Timid Cats

Ngametua-Tiare Brider

TCS Member
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Sep 22, 2018
So I've read lots of articles and pages and links and tips and advices on the internet and on thecatsite. I adopted two cats on the 18th of September, 2018, one male ( 2 years old ) and one female ( 3 years old ), both are timid and shy and are still anxious and most likely, maybe even still scared of their new surroundings. They've come from a rescue home full of other cats to a house full of humans. There are eight humans currently living with me, from youngest to oldest, a 6, 12, 13, two 15 year olds and three adults. We all know to be and have been, quiet, gentle and calm. The oldest cat still hides but likes to be patted and loved up on, but won't come out from under the bed, wardrobe or her little box! Hahah x The younger one also doesn't mind a pat but won't necessarily go out of his way to be your over-loving friend. They explore my room they're in and the youngest one ventures out and about every now and then. I have seen him eat, drink and use the cat litter but not the older one. I am positive that both of them have eaten, drunk water and used the cat litter though as there is no signs that they haven't. Both are domesticated, indoor only and litter trained cats. I suppose I just needed reassurance? It's only been five days and I know it can take up to even a year but I suppose I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right :) Cheers! Continued below in the comments :)
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Ngametua-Tiare Brider

TCS Member
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Sep 22, 2018
They are both microchipped, vaccinated, treated for worms and again since the 6th of September, 2018, have been treated for fleas. I introduced them to my room and they ran straight under the bed as expected, which is all good. My siblings came home from school and met them, overwhelming I know. They liked the attention but were still anxious. They ate and drank water and used the cat litter tray, everything's going fine so far. There's a cat tower, horizontal cat scratchers, toys, a box, I'll find another for the other cat. Mats for them to sleep on. I used catnip around the room and that brought them out and made them all nice and friendly and cuddly for about five minutes with my sister <3 they seem fine?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2017
Can you use a toy or treats to encourage them to leave under the bed? I wouldn’t try to touch them, just get them coming out even for a few moments. 5 days is no time at all for new cats.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
When you have a household of people, I would expect newcomer cats will take longer to get comfortable and mix in with the household. There is just more noise, movement and people, all of which slow down there adjustment. Be sure every family members knows not to approach the cats but to wait for the cat to come to them. This means if the cat comes out and perches on a chair, no one is to rush it or go in for a pet. Just hands reaching towards it may send it back into hiding. They can speak softly to the cat or set out a treat nearby.

If the cats aren’t confined at night, they are probably out exploring. This really helps them figure out that the house is okay and nothing to be frightened of. With so much activity during the day this quiet time may important exploring time. The risk of letting them roam through the house is that they may find new hiding spaces. But personally I would take the risk.
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Ngametua-Tiare Brider

TCS Member
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Sep 22, 2018
I opened my bedroom door the other day and while they were scared that first day, they're not as much lately. The oldest still explores the room sniffing things, but still hides but does still like being petted. The youngest jumps up on my bed and desk and ventures out into the hallway and lounge. He's very clever, I followed him and couldn't find him anywhere and magically he was back in my room. So he ventured out again and I followed him, and then realised he knew I was following him and so he hid down a couple of steps and watched me creep past looking for him! Cheeky! Haha. Otherwise, they're eating, drinking, using the cat litter and don't bite or scratch us.
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Ngametua-Tiare Brider

TCS Member
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Sep 22, 2018
Pjg8r - Absolutely, I know. My family and I have had cats, but usually my Mum will adopt them and as kittens. These are the first two cats I have adopted and they're rescue cats, hahah, so I did kind of skip a few steps there thinking they would be like my old cats. Whoopsie. Still learning though x my mistake :)
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Ngametua-Tiare Brider

TCS Member
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Sep 22, 2018
Susanm9006 - Definitely. I agree, thank you for that :) I'll be sure to let my family know :)

Haha, at quarter to two in the morning, Ollie ( the youngest cat was making lots of noise and so I followed him and that's when I realised he was hiding down the stairs all along. Personally, have been taking the risk :)

The woman I adopted them off did say that they would be fine, they would just take more time, love, affection and patience :) <3 x but definitely, worth it :)