RIP Mr Mittens


TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
I had to let Mr Mittens go January 31st, he was just a few months shy of 17 years old, and I am trying to come to peace with the fact he did live a good life.

Mittens along with his two sisters, Gremlin and Lucky (both have since passed), were the offspring of Spook, a cat that was dumped on my property either before or soon after I moved here. I fed Spook and she lived in the out buildings on the property until she was hit and killed on the road by a neighbor one rainy evening. Unknown to me at the time she had had a litter of kittens under my house, and a few days after she passed one of my other cats alerted me to meowing coming from under the floor. Once my husband got home he went under the house and rescued the kittens. After phoning around I got them into the vet for a check up, and they gave me some kitten formula along with some dewormer meds to take home and give once they were bigger and healthier.
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They grew up under the watchful eye of my first rough collie and made friends with the other two cats I had a the time. Over the years Mittens welcomed more cats to the house and was overall a good boy, he wasn't the brightest cat but had a passive personality so he got along well with everyone. He loved the dogs and had a special bond with not only the first collie that raised him but also the second collie named Blaze that I got roughly a year after the first passed away. Sadly Gremlin passed away when she went in to get spayed, but Lucky and Mittens made it through without issue and would often hangout together. His best friend though was Tiger, they would almost always be found sleeping together.
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Last year was a bad one though, in February his sister Lucky passed away, in July Blaze had to be put down, and then in August his best friend Tiger unexpectedly passed away suddenly (she was 15, but I have no idea what happened which is hard. I found her on a chair, it looked like she just went to sleep, and never woke up 😢). Especially after Tiger passed Mittens became more clingy, he seemed lost after losing basically his whole social circle. He seemed to adapt though, more cuddles with humans and shifting to spending more time with some of the other cats.

He seemed to be doing well for an old cat though, his body condition was good, his fur was still soft and although he was loosing some muscle he really didn't have that "old cat body" that some cats get as they age. He had his lunch on Monday and everything seemed normal, however when I came back from taking the dogs for a walk that afternoon I found him on the floor bleeding from his mouth (likely hit his face on the floor when he fell). Since I didn't see what happened the best guess is he had a stroke that caused him to off the counter. I tried to give him some time to rest and hoped maybe he had just slipped and he would recover but he didn't seem to know what was going on anymore. He kept laying to one side, had a head tilt, and couldn't seem to control his limbs properly so he would stumble and fall when he tried to walk, but mostly he just laid there, as well as he appeared to have gone blind in one eye. I made an appointment with vet (the soonest they could get me in was first thing in the morning) and by then he was barely responsive, he purred when I pet him, but he didn't even bother raising his head let alone try to move. There was no question it was time to let him go, and he just needed some help. I'm sad that it was so sudden, I had no warning my time with him was coming to an end, but I'm thinking it may have been for the best if he had to go, he didn't suffer for weeks or months as his body failed him.

We will be burying him on the property beside Tiger, and buying trees in the spring to plant on the graves.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Mr. Mittens, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

What a remarkable old gentleman he was, and remarkably lucky. I can tell from every word that he lived, breathed and had his being wrapped in your love. Seventeen years is a remarkable age for a cat, but one thing I know for sure. Where there is love, and eternity together is not long enough. This is the Deepest Truth I never dies. It is purified and translate into Love, and continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, he blesses you for seventeen years of love and care, and he sends his Love back to you, to walk with you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry for your loss. You've had a really rough time recently, losing so many of your pets.


Mittens had a wonderful life with you, he was so lucky to have been rescued by someone who could take such good care of him. 17 years old is such an impressive age for a cat to reach too.

I'm also waiting for spring to come so I can plant some trees to remember all the little ones I've lost. It's a nice way to mark their lives and our losses.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The bond you formed with that sweet boy will be with you forever. He will live on through you now, secure in his place in your heart, alongside his family. He is at peace because of that bond, he will continue to send his love and try to comfort you in your time of need. Go forward into the future and live it as you would want for him to go on if you were the first to go. That is love, and he wants no less.
Though the loss of his physical presence will bring sorrow, his spiritual ties to your soul will be a permanent part of you. He gave you one of this world's treasures, a cat's love.....
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, time is the only thing that helps. One day your sorrow will change to gratitude for having him in your life, but it takes a lot of time, one day at a time.......RIP sweet Mr. Mittens. You will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May teh good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
I'd bet you and Mr. Mittens improved each other's lives. Saying goodbye is always so difficult. I had to put my kitty to sleep on Friday too. May they both RIP.