My Husband and I, and the future


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 2, 2018
Hello, I just wanted to talk about this somewhere and hope this is okay.

In November we lost our sweet Ryuji, who I named my username after. He was a beautiful orange cat who absolutely shone in the sun. He was a typical orange cat, very silly and crazy about his food. He was always so cuddly and comforting; if you had a bad day it would all go away after holding him for a few moments in your arms. All cats have their own personalities, but he was definitely a standout to both of us, as we had never had such a friendly and headstrong cat before. He loved going out on the harness and everyone who met him immediately fell in love. We currently have no children and so Ryuji truly was like our child, he was a major milestone for us as we adopted him together once we moved in together. In a way, Ryuji was analogous to our relationship, to us.

His passing was extremely sudden and completely unexpected. About a month before, he was having balance issues. The vet diagnosed it as an ear infection and prescribed medication. After taking the medication he seemed completely fine and recovered normally. The next month, he began to seem lethargic. Another trip and the vet suspected he had a cold, again sent home with medication. The very next day his condition took a nosedive, he began pacing around the house and was seemingly blind. As mentioned before, he was always a fiend for his food but was barely interested in it. A trip to the emergency vet, and they run every test they possibly can and can't find anything wrong. They say the only thing left we could do was see a specialist for an extremely expensive brain scan, and send us home with supplies to at least keep him comfortable. The next day I go into work with my heart shattering as I laid him down, with the worst feeling in my gut. By the time I finish up, my husband calls me crying to hurry home.

When I arrive home, he is even worse than before and doesn't seem conscious of anything. We both cry and cry for hours before making that worse decision and taking him back to the vet to cross the rainbow bridge. We both describe the day as one of the saddest in our lives despite also losing many human family members as well. The vets are unsure what happened but believe it may have been a brain tumor that suddenly showed symptoms.

About a month passes since Ryuji's crossing the bridge, and I delicately bring up the thought of welcoming a new cat into our lives to my husband. We had already planned for time off in February, and I thought it'd be a perfect time as we'd have had some time to process Ryuji and we would be home to get our new friend settled in. Also because we do still have another cat, and though she is faring alright we both feel she would prefer to have a companion. He agreed with me and so I set my sights on February.

However, my husband had been visiting sites like Petfinder since the beginning of this month, which I personally didn't mind but was surprised to see him doing. I saw a sweet female cat on there that I felt would get along well with Fifi, our current cat. But my husband didn't really seem enthusiastic about it so I left it. I asked him why he wasn't too interested in her, and he said he would prefer a male cat as they are usually more cuddly. Then, a few days ago we went to Petsmart to pick up a few items for Fifi. He led me over to where they feature adoptable cats. I saw an adorable orange kitten. His description described as very sweet and cuddly, and the way he awkwardly reached over his roommate's body to drink water absolutely reminded me of our Ryuji. I excitedly pointed him out to my husband, but he pointed out he seemed to be attached to the other kitten he was placed with and didn't want to separate them.

The next day, very unexpectedly, he drove us to the shelter from which we adopted Ryuji from. I was very surprised but happy to look around. They actually did not have too many cats out, but I found two I absolutely adored. One was an adorable black and white kitten who was looking at us through the glass. The other was in this area where they allow you to actually pet the cats, it was a gray female cat who was extremely cuddly and friendly. However, my husband seemed a little distressed and uninterested in the cats, so we left. He admitted that he was feeling sad there, and I reassured him that I wasn't in any rush to get another cat and we can take all the time we need.

Today, I joked about bringing the two kittens from Petsmart home. (He absolutely does not want to get two cats). But then today he told me he was specifically looking to get an orange cat. And that the kitten we saw wasn't orange. (He definitely was lol, but he was short haired where our Ryuji was long haired.)

All of that to say, that I feel like he is only looking to get a cat as close to Ryuji was we can find. If we genuinely and organically found that cat, then absolutely I would be happy to welcome them home. But I feel like my husband won't consider any other cats and I feel like that is limiting ourselves from many great cats. And, I know he doesn't mean to "replace" Ryuji but I almost feel like it's too on the nose to purposely seek one out very similar to him. No other cat will ever be him, and I'm afraid my husband will be crushed again when we welcome our new friend and they aren't Ryuji. I am perfectly okay with waiting for however long he needs.... I just wish he were more upfront with what he wants.

As for me, like I said if we genuinely meet another sweet orange then I'm all for it. But... I almost feel like I want to go for a different type of cat, at least this time, because it feels too close to Ryuji. I want to welcome a new friend, but I don't want to find "another" Ryuji. I still miss him of course and idk it just feels kinda weird to me to get another cat like him so soon. I don't know if that makes sense.

If you read all of that, thank you so much for sticking it through. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish by sharing this, but I appreciate this space for being able to share my thoughts.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Hi there your words touched my heart and brought back memories when I was young . I
Know how your husband is feeling and also I don’t wanna dismiss your feelings either . It just how you described everything remind me of a time . I grew up with Animals even had a raccoon as a pet but I let her go to be free . But anyhow we had a female dog so pretty so friendly just a beautiful soul . I was going through a lot and she helped me through it . Then one she was let out to and ran to the road and was hit and killed . It took me forever to get over that dog even my father tried a few times to get me a dog . I didn’t want them at all cause I missed the families dog . I wasn’t ready then a year ago I finally got this cat . Pain in my butt just a big old little pain lol but I love her just as much I loved that dog .
So if anything did happen to my baby I feel would I get another cat yeah maybe . But maybe a year or so later . Reason why is the grieving process and the final reason is . Cause I don’t wanna use that cat as a replacement cat you know . Each cat is different and special in there own way lol I would want to be able to love that cat as it own separate kitty cat .

but that’s just my two cents take some time and celebrate the life of ryuji :) why not spend time helping at a cat shelter . Who knows you might just find your new best friend .

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
When my father-in-law's dog died he got another that looked exactly like the first. I really think it made grieving even harder, he constantly called the dog after the other's name, and I truly think he thought they were the same after a while. I remember looking out one day shortly after my Chrissy was killed and saw a cat exactly like her in the yard. It was eerie and very unsettling. Wanting a cat exactly like the first would be, to me, not the comforting thing he is seeking, but a constant reminder of what he lost. Because your Ryuji was truly one of a kind. Even if you cloned him, he may not look or even act like Ryuji himself. That has happened many times already. Maybe he is looking for a reminder of Ruyji because he knows he will never find one?
Losing a family member is never an easy thing to do. It creates a huge hole in your home and your heart. I even resented the cats I had left for a while, because they were alive and my little girl was not. But the distraction they created and the company they gave me was comforting, i just didn't want it right then. Love is love, no matter what. If you do get a cat or two it will take a while to develop love for them, just as any relationship does. You can NEVER replace Ryuji in your home or your heart, because it is as unique as a snowflake. But you would be passing on the legacy that Ruyji left you, the legacy of a cat's love. He would be proud that you loved him enough to pass on that love, residing next to his in your soul, helping it to grow even bigger, even stronger. His love will never leave you, can never be replaced. The new path he now follows will always parallel your own. He is at peace because you both gave him what he wanted in this world. a home, care and someone to love him. I always hold tight to this quote during times like these, "do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
That being said, two bonded cats woudl be perfect in a family. Having cats for over 50 years has taught me the perfect family is two boys to wrestle and play, and a female to keep them in line! Two would keep them from bothering Fifi too much, she would welcome the distraction and bond with them over time to form a family unit.
whatever you decide, I wish you well, please keep us updated!
my heart goes out to you all, you never get over something like this, you work through it...........RIP precious Ryuji. You will never be forgotten, you will have secure places in loving hearts for eternity. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
When my father-in-law's dog died he got another that looked exactly like the first. I really think it made grieving even harder, he constantly called the dog after the other's name, and I truly think he thought they were the same after a while. I remember looking out one day shortly after my Chrissy was killed and saw a cat exactly like her in the yard. It was eerie and very unsettling. Wanting a cat exactly like the first would be, to me, not the comforting thing he is seeking, but a constant reminder of what he lost. Because your Ryuji was truly one of a kind. Even if you cloned him, he may not look or even act like Ryuji himself. That has happened many times already. Maybe he is looking for a reminder of Ruyji because he knows he will never find one?
Losing a family member is never an easy thing to do. It creates a huge hole in your home and your heart. I even resented the cats I had left for a while, because they were alive and my little girl was not. But the distraction they created and the company they gave me was comforting, i just didn't want it right then. Love is love, no matter what. If you do get a cat or two it will take a while to develop love for them, just as any relationship does. You can NEVER replace Ryuji in your home or your heart, because it is as unique as a snowflake. But you would be passing on the legacy that Ruyji left you, the legacy of a cat's love. He would be proud that you loved him enough to pass on that love, residing next to his in your soul, helping it to grow even bigger, even stronger. His love will never leave you, can never be replaced. The new path he now follows will always parallel your own. He is at peace because you both gave him what he wanted in this world. a home, care and someone to love him. I always hold tight to this quote during times like these, "do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
That being said, two bonded cats woudl be perfect in a family. Having cats for over 50 years has taught me the perfect family is two boys to wrestle and play, and a female to keep them in line! Two would keep them from bothering Fifi too much, she would welcome the distraction and bond with them over time to form a family unit.
whatever you decide, I wish you well, please keep us updated!
my heart goes out to you all, you never get over something like this, you work through it...........RIP precious Ryuji. You will never be forgotten, you will have secure places in loving hearts for eternity. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
That made my heart melt and made me smile . You have a way with words and you said it all better then I could ever say it . Also was wondering do you believe that there is a reason why we end up with a certain cat ? Just curious

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Oh yes! I believe the ‘essence’ of the cat that passed guides another little one into your life. I have had this happen so many times, no cats show up for years, then when one passes, here comes another one that so desperately needs someone! Of course I have also had cats show up that make me say oh no, I can’t do this again, and love grows.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
I am really touched by your story, and can totally understand both points of view here. Firstly, of course, I am so sorry for your loss of Ryuji. He sounds like a wonderful boy and a unique character. What you describe reminds me of the way two of my cats succumbed to aggressive tumours. Both times, we lost the cat with little warning, and the illness was a horrible thing to have to witness as a pet owner. The worst thing about having pets is the day you lose them, but each one lives on in your heart through memories that you will treasure for the rest of your life.

That being said, it sounds to me as if your husband is still grieving. Obviously I may be wrong as I don't know either of you personally, and it certainly isn't my place to micromanage your lives, but I don't think he sounds ready to get another cat just yet. For some people, it can take years to be ready for another animal. For me, bringing another animal into my life is often part of the grieving process, but when this is so, I could never bear to bring in an animal that reminded me too much of the one I'd just lost. It would make it impossible for me to form a proper attachment with the new animal, which wouldn't be fair to them. Of course, some people might be different, but if like me you aren't comfortable with the idea, you need to explain this to your husband. As a couple, you must be honest patient with each other, avoid putting pressure on each other, and ultimately come to a decision that you are both happy with.

There are a couple of things I might suggest, though: firstly, I speak from personal experience when I say that getting my second rescue cat, who'd been found as a stray, and watching her condition and confidence improve as she settled in, was a hugely rewarding experience that actually helped me deal with the grief of losing my dog. I did have days where I caught myself thinking "Why aren't you my dog?" and resenting myself for it, but now I couldn't image life without her. So maybe make the shelter your first port of call when you feel ready to bring a new feline into your life. Secondly, would any of your local shelters/rescue organisations let you foster cats? Again I'm not intending to micromanage, but fostering might give you an idea of which cats you feel you could get attached to after losing Ryuji. Be warned, of course, that if you tread this path you run the serious risk of becoming a 'failed' fosterer and keeping your assigned cat!

Whatever you end up choosing to do, I am confident that, however long or short the wait is, you and your next cat will find each other. In the meantime, be at peace Ryuji. You are still loved and will always be remembered. :angelcat:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 2, 2018
Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful responses. I definitely agree with Kittybang and KittyCat that my husband is still grieving and may need more time. On his next day off I'm going to sit down with him and discuss what we want to do going forward. I think volunteering at the shelter or fostering are wonderful ideas that could help open our hearts. I think I am like you, KittyCat in that welcoming a new cat is a part of my grieving process, like continuing my love for Ryuji with more cats. I don't think right now I'm ready for a cat too similar to him and I will be sure to discuss this with him as well.

I think I was a little thrown off since he began researching new cats before the time we decided, but I understand he might have felt ready but wasn't actually so.

I really appreciate everyone sharing their heart rending stories of their own beloved pets, it makes me realize there's others out there who understand this unique pain and sadness, and I loved hearing about the qualities of everyone's beloved pets.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Just take as much time you know what maybe could kinda help . See if you can get like a little piece of glass engraved with his name on it and almost like a tomb stone . My grandma had something like that made up . Where everyone could see how much she loved her dog . And even frostering them also isn’t even a bad ideal . I do hope one day you and your husband can find another special cat :) that will forever fill your heart and home with nothing but joy for many years to come :) well you both take care and also maybe when your both ready in time . Have a little service for you lil cat and maybe have some friends and family over . Maybe that would do you both good later on lol take care best of luck


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Ryuji, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

This may seem silly, but ask Ryuji to help you find the right cat, or to guide the right cat to you. The Deepest Truth I know is that love never dies, it is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. And that Love never leaves us, because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides. Ryuji will never leave either of you, and he has no jealousy. His only sorrow is your sorrow, and he will be happy to help find you a new family member...not to take his place, nothing can, but to make its own place, and to bring comfort.