Looking on some advice on my situation (introducing 9 week onld kitten to 5 year old Cat)


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 4, 2024
So i have had a kitty for about 5 years now and as we have always wanted to get two cats we decided that now would be a good time. So we went out and adopted a nine week old kitten and brought her home today.

When bringing her home my eldest cat ran up to my while i had the cat carrier on the counter and was very very curious about the meowing coming that was coming from it and quickly found out that it was another kitty.

She immediately became agitated hissed and growled a little bit and ran to the farthest corner of the house that happens to be behind the couch where she still resides to this very moment. (only been about a few hours since we brought the kitten home) I have and will continue for the time being to keep the seperated for at least a couple days to a week but the thing is my older cat wont let anyone get near her even me her favourite cuddle buddy she hisses and growls if you get to close but wont attack or try to cause any actual harm. (I should say that we are giving her space and leaving her be)

I was just wondering is this normal behaviour for her to act like this to me? I know and hopefully wont be like that forever but just a little bit worried. I assume that this might last for a few days and has anyone gone through somthing simular?

After keeping them seprate for a few days when would be a good time to move onto the next step?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, good! You've chosen a kitten at the right age to more easily assimilate with your cat. Cats seem to have a hard-wired "NO GO" switch when it comes to harming a young kitten. Doesn't mean that they will like the situation, doesn't mean that they will not "discuss" it with you, at length and repeatedly, but it does mean the kitten is almost certainly safe!

This is an excellent article on introducing adult cats and kittens! It isn't too long, and very clear and concise! Give it a read, and holler back with any questions!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
I was just wondering is this normal behaviour for her to act like this to me?
You're adult is very scared of the little invador. Give her some time and space. Make sure to wash your hands and maybe even change clothes after playing with the kitten. Talk calmly too her, don't push interactions, and let her come to you. She still loves you and is just overwhelmed right now.

Here's a guide for introductions:
How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide] - TheCatSite

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
It's definitely normal behaviour for the older cat to show displeasure by hissing, and staying away from the kitten. I've introduced 2 kittens to my older boy. The first kitten he stayed upstairs for about a week not hiding just sulking. He definitely didn't want cuddles from me for a few day's because he could smell the kitten.After a week or so he started to come downstairs and check out the new kitten. Even then he'd run when the kitten tried to play. But it all was good he became friends with the kitten. The 2nd kitten was much easier to introduce because when I got him he was on cage rest so both my other cat's quickly released the kitten couldn't get to them. But it didn't stop my older boys hissing whenever they walked past the pen he was in. All the bigger cat's think is who is this stranger in my house the kitten smells like cat but certainly doesn't know how to behave like one. I'm sure it will work out for you and the articles Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 and Hellenww Hellenww recommended are great.
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