Will My Roommates Cat Miss Me?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2017
My roommate and I got a cat 2 years ago. We agreed it would be his cat ultimately. I am the cats preferred person. She sleeps with me every night, she follows me around everywhere, I feed her clean up after her. I'm frustrated with my living situation and I want to move. I'm not taking her with me, as much as I'd love to, but put up a big stink about how she is his responsibility and not mine. I only agreed to the cat under the condition that he take care of her... Which he rarely does.

While I'm looking for apartments I can't help but worry about how crushed she will be. Or will she? Every time I think about it I get so sad for her. She's my lil buddy, and I'm her best friend... Any advice?


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.

Aww, poor you and her. :alright: To be honest, she's bound to feel a bit lost and depressed at your leaving her, and will no doubt mope about for a while. However, cats are very resilient, just like people, and time is a great healer and all that.

I guess the best thing you can do for her in the meantime is play with her a lot and encourage your roommate to do likewise to keep her spirits up. Talk to your roommate as calmly as possible about his continued care regime, and offer him your advice on what she likes and doesn't like etc. Offering her catnip, valerian, chamomile, and Feliway wouldn't go amiss to ease her through this stressful time but ultimately she is to be without you and will have to get used to the idea in her own time.

If it were me, I would try to have a say in who is going to take over your tenancy and make sure to introduce her to prospective new roommates. If it seemed obvious that she wouldn't be take adequately cared for and would suffer serious neglect by her new household then it is your duty as a member of the animal kingdom to watch out for her. However, if it is just that she won't be as happy with her new lot but will be fed, watered, cleaned, and kept safe, then I'm afraid you'll both just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

Are you going to be able to visit her after you've moved out to check on things and bring her some treats and a catnip mouse? I think it would help your peace of mind if you could see that she were ok.

:vibes::grouphug: :vibes::crossfingers:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2017
I will be visiting. We also discussed if he goes out of town for work the possible shared custody. I feel for this girl. She's my boo!


Aww, poor you and her. :alright: To be honest, she's bound to feel a bit lost and depressed at your leaving her, and will no doubt mope about for a while. However, cats are very resilient, just like people, and time is a great healer and all that.

I guess the best thing you can do for her in the meantime is play with her a lot and encourage your roommate to do likewise to keep her spirits up. Talk to your roommate as calmly as possible about his continued care regime, and offer him your advice on what she likes and doesn't like etc. Offering her catnip, valerian, chamomile, and Feliway wouldn't go amiss to ease her through this stressful time but ultimately she is to be without you and will have to get used to the idea in her own time.

If it were me, I would try to have a say in who is going to take over your tenancy and make sure to introduce her to prospective new roommates. If it seemed obvious that she wouldn't be take adequately cared for and would suffer serious neglect by her new household then it is your duty as a member of the animal kingdom to watch out for her. However, if it is just that she won't be as happy with her new lot but will be fed, watered, cleaned, and kept safe, then I'm afraid you'll both just have to deal with the cards you're dealt.

Are you going to be able to visit her after you've moved out to check on things and bring her some treats and a catnip mouse? I think it would help your peace of mind if you could see that she were ok.

:vibes::grouphug: :vibes::crossfingers:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2017
Can you take her with you? It doesn't sound like your roommate really wants her.

Ive thought about it. Pretty sure I can't. The thing is, I never wanted a cat. I'm allergic and have never been a cat person. We got her so my roommate could have something to care about. He was going through cancer treatments and was incredibly depressed and lonely. Just so happened we didn't realize just how depressed and lonely to the point where she would flock to me. We did talk about shared custody when and if he gets a new job providing the job requires travel.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2017
I was thinking the same thing. I would hate to think she would be lacking care and loving if your roommate isn't into cats properly.
He is into cats properly, he just doesn't give her the time that she needs to have. He loves her and she loves him. He works a lot and then hangs out at the bar a lot. I'm hoping hoping that all that will change when he realizes he doesn't have me to fall back home to take care of her. Or is that not fair to the cat?


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Shared custody sounds very grown up and sensible. I'm sure that with such a conscientious co-furparent as yourself that she'll learn to look forward to your visits and feel ok when you're not there as she'll know that you're coming back. I've just come in from an hour at the shops and my two are all over me, delighted that I'm home. But they've learnt that I do at least come home and have not abandoned them totally (I don't go out much!). I'm sure your wee girl will get used to your coming and going. :catrub: