Some Behavioral Changes After My Fiancé Left


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2018
My cat Terk is almost 3 years old and my Fiancé and I adopted her together. So she’s always been around both of us. Terk spends most of her time with me since I’m still in school and fiancé works full time. It was like this when we were both in school too, since his schedule was more time consuming than mine was. Terk is also more “attached” to me I guess you could say. At least in her actions. She’s protective of me, she tends to play and sit with me more. But she does love my fiancé as well. Especially at night because she sleeps on his legs every night.

My fiancé just started a work rotation where they send him to the field to do work for two weeks at a time and then he is home for two weeks. So the past two weeks he’s been home all day every day and it’s been nice. Terk loves getting to sit with him. He left on Tuesday morning and the first night he was gone her behavior was strange. Normally when I go to bed she follows me into the bedroom, which she did. Except she didn’t want to sleep. She wanted to be annoying (i know she’s not doing it to actually be annoying that’s just what it felt like from my perspective). She was knocking things off the dresser, clawing at the carpet and the bed. Just being obnoxious, like she’s trying to get my attention. This behavior happens sometimes when she’s hungry but I had just fed her so it was strange. Another strange behavior I have noticed is her hyper-spells. She has about one a day, but now she’s having them a couple times a day. She just runs through the apartment as fast as she can. It would be funny but she’s really quite destructive sometimes. And the final major behavioral change is with her food. While my fiancé was home she would eat her morning food around 7 am and then by 9-ish she would start asking for her dinner. Now that he’s gone she’s begging me for food almost constantly. She wakes me up at 4 am on the dot and won’t let me sleep until she’s fed. And the rest of the day every time I’m in the kitchen near her food she’s rubbing my leg and asking for more. She’s also more pushy with MY food, trying to steal chicken when I’m not looking and things like that.

Sorry if this is long winded. She’s really such a great little cat but she is a little odd sometimes too. I feel like she may be dealing with separation anxiety but I’m not sure. These behaviors happened not long after my fiancé left and I’m just hoping that there is something i can do to help her feel less anxious. She still loves playing and cuddling (she’s sitting in my lap while i type this) it’s just that some of her behavior is becoming disruptive and difficult for me and I don’t want her to make a habit out of it. And if she’s anxious I know how terrible that feels and I want to help her feel better too.

Any suggestions or just some similar stories so I know I’m not alone would be great! Thanks guys.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I think that when you said "seperation anxiety" you hit the nail right on the head. Yes, cats have it. LOTS of cats have it. Cats are rules by routines and rituals, and your fiancee's new work schedule has turned hers upsidedown! The most important thing is time. She needs to adjust, and almost certainly will, but NOT, unfortunately, immediately. This article may help, and I'll include some on stress, as well.

Separation Anxiety In Cats
Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats

I'd be willing to bet that 90% of behavioral problems in cats that are not part of a medical issue are stress related.

Let me know how Terk is doing, and welcome to TCS!