Show (club/judge) type and colour preferences for Selkirks and British Longhairs?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 9, 2024
Hello! I'm a registered breeder for Selkirks and BLHs, but have never joined a show with them before (for some reason, my queens are always about to give birth right around the times there is a show near me, so I've not gotten around to showing. In the past I showed my (pet) BSH in the premiership altered class a few times, but I found that judges are generally more lenient with altered cats and don't penalize as harshly (because they say the faults are exactly why the cats are neutered.)

I just wanted to know if there are any preferences in judging for Selkirk Rex and BLH, like does one club value the curls more than another, or the profile, or certain colours etc, speaking from your show experience?

Side related question: do judges generally prefer traditional colours over the newer/complex colours when awarding top ribbons?

I've read up on the breed standards for all the main clubs, but wanted to ask those who actively show these breeds regularly your thoughts and opinions :)
Thank you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Since no one answered, I will tell you my experiences even though I did not show the breeds you asked about. As long as the cat has no disqualifying traits it should be okay to show. Now the breed standards describe what would be considered the perfect cat. In my breed (Persian) a lot is open to interpretation of the judge. They are only human and I know some have strong opinions. I have heard 2 state they don’t like certain colors so don’t usually use that color in the final. I have also had a judge place my cat over what I felt was a better quality cat. Of course I did not feel the other cat, I was basing this on appearances. Some are not familiar with the standard if the lesser known breeds, but should consult the standard if they have a question. Groom your cats well and go have fun.