Two Cats: Questions About Behavior In Them


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 23, 2017

So I have two cats and I'm trying to figure out if the behavior I am seeing is normal or if I should be worried. First a little background on the cats, the names are not their own but fans of the Jeremiah Hunt books should get the reference.

Whisper- She is a female about 1-1.5 years old and I have had her about a month and a half. She did come from a two cat home. She spends a lot of time hiding under things, though she does get up in the window or on the cat tree. She's active in the early to mid morning and late nights, but beyond that spends a lot of time under the couch or under the bed. She is pretty affectionate, like every time I touch her she starts purring.

Scream- A male about a year to two years old and I have had him about 3-4 months. He is a former stray and when I first got him was very affectionate. He is very active and talkative and gets just about anywhere he can. He has no real set active hours, but spends a lot of time on the bed or couch.

So the behaviors I'm wondering about. Scream used to be much more affectionate when I first got him. He still is when I get home wanting to be petted and will nurse on a blanket or me. But after that he'll do more of the "hug and bite". He'll try to get Whisper to play, by jumping on her or batting at her tail. They have slept near each other a few times and Scream has groomed her a few times, but don't really do that anymore. They still get in the window together, but keep a bit of distance. Scream has also taken to watching Whisper when she used the litter box or eats. He seems to exhibit more "I want to play" behavior, but doesn't really take it much further than that. Scream also uses both food and water dishes, and also both littler boxes. Whisper does the same with the food and water, but sticks to her. I'm wonder if Scream feels jealous or is trying to establish dominance. Whisper is more low energy and Scream is more high energy.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:hithere:Hi, and welcome to TCS :welcomesign:

This all sounds like perfectly normal behaviour for two cats who get along together. I don't think you have anything to worry about :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
They sound as if they are doing fine, and you managed it in a remarkably short time, as well! Scream may well be trying to establish dominance, but SOMEONE is going to. That's who cats are, after all! Just let them take this at their own pace. So long as there are no violent, bloody fights, you are doing very well, indeed!