Yowling 18yr Old Birman


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 17, 2018
I am new to this site but am trying to find advice regarding our 18yr old, female Birman.
She has always been a very unsociable little thing, very scared of any new person or visitor, never sits on our lap, always prefers to do her own thing in her own time and will never venture from her own little environment.
A couple of weeks ago, she decided to jump from a second floor balcony onto a single storey flat roof and onto the ground. This was completely out of character for her and when I picked her up, I expected her to be seriously injured however, she just struggled from my hold and ran back to her favourite chair, jumped up and went to sleep. We had her checked over and she has no ill effects from her jump.
Why did she suddenly jump ?
Why is she now yowling very loudly Day and night ?
It's driving us crazy as she sleeps right next to our bedroom.
I have been reading about cat senility and dementia and wondering if she may be suffering from something like this.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
WOW it is amazing how they can land like that and be ok, at least from the jump.
Thank you for coming here!
There are other members who will have a better idea regarding senility - but I'm also wondering if there is a new cat in the area, or something that she heard and is hearing?
I'm sorry you all are going through this - hang in there!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I dont know why she jumped, cats do that stuff. However, even if she didn't look hurt she could be. Cats are masters at hiding injury. Internal injuries maybe, that you can tell. I would definitely recommend a vet check, for injuries or illness. The constant yowling is a symptom of something. Maybe physical trauma, no way to know without a check up. Hopefully its nothing serious and she will be better soon.

If it is nothing physical, the vet may be able to help with that as well. Best of luck.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.

Like Furballsmom Furballsmom , I suspect a new cat has moved into her territory. If it's an intact tomcat it might be spraying and causing hormonal scent disturbance to your girl. It might also be more active at nighttime, prowling the neighbourhood, as cats are nocturnal by nature. And, outside, unneutered tomcats can do the rounds of their territory many times each and every day and night. Have you noticed any new cats in your neighbourhood?

What did the vet say when you had her checked for any jump injuries? Did you mention her behaviour change or has her behaviour changed since then? Such a huge leap (from, say, being startled by a new neighbourhood cat) might have left her with emotional disturbance from the shock in itself. That she curled up to sleep right after might have been her way of coping in the immediate thereafter. I'm prone to curling up and hiding when something disturbs me. If her behaviour has changed since you took her to the vet for her physical check-up, I recommend your taking her again.

Senility is a possibility, after all 18yrs old is a ripe old age for a pedigree cat. Again, you might want to get your vet involved, as they could possibly suggest and/or prescribe treatment (like anti-anxiety medicine).

I'd probably give her 'cat-calming' treatment in the form of L-Tryptophan, which can be found in special cat-calming formulas available online or through your vet. The shock and stress might trigger behavioural cystitis (peeing outside the box), which L-Tryptophan would treat as well as any anxiety.

In which country do you live? There are lots of other calming substances I could suggest but the availability of them is dependent on whereabouts you live.

I'm ever so sorry that you're girl is experiencing stress at this stage in her life. You've done the right thing by coming here for support.
