We had to put our Stanley down this morning

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Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Since we lost Stanley on Sunday morning:

1. We EASILY caught Sylvester to take him to the vet Wednesday morning for his haircut and checkup, it usually is a HUGELY stressful event chasing him down but it went probably as easy as it could've gone, and he had a great checkup.

2. Simba, our old guy of 24, 25, 26, who knows? is once again eating wet food as well as the chicken and hamburger and things that Deb makes for him, and he isn't screaming at us for food like he used to, he just polishes it off like nothing.

3. My favorite hockey team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, have not lost since then, and Stan used to be around when I would watch them, many times right in the room. They had been struggling but since Sunday have won 3 games in a row.

Coincidence? I don't think so...

THANKS STAN!!!!! :rbheart::thanks:
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  • #24


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
This morning I was making the bed and had the tv on like I usually do, and when I went to turn it off I heard a meow/cry from outside the closed bedroom door and it sounded just like Stanley. For a moment I thought maybe it was Sylvester but it didn't sound quite like him, and when I opened the door no one was there, or I should say Stan WAS there in spirit, no mistake about what I heard...:rbheart:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 10, 2024
A few days ago Stanley, about a 9 year old grey/black Tabby that I rescued from my old place of employment about 8 years ago or so ago, wasn't acting right, lethargic, mopey, not interested in anything and that wasn't him, he was always active but over the last few months Deb said several times "Stanley doesn't seem right to me", but he always bounced back like the others when they had some off days. But we noticed he couldn't jump as well as he used to, but we thought maybe arthritis or age or whatever reason but he still jumped, but anyway when I came home from work Friday Deb said he wasn't acting right, very lethargic all day, not interested in eating and he seemed to be in some distress, so we took him to the ER Vet that Sylvester used to go to to see his opthamologist and where Sabrina had a heart attack and died and where we put Slim down in December, so we really have uneasy feelings about being there but they do a good job and are open 24/7. They examined him, did bloodwork, really couldn't find much wrong, said that he had a slight heart murmur but gave him some pain meds and ear appetitie stimulant and some sub fluids and we brought him home 1:00 in the morning. She said he should perk up in a few days. But yesterday I heard him slightly moaning, still lethargic, not eating or drinking, tried to make his way around the house but didn't get very far, so last night I picked him up and he was just dead weight, put him down, he cried, he never really cried before so I set him back down and said "he's not right, I think we should take him back". Several other cats came to check on him, including Sylvester with whom he had some knock down roll around on the floor half killing each other fights, came to stand by him and check on him; we always wondered if Stan was jealous of Sylvester when I brought him in even though I still paid mind to him, but they up until the end would stalk each other but I digress. So we took him back in last night around 8:00, thank God it was a weekend as I would never be able to stay out and up that long and go to work I'd crash the work van, the same vet checked him again and said they would have to do some x rays and some further testing, seeing how it was now again around 1:30 or so she said it would take several hours, said if we wanted to go home she could do them and call us, and she called around 5:15 to tell me that the x-rays showed a fluid filled tumor in his one lung, she suspected it was cancer, said she could tap it and maybe he'd get some relief but basically told us she thinks it is terminal and his breathing wasn't good now, they had him on oxygen, plus now some of his redone bloodwork showed issues in his kidneys so she said this must be a very aggressive cancer and said the best thing to do would be to put him down, release him from his pain, so we did that around 10:00 this morning...

But we are in shock, even though he seemed to have off days here and there like the other do too he was good, even running around like crazy one day recently and I told Deb "Stan's okay, he's running around like crazy this morning!", but these last few days it was total opposite, he was bad, and when they let us see him alone before putting him down they told us he'd only have about 10-15 minutes off the oxygen so we knew it was bad, and we could tell by how he was acting he was really hurting, but Deb held him, we said all we wanted to say to him, I at times would get short with him when he would constantly be up my butt and I couldn't shave or get ready for work or he'd be in the way at times and I'd say "am I in your way again, Stan?", I apologized for that but Deb said "he knew you were just short with him because you were in a rush", but I still apologized to him and told him "when we meet again you can ask me if he is in MY way again?" and I said "we'll have a good laugh!", we both told him we loved him and kissed him, cried our eyes out, told him we were so sorry that this happened to him, but that we will see him again one day and it will be forever, and this was the only way that we could release him from his pain, and I told him that Simon, a short hair Tuxedo that we had who passed of stomach cancer at age 12 in 2014, was a loner like Stan was, neither of them could care less if they were the only cat in the house, they never cared for any of the other ones, but that Simon will be the one to greet him and THEY will be pals. :rbheart:

We are both in shock, shock that he was so sick and that it progressed so fast, shock that he only made it to about 9 maybe a bit more, but just shocked that we won't have him and his energy here, greeting people at the door like a dog, jumping on the bathroom sink to drink water, driving us half nuts when we are in the bathroom, looking out the windows when we would open them with the screens in when it was nice out, he used to be the last one that would look out this one window and at night we'd have to take him out and tell him "we have to go to bed now Stan, we'll open it tomorrow again", shock that he won't be laying on the floor a foot away from us when we are on the computer working, and many other things that we will sorely miss...but it was his time, for whatever reason, and he is fine now, just fine, no more pain, this was the ONLY way that we could help him feel better, and we WILL see him again one day and it will be wonderful and it will be FOREVER :rbheart:

And the woman who told me at my old job the beautiful saying "their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" actually took him home and was going to keep him, but a few days later I thought about it and told her I wanted him so I got him, and we had 9 cats at the time but she had about 38 cats and dogs and more on a mini farm, so he would've been just another number up there so he probably liked it here with less cats. And I just recalled now, we got him around August of 2014, 3 months after Simon died, and he was about 1 or so when we got him so he must've been more like 10.5 which is still young. But we also remembered that when we got him he would do about 10 things that only Simon did, none of the other cats did that, so it was like Simon was letting us know that he loved it here and his spirit was here now in Stanley, it was really bizarre but true! So that being said there is NO DOUBT that yes, Simon will greet him and be his pal up there and they will get along!!!


Until we meet again one day, have fun with Simon and all of the rest up there in Heaven little buddy, WE LOVE YOU!!!! :rbheart: :tabbycat:
Oh wow!! While painful to read it’s so amazingly deep love and respect you have Stanley and that’s all that matters for him!! We lost our dearest baby “Cleo” after a similar short period of sickness (3-4 weeks). She had cbylothorax and unfortunately there were potentially some vet errors (NOT deliberate). We both are heart broken and felt we are the only cursed ones to which this happened and reading sour post is so uplifting because we are NOT ALONE!! We feel deeply for what you are went through but cherish the good times Stanley had!! He was blessed be your family!! God bless!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Until we meet again one day, have fun with Simon and all of the rest up there in Heaven little buddy, WE LOVE YOU!!!! :rbheart: :tabbycat:
les26 les26 , you made me cry 😢
Your tribute to poor Stanley was so intense and rich with the love you and Deb devoted to him. He was a real companion, he truly filled your days, no doubt, and because of this he will be greatly missed.
He went to the Bridge just like he lived, surrounded by love and sweet words, he didn't feel alone when he had to cross the Bridge, your voices were still ringing in his ears, and your voices will be with him for eternity, until one day you will meet again, never to part.
RIP Stanley, you had the richest of lives.
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  • #28


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
les26 les26 , you made me cry 😢
Your tribute to poor Stanley was so intense and rich with the love you and Deb devoted to him. He was a real companion, he truly filled your days, no doubt, and because of this he will be greatly missed.
He went to the Bridge just like he lived, surrounded by love and sweet words, he didn't feel alone when he had to cross the Bridge, your voices were still ringing in his ears, and your voices will be with him for eternity, until one day you will meet again, never to part.
RIP Stanley, you had the richest of lives.
Thank you so much for this, the tears just flowed from me again....

The house is much more quiet without him, his presence and energy were everywhere, but he is still with us in spirit. But we can tell that he is gone, he was like a dog, everywhere, all the time, if someone came to visit he greeted them, the others run and hide lol! Deb said she had a good cry again today thinking about him, and it will be like this for quite awhile we know...maybe one day we'll know and understand why he left us so early...
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  • #32


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I too lost my cat today. He was 19 so had a good, long life. It was a massive stroke with him. All I can say is, I know how you feel and hugs from across the Pond.
I'm so sorry for your loss, no matter how many years we have them it is never long enough...:alright: :rbheart:
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  • #33


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I saw a pet grief counselor last week, and she was wonderful. She listened to me and asked me about ALL of the stresses that have been going on in my life, told her about my parents and the nursing home and having to sell everything and lawyers and banks and all and she said "you have had a LOT of loss already, with these things, even though your parents are still alive you've lost memories and things" and she is right. She also told me that like I suspected I am going through a form of PTSD because of losing Stanley so sudden and catastrophically, and said "it will take awhile, but you will be fine. Just do like you are doing, feel the grief and the pain, experience it, let it out", and I do say that I felt considerably better and more at Peace with things thanks to her. She said I could come back if needed and said "you're a good person", well so is she!

And the other night I had a dream that our bedroom door had a gap under it and I was looking through it and Sugar was there, she had passed in 2022 and less than two months later so did Sabrina and she was there in the dream too as well as some other cats that I couldn't clearly make out. And I said to Deb "can't you see them?" and she said "no", and then I saw Sylvester and said "here's Sylvester, can you see him?" knowing that he is still with us and she said something kind of garbled, but I found myself laying on my stomach with my upper body arched and I was petting a few of them, and a few of them were laying on my butt and legs! I told this to one of our clients at work and she said "that was a visit, I had that happen with some of my dogs, they were visiting you", and I told her Stanley wasn't in it and she said "he's not ready to reveal himself to you yet".



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 21, 2013
Orlando Area, Florida
Very sad to read about your dear Stanley. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s terrible heartache when they suddenly get so sick. You showed Stanley how much you loved him by setting him free. :angel:
My deepest condolences to you both.:hugs:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Aw les26 les26 I'm so sorry,I had to read twice as I thought" What?Stanley?" Did he mean Simba? STANLEY? Such a shock,so unexpected,my deepest Sympathy to you and Deb

I don't have any beautiful words to write but only my heartfelt sorrow for your loss and of course when I say " you" that means your beloved Deb too

Les,I only know to pray- miles apart I cannot bring over a casserole,,can't sit beside you all or give you hugs but God is with you and in His Loving Embrace is where you enter His Rest. I pray you and Deb have Peace,Comfort and the Joy of the Lord because Stanley is well in His Care

I'm so so sorry.RIP dear Stanley,play and prepare a place for Mommy and Daddy( and stand right in Les's way when you see him again so he'll know he us HOME❤
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  • #37


Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Aw les26 les26 I'm so sorry,I had to read twice as I thought" What?Stanley?" Did he mean Simba? STANLEY? Such a shock,so unexpected,my deepest Sympathy to you and Deb

I don't have any beautiful words to write but only my heartfelt sorrow for your loss and of course when I say " you" that means your beloved Deb too

Les,I only know to pray- miles apart I cannot bring over a casserole,,can't sit beside you all or give you hugs but God is with you and in His Loving Embrace is where you enter His Rest. I pray you and Deb have Peace,Comfort and the Joy of the Lord because Stanley is well in His Care

I'm so so sorry.RIP dear Stanley,play and prepare a place for Mommy and Daddy( and stand right in Les's way when you see him again so he'll know he us HOME❤
Thank you so much. Yesterday was 2 months ago that we lost him, we are slowly healing but at times still cannot believe that he is gone, until the next life...