Unwanted Alarm Clock


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2006
I will actually grab Sebastian hug him and snuggle with him....he does one of 2 things...

he will either lay down with me (he likes to lay on my arm and spoon with me) I know very odd!!

Or he is not in the mood and I annoy him into going away for awhile...it has become a normal routine. But I am such a sound sleeper it really does not phase me that much...But he tries every morning anyway!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Originally Posted by Charmed654321

You know, I tend to agree with this viewpoint. It's a lot easier to get used to the movement of a cay laying down with you, or even snuggling up than it is to the crying and banging on the door. The same way you get used to another person sleeping next to you.

And if they're happy and can come and go, you may find you're not woken up as much. It might be worth a trial of a couple of weeks to see what happens. You can always go back to the way it is now, and you're no worse off.
I agree with this. When we first got the cats, we kept our door shut. Not because we wanted to keep them away so we could sleep, but hubby was worried we would get up in the night and step on one of them. Cindy meowed and rattled and after a few nights of that, we let her in. At first I couldn't sleep, was afraid to roll on them, etc. They both slept up there for awhile and I got so used to them, I don't notice their comings and goings. Now, they often don't sleep there at all.

However, I still have a furry alarm clock most mornings around 4 AM when Miss Cindy Lou wants to be fed. She'll jump up on me, walk up and down, knead, etc. til I get up and get her food. Or, more amusingly, she'll do that to hubby so that he will wake me up to feed her (since I'm the one who feeds her). She didn't used to, til I spoiled her, when she was having medical problems and not eating much. When she finally did wake me up one night around 2 AM wanting food, I was so happy I got up and fed her. Now she figures it's in the contract for me to do that

Swanie wakes me up on weekends if I try to sleep late. He'll jump up on the bed and get right in my face, or he'll sit down on the floor next to my head and stare at me til I wake up. He'll jump over me, on me, on the headboard, and just be generally obnoxious until I at least acknowledge him, pet him, and talk to him. Sometimes that's enough and he goes away.

When my ex-neighbor's cat Misty used to stay over with us, she wouldn't jump on the bed to get our attention, she would jump on a dresser and start batting things off. Or start pawing at the blinds and making a racket.

I guess they all have their little ways


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 13, 2005
Ricky would have me up at 2am 4am and 6am if I let him have his way. I just shut my bedroom door and turn on a fan to cover the noise if he gets too loud. Cats are nocturnal and naturally active at night as far as I know but I'm not so draw the line at getting up....he has to wait for 7am then he can eat breakfast the same time I do.