Still Throwing Up


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2015
My cat Buffy has been recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I initially took her in to the vet because she was throwing up sometimes up to 3 times a day, licking her lips constantly, and sounds like her siliva is thick when swallowing. At the vet they took blood, gave her fluid and another medication which I cannot remember. They weren't able to take a urine sample because her glands are swollen which is a separate issue and said she had lost 2 pounds since her last visit which is not related. Since her blood test she's been on 10mg methimazole transdermal & I've also taken to giving her 1/4 pepcid ac (off brand) for her upset stomach which I thought was helping and in a way it is because she's thrown up lesser since her diagnosis. But tonight she threw up and I saw a few specks of blood present. Her appetite is okay, she has been eating the same dry food since I've had her (originally my sisters cat but I took her in about 4 years ago) and drinks loads of water from her water fountain. I've recently noticed she has been eating weirdly, at first I thought it was because her bowl wasn't high enough so I adjusted but she'll grab alittle bit of food and munch on it closer to the floor. I'm wondering if the throwing up is oral related. Anyone have similar incidents?


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
The weight loss you mentioned is definitely tied to the hyperthyroidism, as that is the most common symptom seen in cats.

Have you talked to the vet about Buffy's issues? I would ask them if she might be on a too high of a dose of the methimazole. 10mg is quite high. What was her T-4 count when she started the meds, how long has she been on it, and has she been re-checked since starting it to see where her T-4 is now?

I have never heard of a direct connection between vomiting and oral issues, but it probably wouldn't hurt to have your vet check out her mouth and throat if they did not already do that. I honestly think the vomiting was more likely related to her hyperthyroidism and could also now be related to a too high dose of methimazole. Can you describe what you mean by 'eating weirdly'? And, if she is now taking food out of the bowl to eat from the floor, I would suggest you don't elevate the bowl, or at least try lowering it a bit to see if that helps.

I would also take a sample of her vomit to the vet to check for blood. They can run a quick test to determine if what you saw is actually blood.

Not sure how this swollen gland issue, and not being able to take a urine sample because of it, is tied to some of her symptoms, but it might be worth also asking the vet about that as well.


TCS Member
Jul 27, 2022
My cat had a problem vomiting and lost almost half her body weight and she just got diagnosed with kidney disease.
I wouldn't say she eats weirdly but she has been shaking her head and licking her lips a lot because of drool.
She got a broken tooth removed and had her teeth cleaned last week but she still does it. So it seems this behaviour is from the vomiting.
My cat often takes a mouthful of food out of her bowl then eats it off the table. I always assumed it's because I got her from an animal shelter so she might have had to share a bowl with other cats. So would get her mouthful of food and then eat it further away in peace. I've had her 10 years now though and she still does it.