Where to start in raw food?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2014
Victorville, Ca

I have always had cats growing up but at that time my mom bought all the cheap cat food. My husband and i have never owned a cat or dog while married... He was in the army 7 years, germany, wa state and now hes out since 2011. Our apartment manager found a kitten and i took it. I am a Vegan so i dont eat any dairy, meat, poultry, fish, gluten, wheat or foods processed/made in a facility of animals etc...  

what i want to know is what kind of raw foods can i give the kitten? Right now the manager gave me a big bag of kibbles dry cat food. We are low in money sometimes so i cant just buy expensive stuff but want to buy something a lot more healthier. Are the cans cheap for now? i dont buy chicken as its expensive. I also never liked it, i hate handling it. It really grosses me out. My husband buys Ground beef the most. Anyways... Any help, links would be appreciated. 

ps: No idea how old the kitten is but its a boy and hes super tiny/skinny


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
There are lots of articles and links in this forum and the Articles tab. Here is one link to get you started.
And some members are vegans, like you. Unlike us humans, cats are obligate carnivores. Their bodies can't utilize carbohydrates (kibble) like us humans can.
Generally speaking, wet food is better than kibble. Raw chicken is pretty cheap, especially if you can buy it on sale ("family packs") and/or at its 'sell by' date, when some grocery stores mark down the price even further. You can give your kitten any meat you can find/afford. Ground meat is not a good idea because of exposure to air = exposure to bacteria.
Before moving to raw, do research; raw diets MUST be balanced; for example, you need to feed secreting and non-secreting organs (kidney/liver) as well as bone in the proper portions. Not hard to figure out, but required. In the interim, maybe buy some chicken hearts and give your kitten one or two as a treat.