Yowl Under Recliner


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 6, 2017
My husband and i werent sure where our two babies were so i grumbled probably underneath the couch. Normally i take the mouse wand toy and shake it on the kitchen floor the noise generally draws them out no matter where they are. Well my husband went looking and started the recliner to look underneath and we both hear a yowl that scared me to death. I head over one cat is beside the couch the other still underneath. We are going crazy since it sounded like the other kitten. Husband grabs her out nothing, she is perfectly fine. He picks up the other kitten there is grease all over her side and behind her arm. We try to use a cloth and dawn to clean, doesnt work so i give her a full bath. Im able to hold her massage the soap into her, she cried and tried to jump out of the sink (normal, they say an injured cat might not fight this was her first bath, no running water, used a pitcher for less stress) bring her back to the bed where its the warmest. After this i catch both her and her sister suckling each other, that was not normal behavior at all so i put them in thier seperate carriers and call the vet. They told me that we'd have to go to an alternate place because they were about to close in less than an hour. I let my kitten rest for about 30 min she woke up went staight for the litterbox, gobbled up her food and then went on a play session for at least 15 minutes like nothing was wrong. Called the vet back they only told me to keep an eye on her, if shes acting normal then everything should be fine and our next vet appoinment is on Wednesday. Shes only 3 months old and im worried just because i cant get that sound out of my head. My husband is working on a cardboard barricade to make sure they cant get back there again. Am i just being parinoid? Shes eating drinking litterbox and playing. I didnt feel any cracked ribs and shes walking fine. Shes currently asleep at my feet on the bed with her sister. I cant think about what id do if i lost her and my mind keeps making up bad things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
No, you're not being paranoid. You're being a normal, loving "cat mommy". I can imagine that noise from a little kitten and I would be worried too. Having said that, it sounds like the kitten got pinched in the reclining mechanism but got out of it unscathed. She's playing, no broken skin, no broken bones...just keep an eye on her like the vet said.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 6, 2017
No, you're not being paranoid. You're being a normal, loving "cat mommy". I can imagine that noise from a little kitten and I would be worried too. Having said that, it sounds like the kitten got pinched in the reclining mechanism but got out of it unscathed. She's playing, no broken skin, no broken bones...just keep an eye on her like the vet said.
Thank you. I checked her gums before i left they are thier normal fresh pink, no white or blue which generally means internal bleeding she was jumping on the bed and off vs using the stairs and went immediately to the food bowl the moment she heard the can open and ate her share. I havent detected any swelling anywhere. I think his mom was right about letting her rest and see how she was when she woke up, since the bath may have stressed her out, but we had to get that sticky oily stuff out of her fur and I wasnt about to let her ingest the stuff. Her and her sister were wrestling with each other before we left for work, with her usual im gonna flip and wriggle all over the floor and pounce and roll routine. I cant help but worry but they are my babies and i already cant imagine life without either of them


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
That's a relief...sounds like she's fine! :agree:

In some ways, kittens are little fragile things and in other ways, they are pretty darned unbreakable. My new kitten has certainly given me a scare or two!



TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 30, 2016
I had this happen last night. We are packing and moving. We loaded the truck keeping her locked in another room. after the truck packing was done for the day I was exhausted. I was hungry had not eaten since breakfast. I sat in our rocker recliner with my dinner and kicked back the chair. Moneypenny had crawled up inside and I heard a yowl. Immediately I sprang up and tipped the chair on its side to relieve pressure. She bolted out and ran for the bed room. We have little for her to hide in at this time. I left her alone for about 15 min to let her calm down. I saw blood on the bed sheets. She came over and laid on the floor. I checked her over and my wife picked her up. Fortunately it was only a pinched piece of skin the rocker had cut on her leg. No broken bones or major damage. We made a box so she could lay on a towel and hide. After a while she came out and acted like it was all OK. The Recliner is not going with us. It stays. Hearing your cat yowl will set your system off upset for several hours. If you have cats I recommend getting rid of them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I blocked off under the recliner with stacks of books. They make me so nervous. Then we have an older armchair, not a recliner, the spring in the bottom came unhooked and stabbed straight down into the carpet, like captain hook. I nearly had a heart attack. What if one of my cats had been under that chair, they would have been impaled! They should put a piece of wood over the springs.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
They are dangerous, a kitten was killed in one at the nursing home I worked at, so it can happen. Your little one should be fine if they are acting normal, eating, drinking and using the litterbox. Monitor closely for 48 hours. I just noticed this was an old post, but it is good to bring it up again as edteach found out! It happens to all of us, and it is great to warn others of potential hazards!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
With recliners and sofa beds and any piece of furniture that opens up or moves, even the pop up footrest on regular sofas, you need to know where the kitties are before opening and closing. It is so easy for little ones, and sometimes even older ones to get tangled up in the mechanism and end up with broken bones. My cats have loved to crawl under the sofa when the footrest is open and a couple of times they have been nearly caught inside when I closed it without realizing they were there.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 6, 2013
Personally I can never relax if there is a recliner in the house where my cat can get at it. They're so dangerous for curious animals that like to squeeze into tight spaces (not just cats; babies, ferrets, bunnies, and other animals are at risk)

When I was young, my parents had a strict rule that nobody is ever to put the recliners up or down without first knowing where all the cats are.