baby steps and that seems to work well.
I keep working on the yard, I'm no Gardner but I have put plants in and lots of shade for them, they like to watch me water the plants.
I even have a pot of Petunias! (so not me)
hee hee I will try and get a pic of the 3 of them together.
I hope every one is well and not stressed, bless you for taking on this hard thing with cats!

I don't think I posted pics of all the shelters I built, I will work on that. I thought I had done that
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I am so happy to hear from you Tracey!!! It sounds that the cats are all doing so well. It's great news that Walli is getting outside with her tail in the air. Blacky and Sammy are so lucky to have you! You are so right in taking baby steps and moving slowly.

I do hope Joey will calm down with age. I have an aggressive boy too who is separated from my other 6 cats. He spends most of his days in 2 bedrooms that connect with a bathroom. He gets time out in the late afternoon and evening every day. He seems ok with the set up. We started him on gabapentin 2x a day. It has helped him but it's not the cure all.

I would love to see pictures of your setup and all of the cats too.

Thank you for updating us.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
update - Walli is now Free to leave her Catio, she can go out in the yard now with Sammy and Blacky
she can still get in the house through her catio, I'm hoping Sammy and Blacky will come in the house when
winter comes, they do come in to eat some of her food, but not sure if their ready to be in a bedroom with her, it's only been a month, OMG another adventure
I broke my heel in December I locked myself out of the house by going out the gate that locks now, I jumped the gate in flip flops
and that is how I broke my first bone, now I know I'm breakable! hee hee
I almost had the yard ready, and with a broken heel I was not very mobile.
So I pretty much forced myself to put them in the yard, it was sketchy at first, but I think they like the safety.
unfortunately Texy had to be put down, He was an awesome cat.
So I have the 3 together and Joey is still by himself in the house, I hope hope hope, he can someday be with the other cats.
maybe as he gets older he will not be so aggressive, he seems to have calmed down quite a bit with me, he rarely bites me.
So the only other street Feral I fed was Charlie and he belonged to another colony, I do not have any more Ferals out in the street
I just have the 4 cats now.
I'm really happy for Walli, 1st time in a long time I have seen her tail up in the air and she is running around, she is still very Feral and
I have never pet her, but she watches me brush Sammy and hold Blacky. Blacky could be a house cat!! I hope they can all come in someday, it's all up to Joey. I still bring Blacky and Sammy in the garage at night, It's still too new with Walli, it's like they need a break from her. During this heatwave they are all staying in the Shelter we built, it seems to be cooler.
It's only been a month since they have been together, I have learned to take baby steps and that seems to work well.
I keep working on the yard, I'm no Gardner but I have put plants in and lots of shade for them, they like to watch me water the plants.
I even have a pot of Petunias! (so not me)
hee hee I will try and get a pic of the 3 of them together.
I hope every one is well and not stressed, bless you for taking on this hard thing with cats!

I don't think I posted pics of all the shelters I built, I will work on that. I thought I had done that

THANK YOU for the GREAT update and ALL you are doing for them!!!!

Texy is now with all of our cats in that big colony looking after all of his friends here on earth. :angel:


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Thanks for the update. Would love to see pics, when you have a chance. :camera:
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  • #748


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Thanks all!! I will work on the pics
Shadow, It's stressful having cats separated, but you seem to have it manageable, I sort of do too.
your right they are probably more ok with it than we are!
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  • #749


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
So when Covid hit, I was diagnosed with Cancer and I needed to get Walli’s catio up before I started treatment
my coworkers came and helped me and my husband put Walli’s Catio up, we were all wearing masks nobody knew what Covid was then, when i think of it, it brings such emotion, my coworkers are near to my heart.
kindness just gets you right there, you know what I mean?
That is Walli’s old catio sitting next to it, we posted it on let go, and a lady that lives in a tiny house
totally fixed it up nice, I could of used her for ideas!!
Walli’s catio goes into the house into her bedroom, I hope all the cats can come in that bedroom to sleep
but I havn’t quite figured out how I’m going to do that, I have some thoughts tho.
I will get the pics of the coyote rollers and the netting, and some more current pictures
Walli was just released out of catio last month, Blacky gives her a hard time sometimes, but no fights.
Walli had put on a lot of weight and her tail was so matted down from being tucked in all the time.
She is thinning out, and she is so much happier.
It’s weird that she is looking in the house at me, she is afraid of me still, but I tell her I know she likes me!
we totally handeled wrongly getting her in the crate when we had to termite our house.
we had no idea what we were doing, and she hasn’t forgot!
Altho, Blacky was injured one time and I grabbed him from the rafters in the garage and he got over it.
He loves for me to hold him, he’s a mamas boy.
Sammy loves to get brushed too now.
fyi: Walli was our first Feral, she lived in our yard for a year before we brought her in. Yay Walli!
I will post some pics of Joey next time
attaching pdf of the pictures



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
The shelters and Catio are absolutely amazing!!! You have done absolutely the best for those cats. You are one in a million!!
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  • #753


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
stress was the driving force, I couldn't do the outside thing anymore
I am amazed how well the shelter came out, that was me and my husband putting that together.
If anyone knows how projects go with husbands and wives, it truly is a miracle! ha ha!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
stress was the driving force, I couldn't do the outside thing anymore
I am amazed how well the shelter came out, that was me and my husband putting that together.
If anyone knows how projects go with husbands and wives, it truly is a miracle! ha ha!
I couldn't do the outside thing anymore either. So when we moved it was inside only. The former feral boys adjusted ok to inside living but not all of the cats get along. We have lots of separate spaces for the cats and do lots of rotating throughout the day. I would love to have an outside space like that. Yet here in Ohio we have winter!! For now my cats are all used to living inside now and they are all very afraid of the doors to outside.

I cannot imagine doing a project like that with my husband. It would have been very difficult!! We have very different ideas of how to approach projects!! Hehe
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  • #755


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
That is great that they are afraid of the outside!! Joey seems afraid too, he has gotten out a couple times recently but stays right by the door and comes back in. He is very interested in the cats in the backyard, he's not ready, not sure I will know when he is ready.
It would be a huge deal if anyone but Joey got injured.
sheesh what an adventure bringing in street cats!
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  • #757


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
Some updates, Walli really likes Sammy, she likes to play with him, He lets her
He will let her chase him and "get" him. Sammy is such a nice cat, He is getting much braver around me.
Walli is not so afraid of Blacky, Blacky is a bit of a bully to her but he never hurts her, if she is sitting somewhere he sometimes
makes her move and he will sit there, cats are so jealous! [sigh]
Sammy still doesn't like to be picked up, but loves to be scratched and petted. I can tell Blacky & Sammy would love to leave the yard
but I have come to the point that I am the Mom and I make the rules, I sometimes feel guilty for them and have to tell myself that.
Walli still is afraid of me but I can tell something is changing for her, sheesh she was locked up in that 1 bedroom and the catio for so long
I am so happy for her, she is very content with what she has.
Joey, ugh! I need a miracle, I would like all the cats in the house but Joey is so aggressive I can tell he is not ready
going to take him to the vet to get Gapapentin for him, one time he did sneak past me and got in the back yard.
He ran out there, everybody ran away, they were all just looking at him, I practically paralyzed myself not to react
as that would of caused him to react, I called him and he went back in the house.
Sammy & Blacky go in the garage every night, there is a way in for them from the back yard, during the winter they had
heated mats on there very nice beds, Ha ha I don't park my car in the garage anymore. I don't want to leave them in the yard
even tho they have shelters as they have been escape artists a couple times, I do believe I have everything secure now
but I don't want them getting out while I"m sleeping. also it kind of breaks up them being in the yard.They are excited to go out
in the morning. so there is that!
Sorry I don't hang out here anymore, Cats and the problems that happen kinda stress me out.
I have had to adjust to so much. But I will check in now and then.


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
Sorry I don't hang out here anymore, Cats and the problems that happen kinda stress me out.
I have had to adjust to so much. But I will check in now and then.
~ Make sure that taking care of YOU is not neglected .. ! We can't help our pets if we ourselves are not doing well .
Best wishes ... :vibes::hugs:💕


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
So good to hear from you W walli and also the update on the crew!! I just love that Walli is playing with Sammy and they all love the outside space.

Joey is so much like my cat Cisco. I had him to my vet last spring after a cystitis flare. We decided to try him on 50 mg of Gabapentin 2x a day. It worked well for about 4 months. Then it just wasn't enough for him. He's a big cat so 50 mg was on the lower end. We bumped him to 75 mg 2x a day and so far so good. He is so much calmer. Yet he spends most of his time in 2 bedrooms upstairs that are connected by a bathroom. We visit him 2x a day and then at 4pm he comes down to the main floor for about 5 hours. At 9 pm he is at the stairs ready to go back to his space.

He just cannot get along with the other cats. He does fine with one of them (used to be 2 cats he did well with, but one recently passed away). Cisco has attacked my younger cat Oliver 3x. Two of the times Oliver needed vet care. Cisco can go from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye. In February when I had him to the vet for his yearly exam, my vet believes he has a chemical imbalance. He is just the sweetest cat when he is all by himself. I could never rehome him with all of his urinary issues. So I do the best I can for him.

The max dose of gabapentin is 100 mg 2x a day. So he still has another 25 mg to go before hitting the max. Since one of our cats passed away 3 weeks ago, the cats have been in a bit of disarray. I gave Cisco 100 mg one night at bedtime as he was yowling and howling and just could not settle. It worked like a charm and he has not needed the higher dose again.

The gaba also helps to keep his stress levels down so he doesn't have cystitis flares. Keeping him even keeled and calm is always needed. I read many many articles on using gabapentin to help calm cats instead of using anti depressant drugs that can cause the extra large pee clumps. When I had him to the ER vet last year, they put him on it for 5 days to keep him calm so that he could pee.

I hope your vet will give it a try with Joey. I always believe starting at a lower dose is best. It gives you room to go higher if needed later on.