This is the most desperate I've been in my life


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
It's so late at night that I just skimmed the thread faster than I like to (needless to say, the title grabbed me as we're facing some major financial issues with a cat that has something very similar to megacolon, and unfortunately, money is an issue for us -- and his blockage-oriented vet visits have totaled around $1,000 in just the past few months, which is stretching us to our breaking point) if I say something that's already been mentioned - I apologize up front. Blame it on the hour!

Have you thought about They do take a small percentage of the donations....but I can definitely say it helped someone I know (and no - I'm not a gofundme employee :). A cat had been at our no-kill shelter for almost 3 years - -and let's just say he wasn't the "friendliest of cats" :) Last Christmas - the shelter put a pic of him on Facebook, accompanied by a pic with a little sign next to him, saying "I've been here for XXX days - won't someone take me home for Christmas"? Talk about a Christmas miracle...a woman (who'd never owned a cat) took one look at the pic and decided she was meant to save him. But, as often happens - he saved her, becoming her best buddy. She drove him cross country..and one month after getting there, lost her job. She knows no one in her new state, and has health issues, so finding another job wasn't going to be a quick process - - and then her new feline baby collapsed one night. And, as alot of us pet lovers would do - panicked and took him to an emergency vet clinic. In just two days - racked up an $800 vet bill (they kept thinking "the next thing will fix this next thing will"....and so on). They discovered it was a heart issue...but with medications and monitoring she can extend his life comfortably quite a bit. She really struggled with what to do - and was embarrassed to ask for money. She ended up putting his story on gofundme....and while it didn't bring in the tens of thousands you sometimes read about - - she has raised over $1,500 in just over a month. Again - everyone's story doesn't work out that way - and she had the added help of a shelter that let their members know about the site. Plus she did a good job writing her "plea" on the site and providing the site with pix and updates. Again - not everyone has the same outcome, but that gofundme money took an enormous load of her emotionally and financially. It's something to consider.

Know that now alot of us on this site are now thinking of you - - Good luck - and keep us posted!