What breed is my cat


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
You have a white cat with black markings. Cats of no specific breed are called Domestic and then fur length. So to put that all together you have a white with black domestic short hair.

I know you were probably looking for something more exotic but there is no way to accurately identify any sort of relation to a recognize breed without documented lineage. Most cats out there fit in the Domestic Short or Long Hair categories. Cat breeding is just not the same as dog breeding. There aren't as many recognized breeds, there is more genetic diversity, more are based on naturally occurring coloration and mutations. Of the 41 breeds recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association 16 are naturally occurring regional breeds that predated any records and the rest have been refined and developed over the last 50 years. There just isn't as big of a population of documented pure bred, those that there are are more controlled breeding, and some variations can occur naturally with no actual lineage to something considered pure bred.

In comparison, there are 340 recognized dog breeds (or 167 depending on world wide or American only). And people have been selectively breeding since pre Victorian times. So in dogs you end up with very specific breed traits that only can and do occur within that population even if you don't have papers to verify you can guess with some accuracy the heritage. There is no mistaking the size of a pit bulls head, the girth of a bulldogs shoulders compared to hips, or the short legs of a dachshund.

A great example is my cat Rocket: 

Some people might identify her as a Snowshoe Siamese. Or a Tonkinese mix. Or any number of specific pointed breeds with a mix of tuxedo. What is she? Her mom was a tabby feral cat, whose mom was a tabby ferals, whose mom was a grey feral. Her dad? Likely, a gray tuxedo feral tom or a random pointed feral. Somehow her genetic lottery ended up making her a pointed cat with short fur and tuxedo markings on her face, tummy and legs.... much like a Snowshoe Siamese but with no real relation to the breed. 
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