K.C.  Kitten
Caspers Human

K.C. Kitten

K.C. was my very first cat.

He didn't have a name, per se. Just initials.
People would ask me what "K.C." stood for and I told them I didn't know because the cat never told me.

In this picture, you can see K.C. playing with strips of paper from a computer printout.

I got K.C. when I was still in college. Back then, I used to write my term papers and other assignments using an Apple II computer and print them out with a dot matrix printer that used continuous feed paper. The kind that had the tear-off strips on the edges.

After I was done printing out my assignment, I would tear off the edges and use them to play with K.C. It was his favorite game! He loved to play with the paper strips so much that, when he heard the sound of the printer, he would come running, ready to play!

K.C. was a great cat! I still have a soft spot for gray and white tabbies!

(Accident. - 1993.)

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Past Pets
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Caspers Human
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