Feral / Stray ? Started living inside on Oct 16th


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
I recently realized this stray actually started coming inside on Feral Cat day 2023 :)
I had seen him about the neighborhood for about a month before he asked for Food.
One day from about 15 feet away he Meowed at Me and that was the beginning.
Seriously only even a Month and he is my best friend. Understands the litter Box,
Knows what a scratching post is for and follows me everywhere

So anyway the 1ST photo is of Him BEFORE at the beginning when he started
to approach the bowl while I was still near by, Prior I would have to go inside
before he would approach. Please note the LOW Crouch and LOW TAIL
Clipped Left Ear BUT Looking better than I expect from a recently abandoned
cat ?


Hard to tell in this photo but ORIGINALLY he had 1 Blue and 1 Green eye
ALSO NOTE the clipped Left Ear

a more recent showing both eyes Green


Here is a better shot of the BLUE eye

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Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
Forgot to mention He is Free to leave and come as he pleases
and has brought home 2 Rabbits over a few weeks so thinking
A Bell may be in Order ? Please advise
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  • #4


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
Welcome to TCS and congrats on making friends with him!

Do you have the option of keeping him indoors all the time? That would be the best option for him as it would ensure his safety from traffic, nasty neighbors and local wildlife.
Thanks so much for taking the time to response.
Very Much Appreciated

NEVER had a Cat in my 65 yrs :) so learning all
I can on a crash course :)
BTW I Prefer my pets chose me so very
happy he picked ME

Yes Keeping him in is an option BUT i hate to take away his freedom.
And then again I would hate to have him come home hurt OR WORSE.
I do see a good sign, It has started to rain here and as a result HE
has NOT meowed at the door which was his way of
asking to go out.
If I can find ways to keep him active inside
over the winter he may just settle down into
indoor life ?

I did have an idea of putting up a 12ft cargo net type
en-closer around the back yard, A neighbor has one
that is nearly invisible

Not being able to get him to the VET, i have done
the following
Given him
Ear Mite Drops
Flea & Tick Oil
Tapeworm Pill

Cant get HEARTWORM without a VET ?
Dont expect he will be willing to go ?
but did find a VET That will do a house Call :)
Approx 2 yrs old (No tarter any teeth)
10 lbs




TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
What a lovely cat. It looks like he's made himself right at home. I brought two cats inside last year (one feral, one somewhat feral) and have been pleasantly surprised by how well they've adjusted to living indoors, although neither of them will let me touch them. If you get cold winters where you are, this boy will probably be happy to stay inside.

[Edit] Forgot to say... He may be a stray, but certainly isn't feral. Not if he's sleeping on your chest already. And rolling onto his back and giving you warm, friendly looks. Lucky you! Interesting that he was ear-tipped.
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
I highly encourage you to try and keep him indoors and most likely he will eventually come around once he knows he has everything he needs from you.

I recently was adopted by 2 TNR'd feral/stray cats within the last year and both are doing fantastic as indoor only cats. There was some crying to get out but it eventually subsided for the most part. One did run out the patio door one evening to chase another cat that showed up and I was able to get him back indoors within 40 minutes or so thank goodness.

Are you using over the counter (OTC) medications specifically for cats? I am not a fan of using these type of products unless directed by my vet because some can be harmful to your cat unless you know the correct dosage, usually based on your cats weight and other potential health issues.

If you can get a vet to make house calls, go for it. Be sure to let the vet know exactly what you used to already treat your cat.
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  • #7


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
What a lovely cat. It looks like he's made himself right at home. I brought two cats inside last year (one feral, one somewhat feral) and have been pleasantly surprised by how well they've adjusted to living indoors, although neither of them will let me touch them. If you get cold winters where you are, this boy will probably be happy to stay inside.

[Edit] Forgot to say... He may be a stray, but certainly isn't feral. Not if he's sleeping on your chest already. And rolling onto his back and giving you warm, friendly looks. Lucky you! Interesting that he was ear-tipped.
Thanks so much he will enjoy the complement, He like to take photos :)

Curious if they keep records of the local TNR'd cats he looks to be a bit
less than 2 so would of been done within the last two years


My theory is he was probably born FERAL and TNR Trapped early as a Kitten,
adopted by someone who may have Moved or Lost him within the last year.
I have been working with him for just about a month and had seen him for
at least a month prior. No collar and will have him checked for a chip as soon
as he will alow :)

UPDATE to the Keep Inside Issue

I had to let him out just a few minutes ago. He kept wanting to play
but WAY to ROUGH, Would not let me be Pawing and Meowing from
the sink countertop. Once I would stop to give him attention and pet
he would start to do the KITTEN Play fight thing but again WAY TO ROUGH
Broke skin in multiple places. I did what was recommended and left him
alone and ignored him BUT That caused him to CHASE me from behind
and Claw / Bite my pants leg and skin as left the room ???

Came to the conclusion it was PENT up ENERGY he needed to release



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  • #8


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
I highly encourage you to try and keep him indoors and most likely he will eventually come around once he knows he has everything he needs from you.

I recently was adopted by 2 TNR'd feral/stray cats within the last year and both are doing fantastic as indoor only cats. There was some crying to get out but it eventually subsided for the most part. One did run out the patio door one evening to chase another cat that showed up and I was able to get him back indoors within 40 minutes or so thank goodness.

Are you using over the counter (OTC) medications specifically for cats? I am not a fan of using these type of products unless directed by my vet because some can be harmful to your cat unless you know the correct dosage, usually based on your cats weight and other potential health issues.

If you can get a vet to make house calls, go for it. Be sure to let the vet know exactly what you used to already treat your cat.
Thanks for your kind reply

Yes all the MEDs are SPECIFICALLY for CATS
But Yes OTC.
Also They have been spaced out over
some weeks now and only the FLEA & TICK Oil
was given twice (4 week interval)

The dosage recommendations were according to weight
He is EXACTLY 10 Lbs (weigh myself then with cat in arms)

He allowed me to look in his mouth and shine a flash light in his ears
Ears were clear but did the drops as preventative.
Has no issues being combed and especially likes the FLEA COMB most.

No fleas for a few weeks now


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
Curious if they keep records of the local TNR'd cats he looks to be a bit
less than 2 so would of been done within the last two years
Vet clinics probably keep records... but using the owner's name so that wouldn't help. Shelters and rescue organizations would, too. Doubt they'd have time to look through their records. There's a slim chance someone at one of these places would recognize the cat.

My theory is he was probably born FERAL and TNR Trapped early as a Kitten,
adopted by someone who may have Moved or Lost him within the last year.
Bet you're right about him having a complicated background!

He kept wanting to play but WAY to ROUGH
That's not good. You could try hissing at him when he gets aggressive. I think that's cat-ish for "I don't like what you're doing!" Then leave the room. You could try tossing a stuffed animal his way. If it's soft and about his size, he might be satisfied wrestling with that. (Kittens usually do, but he may be too old for that.) Rubbing it with catnip might help.
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  • #10


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
That's not good. You could try hissing at him when he gets aggressive. I think that's cat-ish for "I don't like what you're doing!" Then leave the room. You could try tossing a stuffed animal his way. If it's soft and about his size, he might be satisfied wrestling with that. (Kittens usually do, but he may be too old for that.) Rubbing it with catnip might help.
Thanks very much for the Tip :thumbsup:, I have been shaking a finger and saying NO
But that has not worked, A loud clap and Stern NO was working early on
but I had read that was not a good way to teach him.? so just
started ignoring him and leaving the room which has caused the
leg attack, have begun to back out when I leave but I can see he
still wants to pounce

Will give the Hiss a try

Oh He has ABSOLUTELY No Interest in Toys or stuffed animals with Catnip
Only toys he is interested in are the FOOD PUZZLE toys

Ah I tried one of those Fishing Rod type string toys
Was an EYE OPENING Experience for Both of us
He grabbed it in a DEATH BITE Eyes OPEN WIDE & LARGE,
Loud GROWLING, and tugging it and ME outside where he continued
to kill it. I put it away for 3 weeks or so and just recently
gave it a try SAME RESULT but this time I let him kill it until
he was satisfied. He then wanted praise for a JOB well Done
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  • #14


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
The look in his eye says, "How much longer will it take me to train this human?"
Or he was thinking another interception !!! We were watching the Raiders Lose :)
I thought he was asleep but when I looked at the phone image I see he was watching :)

After I got up :)

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  • #15


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
Please keep the cat indoors if you decide to keep him. Coyotes are the primary animal that hunt cats. Not to mention folks driving while playing with the phone. You are now one of the choosen owners.
I hope to, Hoping We can come to an understanding we can both
live with :) He has a strong will when he wants something
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  • #16


Made in U.S.A.
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Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
In case anyone is interested I will post the process for this adoption :)

The Rescue

FIRST Appearance
Sep 17th
I was Alerted by a Squirrel on the backyard Squirrel Highway (Hanging cable line)
He was wagging his tail, squeegeeing and carrying on trying to call attention
to the large cat laying on-top of one of my backyard sheds
At first I thought it was a Racoon

Sep 24th
While working on my backyard fence I noticed the SAME cat again and recognized
him as one of the strays I had noticed in the neighborhood. Apparently Him and
at least one other had started sleeping in my backyard

Sep 27th (Approximately)
Been working in the backyard on a daily basis when and out of the BLUE He gave me a MEOW
from a safe distance.That's when I started leaving him some Canned Wet Cat food and Water
out at 5PM. each evening.
A few days went by when the food would be gone in the morning.

Oct 1st

I started to notice him waiting at the other end of the yard as I put out the food.
At this point I started to sit about ten feet away from the Dish waiting to see if he would approach.
approx a week went by were I would have to go inside and watch from behind the sliding glass door

Oct 5th (Approximately)
He started to approach while I was still sitting near by..
I would just sit there talking to him in a soft calm voice from approx 10 ft away.

Oct 10th.(Approximately)
He came up while I was putting the Food in the Dish :)
Now I could sit down and talked to him.from ONLY a few feet away

Soon there after He started to Rub me as he walked by to look inside the sliding glass
door, eventually took a few steps inside so I started leaving
the sliding door open a bit

Began to let me touch him and eventually jumped in my lap
All on his time, I just let him do things as he pleased

MOVED IN Downstairs
Oct 16th

Took a while before he would come upstairs and I had to sit on the stairs
with him a stair at a time before he would attempt it alone

Also needed to leave the sliding door ajar or he would get upset, Its now
closed and he just Meows at the front door as he sees me leave and come
from there


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
In case anyone is interested I will post the process for this adoption :)

The Rescue

FIRST Appearance
Sep 17th
I was Alerted by a Squirrel on the backyard Squirrel Highway (Hanging cable line)
He was wagging his tail, squeegeeing and carrying on trying to call attention
to the large cat laying on-top of one of my backyard sheds
At first I thought it was a Racoon

Sep 24th
While working on my backyard fence I noticed the SAME cat again and recognized
him as one of the strays I had noticed in the neighborhood. Apparently Him and
at least one other had started sleeping in my backyard

Sep 27th (Approximately)
Been working in the backyard on a daily basis when and out of the BLUE He gave me a MEOW
from a safe distance.That's when I started leaving him some Canned Wet Cat food and Water
out at 5PM. each evening.
A few days went by when the food would be gone in the morning.

Oct 1st
I started to notice him waiting at the other end of the yard as I put out the food.
At this point I started to sit about ten feet away from the Dish waiting to see if he would approach.
approx a week went by were I would have to go inside and watch from behind the sliding glass door

Oct 5th (Approximately)
He started to approach while I was still sitting near by..
I would just sit there talking to him in a soft calm voice from approx 10 ft away.

Oct 10th.(Approximately)
He came up while I was putting the Food in the Dish :)
Now I could sit down and talked to him.from ONLY a few feet away

Soon there after He started to Rub me as he walked by to look inside the sliding glass
door, eventually took a few steps inside so I started leaving
the sliding door open a bit

Began to let me touch him and eventually jumped in my lap
All on his time, I just let him do things as he pleased

MOVED IN Downstairs
Oct 16th

Took a while before he would come upstairs and I had to sit on the stairs
with him a stair at a time before he would attempt it alone

Also needed to leave the sliding door ajar or he would get upset, Its now
closed and he just Meows at the front door as he sees me leave and come
from there
Great response from the members and thank you for taking this kitty in.

From what I see, this kitty has chosen you. When a cat choose you, you are his best friend. As far as I can see, he is already making himself feel very at home.

Yes, there maybe little hiccups along the way since this is your first cat but have no worries, we are here to help guide you along so that you and the kitty can enjoy each other so feel free to ask questions.

Please keep him in and never let him out again else it'll be harder the next time to bring him in. An indoor cat is much safer than being outdoors.
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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi Unc Unc
Welcome to TCS,nice to meet you Does this beautiful cat have a name yet?Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos and thank you for taking him in,I do hope you will keep him inside and under no circumstances,no matter how much he may protest- never let him out- please.There is no good reason to let him out,your not "taking away" his freedom- he is now free and out of harms way-free from sickness,disease,predators and a host of many other hazards homeless kitties face in their inevitably shorter life span than an indoor kitty- gee,thst was a mouthful!lol

As many others have noted this is no feral,not even semi feral- highly likely a stray thst somehow got caught up in a TNR program.... lucky you! And lucky him that you fellas crossed paths! You're on to the beginning of a wonderful relationship but you've got to set the ground rules about who is top cat...it's not difficult and we are happy to give you tips snd tricks to start off on the right paw❤

Since you can pick him up,hold him etc it should be easy enough to take him to the Vet but since this is your first cat and don't have the experience I'd like to suggest thst housecsll,it's important he be tested for any illness or disease so thst he can be treated right away and for "preventative " treatment- the Vet can Rx something topical for parasite control as even people can bring a flea into the house and easily start an infestation- some thujg like Revolution Plus protects kitty against fleas,ticks,,mites and worms....

Wagging a finger at a cat is the same as saying " it's ON"- its asking for trouble because in his mind you've just bared your claws at him- learning " cat language" will help you to communicate to him exactly what is acceptable behavior and whst is not- also those seemingly "out of nowhere" attacks on your legs or pants legs will always follow a signal displayed by his body language- when you know what to look for you can avoid these types of behaviors,he's just being a cat and retreating encourages his predatory nature ( chase prey to play).It's pretty simple to distract a cat and prevent rough play as opposed to trying to correct it after the fact.....

I hope we can encourage you and be here for you to help you have a wonderful room mate where you can both live " happily ever after"

He is beautiful and you've found yourself a real sweetheart- God Bless you both ❤
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  • #19


Made in U.S.A.
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
First I would like to THANK everyone personnely for the very kind comments and Help.
It is all Truly appreciated :thumbsup:

poolcat poolcat
Mighty Orange Mighty Orange
tabbytom tabbytom
Kwik Kwik

BTW I feel blessed to have found this site and look forward to spending time here :)
Its RARE these days to find a GROUP Thats is all about the HELP and not a lot of EGO
THANKS for Providing this resource

Great response from the members and thank you for taking this kitty in.

Please keep him in and never let him out again else it'll be harder the next time to bring him in. An indoor cat is much safer than being outdoors.
.Thanks for taking the time to Reply, very much appreciated

I have been looking at those CATIO type enclosure, May build him one :)

BTW He has come back on his own every time he has left. Early on he would
leave every night at 7pm and RETURN sometime in the morning before I got up
to check, He would be waiting at the backdoor on the outside soft bed I made him.

This last time, after being in for approx 4 days and nights he left out the front door
Around 2am it started to rain so I opened the front door and used his CLICKER to
call, YUP Came running back inside. He let me towel dry him and then back down to the
door, I let him out again but this time he just sat on the porch watching the rain. would
come in to run up and down the stairs and then back out until 6:30 am when I
got up and he came in to stay.

I have heard the GREAT ADVICE to keep him in, and I agree its the best thing for him
so every-time he wants to go out I will explain it to him :)

Hi Unc Unc
Welcome to TCS,nice to meet you Does this beautiful cat have a name yet?Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos and thank you for taking him in,I do hope you will keep him inside and under no circumstances,no matter how much he may protest- never let him out- please.There is no good reason to let him out,your not "taking away" his freedom- he is now free and out of harms way-free from sickness,disease,predators and a host of many other hazards homeless kitties face in their inevitably shorter life span than an indoor kitty- gee,thst was a mouthful!lol

He is beautiful and you've found yourself a real sweetheart- God Bless you both ❤
Thanks so much for the KIND WELCOME

His name is Unc, short for Uncle. He showed up very near the Anniversary of his passing (Oct 10th two years ago)
Coincidentally He looks to be approx 2yrs old, Likes my Uncles Recliner, and watches sports with me, The
original Unc Loved sports. He has some A's bling on his ID TAG

Interestingly wild life seems to like Me :) have had a nest at my front door for a few years running now,
My bird bath and bird feeders are used regularly.
Oh I even had a BIRD fly into my van as I was leaving one day :)

My front yard
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  • #20


Made in U.S.A.
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2023
Cal S.F. Bay Area
That's not good. You could try hissing at him when he gets aggressive. I think that's cat-ish for "I don't like what you're doing!" Then leave the room. You could try tossing a stuffed animal his way. If it's soft and about his size, he might be satisfied wrestling with that. (Kittens usually do, but he may be too old for that.) Rubbing it with catnip might help.
Had the opportunity to give it a try this morning as I was Leaving
the kitchen, I had not given him any morning food yet. He pounced
at the FRONT of my legs and gave me a somewhat tender bite on the
pant leg material :devilish:
My HISS stooped him dead :yess: and he jumped back, WAS Very effective
and much better then the FINGER which apparently is like showing
my claws, when I was doing that HE would run and get timid for a short time after.
That was the main reason I stopped, it seemed to scare him more then teach.

Again the hiss is much less of a shock to him and he came right back but with
a better attitude :wave3: