What kind of Tabby Markings does Tallulah have ?


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 10, 2013
UK England


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
 Tallulah is Brown Classic Tabby and White.     Classic Tabby ( which in the UK is also sometimes called Blotched Tabby)  is the most recessive tabby pattern.    probably a mutation that originally started in northwest Europe ,  and seems more common in the UK than many places.   The dark part of the pattern is in wider markings than other tabby patterns,  and often includes curved shapes,  bull's eye or butterfly shapes.      Because Classic Tabby is such a bold, dramatic pattern, it is popular in some breeds of pedigree cats -  but is also found in very striking forms in moggies. 

 With the different tabby patterns,  it's on the sides and back that there is really the noticeable difference.   It's kind of interesting how Tallulah's face looks  so much lighter .  which  is sort of by chance,  but it does turn out like that sometimes in the Classic Tabby because there's more of the darkest color  on their back & sides.

 What's traditionally called "Brown Tabby" is really genetically a cat with BLACK base color,  plus the Agouti gene that makes their tabby pattern show distinctly.   It became called "brown tabby" because the lighter Agouti part of the pattern often has a brownish look  ( although it can sometimes look more grey) .   Now that more is understood about genetics,  some people would like to change it to "black" to avoid confusion.    I think some European registries actually do call it Black Tabby.  and The International Cat Association for several years has been using both terms,  for example  "Brown (Black) Classic Tabby and White"

I wrote about it in this post http://www.thecatsite.com/t/269144/can-anyone-help-with-the-name-of-this-color#post_3455283

Compared to Tippi,  the difference is  -

Tallulah has 2 copies of Classic Tabby gene,  while Tippi at least apparently has at least one Mackerel Tabby. 

  Tallulah has 2 copies of "not red" ( which defaults to Black) :  Tippi has one Red and one "not Red". 

Tallulah does not have the Inhibitor gene ( silver) that Tippi has.

Tallulah is such a traditional, classic looking English cat.  she's like the cats that were the foundation of pedigreed British Shorthairs -- and their transatlantic cousins American Shorthairs.  She looks even more like the American Shorthair.    Along with her wonderful pattern,  she has lovely eyes! 