Thank you, everyone.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 25, 2022
For your assistance over the last several months.

As some of you may recall, I joined a few months ago because our Cody was having repeated bouts of constipation, complicated by hip arthritis, as well as change in personality and increased pacing/meowing lately.

Pacing and meowing, especially at night

Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

Arthritis treatment

So many of you were willing to help and I am very thankful for that. As the first thread explains, over the last month, she was doing incredibly well constipation-wise. We even had a vet appointment set up last Wednesday for a further checkup on that but decided to move it because we did not want to stress her out.

Yesterday, I had a very late night at the office and didn't get home until 11:30 p.m. When I walked in, I was met by my girlfriend at the door, who told me that she thought Cody was acting very strangely... almost like she was trying to find a place to pass away. I asked why and she told me that 15 minutes before I walked in, she vomited and then started to attempt to squeeze herself into very small spaces.

I then went and found her trying to squeeze into a crevice near the stove in the kitchen. I pulled her out and she looked stressed and tense, and immediately attempted to find another crevice. My girlfriend picked her up and put her in a box that she had been playing with and in for the last few days. She began making hiccup-like noises, which lasted about 15 minutes while we got her treatment records ready (I had everything ready in a manila envelope along with notes on her issues because we were planning on seeing a different vet for a second opinion a few months ago). After about 15 minutes, she stopped the hiccups, and I went to check on her. She was breathing, but nonresponsive in any way. We tried to figure out whether to go to a 24 hour vet or wait until early morning and go to our vet, especially seeing that it seemed she was near the end. We decided to wait until early morning. Whether that was a good or bad decision, I don't know... Whether moving the Wednesday appointment was good idea, I don't know... At 1:30 a.m., without ever regaining consciousness, she had a seizure and took her last breath. Then she passed. My guess is a stroke, but I don't know...

I'm ****ing heartbroken. She was my baby. You guys know how it is when you're in a multi-cat household and cats end up with favorites. This was the Bonnie to my Clyde. She met me at the door every night, she walked me to the door every morning. This was sudden and unexpected. Maybe writing this will be somewhat cathartic, especially given that after crying myself to sleep a few hours ago, I had to wake up for a 9 a.m. in-person meeting at work.

Rest in Peace, Cody. 2010-2022.

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Cody as a baby, circa 2010:

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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry for your loss. It was our pleasure to have been able to offer any sort of assistance or support for you and your lovely girl.

Given the two hour window which you describe (which I did edit according to your second post), I don't think that your decisions regarding where to seek care, and when, probably made any difference to the outcome. When there is a sudden lack of responsiveness, breathing issues, possible stroke/clot, or seizures, it often signals that the end is near. My guess is that even if you had immediately jumped into the car, she might even have passed away en route to wherever you were going.

If you would like, you are welcome to post a tribute to and memories of Cody in our Crossing the Bridge Forum. Hopefully happy memories of Cody will eventually replace your sudden loss. She is a beautiful girl who had incredible care and love with you and your girlfriend; a lot of cats should be so lucky.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Oh. I am so very sorry! We do understand how some just mesh with our lives so completely. Cody is beautiful. I have lost ones close to me too. The only thing I can say is that she passed among her loved ones rather than experiencing another traumatic vet visit. If any sudden loss can be seen as a good thing then I would offer this, she was where she would most want to be. This hits me where I live. Having watched declines where I had to make the hard decision to send them off, maybe this was better for you and for her? Not having to choose may not be any better as far as the pain for you but being surrounded by everything she knew and loved is how I would hope my end would be. My heart is with you.


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2021
I would like to offer my condolences on the loss of your baby and to let you know I think you did the right thing by Cody. I get what you are going through as I lost my Monkey 7 weeks ago. He was my favorite as well. Please take time for self-care and remember you gave Cody a fabulous life and he loved you as well. I will say a prayer for you. Take care


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2022
I am so sorry! Please find comfort in knowing you did everything in your power to help. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of your sweetheart.
We had a similar experience with one of our babies. Even if we rushed her to the emergency, they would not have been able to revive her. An ugly experience to witness. It was a half hour episode with ours. Her name was Ruiny. She peed on everything. Originally named Rooney after a Swedish friend.
I do feel better that she was at home with us rather than pack her up to the vet, (not that was an option)so stressful, and we were there when she passed.
Hope you two will feel better about the inevitable passing on to the Rainbow Bridge. Seems no matter what, we feel guilty when these sweet babies get hurt or die.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
You have my heartfelt sympathies and deepest regrets. :hugs: Your girlfriend and you gave Cody her forever home and she thanked you with unconditional love. That is the greatest feeling of all and hopefully her memories will live on in your heart. RIP sweet angel.:angel:


1 cat with me, 1 in heaven
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2022
I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a multi-cat household for ten years with my boy Muggs and girl Missy but then oral cancer took Muggs away six months ago. It's really only just in the two weeks that Missy seems to be back to how she was before everything went crazy. I love both of my cats but Muggs and I chose each other and he'll always be my favorite.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
V VadGTI , the TCS team would like you to know that we are so very sorry for the sad loss of Cody.
Threads are locked after someone has suffered such a loss, as a sign of respect, but we invite you to place a tribute at our Crossing the Bridge forum as an enduring testimony to your friend.

RIP Beautiful Cody
:greenpaw:.🌼. :rbheart:.🌼. :bluepaw:

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