Welcome to the Cat Behavior with Pam Johnson-Bennett expert forum! Please read before you post!

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Site Owner
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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Official dates for this forum: August 20-27. I'm opening it for posting one day in advance, so some of you can start posting and get thing going. Pam will be joining us tomorrow.

About Pam Johnson-Bennett

Pam is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and author of eight cat behavior books, including my personal all-time favorite cat care book: Think Like a Cat. Pam has been featured on CNN, Fox News Channel, CBS, ABC, NBC, National Geographic, Cat Fancy, Cats Magazine, as well as countless other television and radio programs and print publications.

Please take a minute to visit Pam's site:

Pam Jonnson-Bennett's website

I'd like to officially welcome Pam to TheCatSite.com! Thank you so much, Pam, for taking the time to host this forum and educate us on cat behavior!


Guidelines for Posting

You may post general questions about cat behavior, or specific questions pertaining to your own cat. Please be aware that some problems may be too complex to solve over an internet forum. Just like with taking your cat to the vet, sometimes you need to call in a trained cat behaviorist who can work with you on an ongoing basis to try and solve the problem, based on the specific setup in your situation.

Please take some time to clearly formulate your question, especially if it's about a specific situation concerning your cat. Things you may want to mention -
  • A full description of the cat: sex, age, spayed/neutered or not, any medical conditions.
  • Other cats and/or pets in your household.
  • A brief and concise history of the situation.
As with all threads on our site, please be courteous and make sure you adhere to our rules and guidelines as posted here.

It's always a good idea to visit our cat behavior article on the site, particularly before posting your question. You may just find the answers you need right there:

Cat Behavior Articles on TheCatSite.com

If you're new to the site, please take a moment to introduce yourself at the New Cats on the Block Forum. You may participate in the forum, but we'd appreciate it if you take a minute to try and get to know our community first. Thank you!

I know we all have lots of questions, but please try not to "flood" the forum with questions. I don't want to set caps at this point, just to keep things sensible.


Above all, have fun and learn lots!

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