Vet practices taken over by Corporations


Animals are Blessings
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Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi Everyone

I really need to vent a bit to my fellow pet parents and cat lovers,the only folks than cab understand my frustration

I'm seeing the same Vet for over 20 yrs,he was the original owner of the Veterinary clinic that has me twisted in a knot!A wonderful " DrWelby" kind of guy who has practiced Veterinary Medicine for 45yrs.Quite a few years ago( we'll call him DrTL )sold the practice to one of the Vets who worked there many years but DrTL continued on working ,just less hours- all good. A couple of years ago the practice was sold again but went ' Corporate" and everything changed,drastically

Since the change and new Mgmt you walk in and are treated like a total stranger,I have 5 cats and am there quite often - also I used to by all my cat food there and Revolution Plus(x's 5 cats is a pretty penny once a month) .... They certainly know who I am yet the greeting when you walk in is " your name "?Seriously?

Okay I can tolerate a little because DrTL is the best Vet I've ever known but his hours started getting few and far between and suddenly he wasn't getting messages I'd leave - he's the kind of guy that calls you when he gets home or is out to dinner if he didn't get a chance until closing time

Graycie had a bad cough that was difficult to diagnose,she had many tests etc & finally he had a solution to help my sweet girl and called to tell me and also to tell me he was now just on as a relief Dr( filling in) but he also fills in at 3 other clinics so my choice where to go for him to treat her-he knows I don't want to see anyone else as long as he is not retired

Anyway,I drove out to Boca,Graycie got a steroid injection Dec29th and has not coughed once since then until 2 weeks ago ,now this week and getting closer in days.So I call to leave a msg for Doc & they say" he's retired" and cannot take a msg!!!! I call the other clinic and they said he'll be in April 1st and they won't take a msg...... uhhhh,getting ticked off now

I call the first clinic back because I always leave cash there and I'm up to around $500.- today I gave them my last of Revolution( I buy 3mos supply)- I figure let me do that ,use my credit and search for DrTL.... the Mgr tells me the Vet has to approve it-man,really? No they want to squeeze a Vet visit out of me to fill the Rx--' I'm spending $400 with YOU ,not calling in a Rx..... now I'm beyond ticked off

I called a friend of mine & asked her to get on her computer and find DrTL- he's on fb but hasn't been active since 2019 so she suggests we try the messenger --I Saud okay ,just say your my friend and please call Kwik,it's about Graycie......2hrs later Doc called ,I told him about the Revolution & he said no problem get it from Chewy & I'll approve it and get your money back from the clinic- I have an appt with him in Boca ,Graycie will get her shot and he said anytime I want him just use the messenger❤

Now getting my money from them should be interesting but I'll do what I need to and do my best - It's just really sad to see what's happening to many of the really personal & conpassionate animal hospitals,clinics and the once privately owned practices just becoming a thing of the past- the new generation seems to be only motivated by $$$ and not by passion

Okay,I feel better now- if you read this extremely long rant then what can I say but " thank you for listening "

Maybe this would be a good place to share our feelings.The good news is there are fantastic ,loving & kind people in this world like DrTL- but are they a dying breed,I hope not


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Gosh hope that never happens to me! I finally found a vet I like. It is owned by a vca but is in a bad location where it floods bad and I read hurricanes will be bad this year though I read that alot


(Alice) Girl with a cat
Alpha Cat
Jan 11, 2024
I have an experience the other way around interestingly. We had a small hometown vet clinic with the rudest vet ever, the staff knew us and they would send cards with your cat's name on them if they passed away, they would let you keep your pets to bury even if they were "too big" for the law to bury them. So in theory great but the main vet was just not empathic at all. He also gave our cat the wrong eye drops once so he lost his eye.
Since moving to a big city I expected our new vet to be all business like your vet clinic now sounds. But they are so nice and understanding and will respond to any question in such a friendly way. I guess they do exist in the city.
But it must be so annoying and difficult for you if the quality of contact and compassion changes so drastically..


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I hear you. I went to the same vet - first the dad and then the son who took over when dad retired. Been going to them since 1982 or so. Son, the other vets and the entire staff were great. He took care of all 3 of my cats, until all of a sudden, he was never available for an appt. Finally found out he sold the practice to a corporation; I believe due to some personal issues in his life. The corp kept son's name on the practice and even kept a photo in the lobby of the son and his dad telling the story of the practice. While I was digging into what happened, I went to the #2 vet until she disappeared (retired), then #3, and then the 4th vet, who admitted to me that son was gone, was fired with no explanation. Staff were dropping like flies, with new faces every time you turned around. Vet #5, finally decided to bail, but at least she was upfront about it and everyone ended up finding out where she was going, and I followed her there as well as a few others Turns out Vet #4 works there as well, along with some of the other staff. The new place is - so far - privately owned as was dad/son's practice. I hope it stays that way for a long time to come.

I was desperate to keep Feeby going to the same place - less than 10 minutes from my home - because it was right around the time the son stopped seeing patients (aka left) that Feeby developed the beginning of all her health issues. I just couldn't take it after Vet #5 left and there were few people there that I even knew. Pricing structure was also changed in accordance with how most corporations operate too. I honestly have no idea who is left, but I think all the remaining vets have moved on, and most if not all the techs/staff. Last I knew, son's name was still on the business cards, and the web site, as the 'main' vet.

Son had built a very nice, respected practice to have it all trashed with his departure. I am still mad at him, but people have to do what they have to do. It was awful going through all those changes when no one would tell you what was going on, and you have a sick cat who needed/needs constant care.
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  • #6


Animals are Blessings
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Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I hear you. I went to the same vet - first the dad and then the son who took over when dad retired. Been going to them since 1982 or so. Son, the other vets and the entire staff were great. He took care of all 3 of my cats, until all of a sudden, he was never available for an appt. Finally found out he sold the practice to a corporation; I believe due to some personal issues in his life. The corp kept son's name on the practice and even kept a photo in the lobby of the son and his dad telling the story of the practice. While I was digging into what happened, I went to the #2 vet until she disappeared (retired), then #3, and then the 4th vet, who admitted to me that son was gone, was fired with no explanation. Staff were dropping like flies, with new faces every time you turned around. Vet #5, finally decided to bail, but at least she was upfront about it and everyone ended up finding out where she was going, and I followed her there as well as a few others Turns out Vet #4 works there as well, along with some of the other staff. The new place is - so far - privately owned as was dad/son's practice. I hope it stays that way for a long time to come.

I was desperate to keep Feeby going to the same place - less than 10 minutes from my home - because it was right around the time the son stopped seeing patients (aka left) that Feeby developed the beginning of all her health issues. I just couldn't take it after Vet #5 left and there were few people there that I even knew. Pricing structure was also changed in accordance with how most corporations operate too. I honestly have no idea who is left, but I think all the remaining vets have moved on, and most if not all the techs/staff. Last I knew, son's name was still on the business cards, and the web site, as the 'main' vet.

Son had built a very nice, respected practice to have it all trashed with his departure. I am still mad at him, but people have to do what they have to do. It was awful going through all those changes when no one would tell you what was going on, and you have a sick cat who needed/needs constant care.
My goodness, same thing is exactly what has happened here only his protégé who was the first purchaser was not his son and it was all the same staff from reception ,office Mgr & Vet techs- it felt like home and your pet was the most important being on the,,it's like " who? Which CAT did you say"?

And ironically,,like yours was so nearby ,they are directly across the street from my home! Now thst would not be a big deal to me except with the cancer and my blown out knees I csn barely manage to get to my car!

April 18th is my total knee replacement surgery-I was trying to be stocked with the kitties Revolution and prevent any issues with Graycie and that awful coughing-Ive not seen my girl running and frollicking around like she is since the Dep injection-for many months begore while she was coughing so badly she must've been uncomfortable and not feeling good at all( we tried many treatments to no avail). I'm going to be unable to go anywhere for a few weeks - it's important all the kitties have what they need

I'm not glad thst you have gone through this as well but it is good to know thst someone else understands how frustrating it can be

I don't expect my dear DrTL to practice forever but it would have been nice for the clinic to help people with the transition - I know he was unable to tell anyone that he was literally being forced out---where I live was once a small community and very seasonal location,DrTL and all his loyal locals made that clinic the very big lucrative business it is today....geez,during the pandemic we'd wait outside and one of the techs would come out to take your dog or cat inside like it was their own child....and then it all changed,abruptly

Very sad....

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
My previous vet was a low cost clinic never got to see the same vet twice. When speaking to my brother about it he told me that the vet's he used was exactly the same and because it was a big franchise they upsold constantly. My daughter used the same vet's as me, then couldn't get a appointment on a weekend without travelling a fair distance. I suggested she just make a appointment at the nearest vet's office because by the time she'd taken taxi fares into the price it would work out cheaper then the low cost clinic. On the first appointment new vet told us what was wrong with her cat's eyes. We had had a number of previous appointments about them. She is a cat friendly independent vet. We didn't even know about this practice because the previous vet was going to sell to a big corporation but she bought the practice because she believed the area needed a vet's. Changing my vet's to the independent was the best decision I have made. So I totally understand you needing to vent because I have been there and thought it was just because I was using the low cost clinic until my brother told me he was looking to move vet's too.
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  • #8


Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
My previous vet was a low cost clinic never got to see the same vet twice. When speaking to my brother about it he told me that the vet's he used was exactly the same and because it was a big franchise they upsold constantly. My daughter used the same vet's as me, then couldn't get a appointment on a weekend without travelling a fair distance. I suggested she just make a appointment at the nearest vet's office because by the time she'd taken taxi fares into the price it would work out cheaper then the low cost clinic. On the first appointment new vet told us what was wrong with her cat's eyes. We had had a number of previous appointments about them. She is a cat friendly independent vet. We didn't even know about this practice because the previous vet was going to sell to a big corporation but she bought the practice because she believed the area needed a vet's. Changing my vet's to the independent was the best decision I have made. So I totally understand you needing to vent because I have been there and thought it was just because I was using the low cost clinic until my brother told me he was looking to move vet's too.
Everytime I've gone in to the place I always add money to my account-its great when something comes up or God Forbid an emergency to have that little cushion plus having health issues myself I'm always thinking of my kitties in the event I must be admitted and someone needs to get one of them to the Vet

Anyway it has accumulated to over $500.-I figured I'd by 3months supply of Revolution (thats 15 doses) the Vet there only approved 3 and wanted me to bring a cat in for a visit- "No" I'm not about to be nickel and dimed by anyone so I told the gal on the phone I'd pick up the 3doses and need my cash back.... her response was " you can't get a credit back- you have to speak to the mgr" ....

So yestetday,ticked off and ready to fight I got in my car- on the way I said a prayer and thought it's much better to walk in the right Spirit and leave the scarey attitude behind ( I scare myself if I'm that mad

What a Blessing,one of the long time sweet techs were there- disgusted by it all herself and cutting back to working only 1day a week she was sympathetic- the Mgr wasn't in,the Vet that wanted me to make an appt was not in & so she sold me the 15 doses and asked if I wanted the $144 balance ..... I left it there just in case of emergency since the hospital is right across the street

The sweet tech has 5 dogs,4 cats and feels really bad for the long time patients that are all unhappy as I am -she didn't even know what happened to DrTL herself- they told her he retired! A lady overheard our conversation and followed me outside- " Did you say you know where DrTL is"?She too has seen him over 25 yrs- I told her to message him on facebook....she was ecstatic

It must be a non compete clause he's bound to because his patients would follow him anywhere.....the whole thing just sickens me

I'm really glad you now have a private practioner- thank God for that . These corps just rake you over the coals

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
Everytime I've gone in to the place I always add money to my account-its great when something comes up or God Forbid an emergency to have that little cushion plus having health issues myself I'm always thinking of my kitties in the event I must be admitted and someone needs to get one of them to the Vet

Anyway it has accumulated to over $500.-I figured I'd by 3months supply of Revolution (thats 15 doses) the Vet there only approved 3 and wanted me to bring a cat in for a visit- "No" I'm not about to be nickel and dimed by anyone so I told the gal on the phone I'd pick up the 3doses and need my cash back.... her response was " you can't get a credit back- you have to speak to the mgr" ....

So yestetday,ticked off and ready to fight I got in my car- on the way I said a prayer and thought it's much better to walk in the right Spirit and leave the scarey attitude behind ( I scare myself if I'm that mad

What a Blessing,one of the long time sweet techs were there- disgusted by it all herself and cutting back to working only 1day a week she was sympathetic- the Mgr wasn't in,the Vet that wanted me to make an appt was not in & so she sold me the 15 doses and asked if I wanted the $144 balance ..... I left it there just in case of emergency since the hospital is right across the street

The sweet tech has 5 dogs,4 cats and feels really bad for the long time patients that are all unhappy as I am -she didn't even know what happened to DrTL herself- they told her he retired! A lady overheard our conversation and followed me outside- " Did you say you know where DrTL is"?She too has seen him over 25 yrs- I told her to message him on facebook....she was ecstatic

It must be a non compete clause he's bound to because his patients would follow him anywhere.....the whole thing just sickens me

I'm really glad you now have a private practioner- thank God for that . These corps just rake you over the coals
Yep your right, and I'm glad you got the sympathetic tech. My other brother was having two dogs teeth cleaned annually at a big franchise they then said one of his dogs needed teeth removed. That made him get a second opinion because his dog had had no problems and he brushes thier teeth. Different vet said nothing wrong with them. He also said if you look after the teeth they don't need cleaning every year unless something wrong. He would of been charged hundreds of pounds and put his dog through surgery that wasn't necessary. The difference in the way these big companies treat thier customers is appalling. So glad your cat's have you because lot's of people wouldn't say a word and just would of forked out for a unessasary appointment.
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  • #10


Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yep your right, and I'm glad you got the sympathetic tech. My other brother was having two dogs teeth cleaned annually at a big franchise they then said one of his dogs needed teeth removed. That made him get a second opinion because his dog had had no problems and he brushes thier teeth. Different vet said nothing wrong with them. He also said if you look after the teeth they don't need cleaning every year unless something wrong. He would of been charged hundreds of pounds and put his dog through surgery that wasn't necessary. The difference in the way these big companies treat thier customers is appalling. So glad your cat's have you because lot's of people wouldn't say a word and just would of forked out for a unessasary appointment.
Oh my goodness- as I was reading I was wondering what's wrong with those dogs teeth to have to get cleanings every year- then in the next sentence I my question was answered- NOTHING! Ooooh that makes me mad.....glad your brother had the sense to get a second opinion,imagine that,needlessly pulling the dogs teeth out? They don't deserve a license to practice
- yes,appalling!

I forgot to mention,since they went corporate I constantly get reminder cards in the mail for fecal tests,blood work etc. and I just shake my head. You're right,I wonder how many people get those card and promptly make an appt for a battery of tests for no reason whatsoever?Why would I want a fecal once a year times 5- geez,,if I did want to check for parasites or what have you I'd do one cat- what one has they all have!It's absurd,my human childs doctor didn't send notices or ask for twice yearly labs,not even at the yearly visit

Crazy,just crazy


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
Oh my goodness- as I was reading I was wondering what's wrong with those dogs teeth to have to get cleanings every year- then in the next sentence I my question was answered- NOTHING! Ooooh that makes me mad.....glad your brother had the sense to get a second opinion,imagine that,needlessly pulling the dogs teeth out? They don't deserve a license to practice
- yes,appalling!

I forgot to mention,since they went corporate I constantly get reminder cards in the mail for fecal tests,blood work etc. and I just shake my head. You're right,I wonder how many people get those card and promptly make an appt for a battery of tests for no reason whatsoever?Why would I want a fecal once a year times 5- geez,,if I did want to check for parasites or what have you I'd do one cat- what one has they all have!It's absurd,my human childs doctor didn't send notices or ask for twice yearly labs,not even at the yearly visit

Crazy,just crazy
In the past, I have had at least 2 doctors. 1 human and 1 Vet bombard me with mail and email notices. I solved the Phone calling quickly by blocking their number. Presently I chose a visit on my own terms.
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  • #12


Animals are Blessings
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
In the past, I have had at least 2 doctors. 1 human and 1 Vet bombard me with mail and email notices. I solved the Phone calling quickly by blocking their number. Presently I chose a visit on my own terms.
Exactly and everyone knows better than to call me- I'm a grown woman,I know when my appts are.....I'm with you👍