Side effects of Depo-Medrol??


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 21, 2020
My 13.5 lb baby girl received a 20mg injection of Depo-Medrol for coughing and fluid in and around her lungs due to possible asthma, allergies and/or lung disease yesterday around 12:30p.m. Today she seems to be breathing funny.. seems more rapid at times.. isnt eating (which she LOVES food and treats!). Seems a little warm and keeps tossing and turning. I'm trying to give her space, but it is difficult knowing she is not her fun loving happy playful perfect self. Please let me know if any of you have experienced this. I did research online (ALLOT!), however it is so much and really scary I just want to see how common this is. I trust her Vet, even though it was her first time. He was very informed and I felt comfortable with him and the staff. Lily did also.. they made a point to tell me how "amazing" she did, even with the 4 xrays. Lily is 5 years old, spayed and generally healthy. Please share your stories. I did call the Vet office this a.m. they said give it another day or so. I havent left her side.. I'm scared to. Hoping all your fur babies are doing well and thank you, in advance, for you response.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi Lilycup !

Unless you spoke to the Vet himself, then I suggest you call again (if they're closed, there should be instructions for after-hours service). Insist on speaking directly to the Veterinarian - no one else.

What, exactly, did you mean to say here:
"I trust her Vet, even though it was her first time."​
Whose first time? First time with/at what?

You said she "seems a little warm" - do you think she has a fever? Steroids suppress the immune system and 'open the door' to infection. (that doesn't necessarily mean that one will 'enter', though)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 21, 2020
Hi Lilycup !

Unless you spoke to the Vet himself, then I suggest you call again (if they're closed, there should be instructions for after-hours service). Insist on speaking directly to the Veterinarian - no one else.

What, exactly, did you mean to say here:
"I trust her Vet, even though it was her first time."​
Whose first time? First time with/at what?

You said she "seems a little warm" - do you think she has a fever? Steroids suppress the immune system and 'open the door' to infection. (that doesn't necessarily mean that one will 'enter', though)
Yes. I thought she may have had a little fever. However with the most recent inspection, Lily's temp seems to be normal.

It was Lily's first time getting such an extensive exam to include xrays. I was saying I trust the fact that the vet gave her a steroid injection and the instructions to give the steroid a day and Lily a day to adjust/start working.

I had spoken with a tech, however she had called me back AFTER speaking with the vet directly. The vet tech had said "he is on the other line, let me speak with him to see what he has to say and we will return your call". I trust that the vet tech passed on the information correctly

Yes. I had read about steroids suppressing their immune system while researching. Thank you!

My question really is as follows:
Have any of you had the same, what seems to be side effects, happen to your feline due to a steroid injection?

During my research, I had found so much information, I was hoping to narrow it down to this sight and possibly get information through others that have had this experience in order to cross reference with what I have read and narrow down what her actual status is. Also, I believe I may have been looking for a little comfort in hearing, possibly from a regular feline parent not a vet, that Lily's current symptoms could in fact be normal side effects of the steroid injection. My apologies if I was vague previously. I was trying to keep the post a little short. Thank you for your questions.

Again. Thank you for responding.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
How is she today? Better? I've only ever had one cat get ONE steroid injection , but it wasn't Depo-Medrol and there weren't any side effects.

I'm a little concerned about what this fluid build up is in and around her lungs. That sounds like pulmonary edema, something I am very familiar with in humans, but not in cats. But the "fix" is the same, from what I've read. If there is a lot of fluid, they can actually insert a long needle and pull out the fluid. But steroids help with inflammation, if her bronchia (sp?) are inflamed. Has her coughing slowed down?

If she isn't better now, I would take her back in and have them look at her again. It's possible the fluids are making her uncomfortable and that's why she can't seem to settle down and get comfortable. There is also Lasix which can help with fluid build-up, to an extent.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 29, 2020
When Delilah had one of these shots, she was out of sorts for about 2 weeks.
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TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2020
How is she today? Better? I've only ever had one cat get ONE steroid injection , but it wasn't Depo-Medrol and there weren't any side effects.

I'm a little concerned about what this fluid build up is in and around her lungs. That sounds like pulmonary edema, something I am very familiar with in humans, but not in cats. But the "fix" is the same, from what I've read. If there is a lot of fluid, they can actually insert a long needle and pull out the fluid. But steroids help with inflammation, if her bronchia (sp?) are inflamed. Has her coughing slowed down?

If she isn't better now, I would take her back in and have them look at her again. It's possible the fluids are making her uncomfortable and that's why she can't seem to settle down and get comfortable. There is also Lasix which can help with fluid build-up, to an extent.
She is doing much better! Back to hydrating and eating some.. not as much eating as previously, however that is not necessarily a bad thing. Her behavior seems that as a healthy feline but she seems a little different. Not in a good or bad way, just different. I cant really explain it. Seems to be much more independent.. wants to explore more throughout the house, so that is a good thing, I think. She is an indoor only kitty. We are going to be moving where she will have a nice yard, so I may try to harness her and put her on a runner where she can reach all of the yard but not jump the wall.. it would be in the ground. Idk. with the humans not caring and coyotes here (AZ), I cant handle the thought of her running around the neighborhood, even though it will be a decent one. Plus the main road (7 lanes) is right outside the neighborhood. (Sorry, I just carried on).

I think the steroids floored her but helped her greatly in the long run. I am researching herbal preventative options. I had read that steroids, long term, are bad and can cause other diseases and problems.

The fluid build up was caused from inflammation.. vet thinks feline asthma and allergies. The air quality has been HORRID here. Getting her a random check up in a couple of weeks to explore further options and to hopefully prevent further coughing and breathing issues. She has not coughed in a few days, so that is a bonus as well.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 21, 2020
When Delilah had one of these shots, she was out of sorts for about 2 weeks.
Did it help in the long run? Did she keep having to get them? What were her symptoms? Thank you for your help!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 29, 2020
In the long run it turned out that Delilah was totally misdiagnosed. What we (me the new first time cat owner and first time female pet owner and my vet who didn't investigate further) thought was allergies turned out to be an ovarian remnant and all her licking, rolling and yowling was not her having a food reaction, she was going into heat (even though she was spayed) every other week.

So in the end it wouldn't have helped her. It would have just had her acting somewhat doped up. It took hormone bloodwork, getting Delilah to a veterinary internist, an ultrasound, and a second surgery (because the general vet couldn't find the remnants on the first one) to locate the tiny pieces of ovary hiding behind her kidneys and in some old scar tissue. Since then Delilah is acting like a normal crazy 3 year old kitty.

If you feel like something isn't right, find another vet. Sometimes it takes an internist to get to the real root of the problem and I wish I'd asked my cousin the vet (who doesn't see relatives) for advice sooner and saved Delilah the misery of the first surgery. Unfortunately I'm stuck with the Banfield plan. I'm not going back to that vet even though he is 5 minutes from my apartment. Another Banfield 15 minutes further away has a vet who is listed as "cat friendly", plus she's allowing owners in rooms now so we're going there for her 6 month checkup.