RESULTS, kitten purchase SURVEY

kai bengals

TCS Member
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Sep 5, 2005
North Carolina
My thanks to all of you who took the time out of your busy day to respond to my survey. I have posted these results to a popular bengal breeder list I belong to and have gotten lots of positive feedback along with some raised eyebrows from the results.
Breeders can often lose sight of what the kitten buying clients want, so this information is invaluable.

Thank-you again, and the results are open for discussion and debate if anyone wants to comment.

Survey results follow:

Each question was answered on a scale of 1 to 5.
5: extremely important
4: important
3: somewhat important
2: nice to know but Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]m not worried about it
1: not important

1. How concerned are you that the kitten you purchase comes from parents/ancestors that are titled champion and higher cats? (2.7)

2. How concerned are you that your kitten meets all the breed standards? (2.9)

3. Regardless if you plan to show your kitten or not, how important is it that your kitten is near show quality? (2.8)

4. How important is it to you that your chosen breeder shows their cats and has champion cats on the premises? (3.0)

5. How important is temperament/ socialization in your new kitten? (4.7)

6. How would you rate the importance of good temperament over appearance? (4.6)

7. How important is it to you that your chosen breeder has a clean facility? (4.7)

8. How important is it to you that a breeder does not advertise in a newspaper? (2.7)

9. Rate your importance of the following statement: My breeder tests for known genetic diseases and will not breed without testing. (4.7)

10. How important is it to you that you have a contract for any animal you purchase? (4.2)

11. How important is a no-exclusion return clause in your contract? (3.3)

12. How important is it that your cat be spay/neutered prior to transfer to you? (3.5)

13. How important is it that your cat be up to date on Vaccines prior to transfer to you? (4.5)

14. Rate your importance of the following statement: Kittens will not be released to new owners until they are 12 to 14 weeks old. (4.5)

Please rate the following in regards to a kitten:

15. Appearance and beauty is important to me (3.2)

16. Temperament is important to me (4.7)

17. Health is important to me (4.9)

18. Lineage is important to me (2.5)

19. Breeder reputation is important to me (4.1)

20. Breeder alliance with breed organizations is important to me (3.0)

Last 5 questions…….

21. How important is it that your chosen breederâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s home not smell like cats? (3.6)

22. How important is it that a breederâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s cats not be caged? (4.7)

23. How important is it to you what your chosen breederâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s cats are being fed? (4.0)

24. How important to you, is it that you are able to visit the sire and dam of your chosen kitten? (3.3)

25. How important is it to you that your breeder send you weekly updates and pics of the kitten you are waiting for? (3.8)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
Very interesting (as an ex-breeder too).

Seems like the majority of the people do just buy a purebred for pet and not for show. That is why I guess most breeders are very happy when someone comes along and specifically asks for a show cat rather then a pet.

I know when I was breeding my Rexes - most show quality ones did go to pet homes and I didn't have a lot of people interested in showing (which I was disappointed). My cats were bred to show standards - to breed quality and while I was happy they were spoiled I wished I could have found more show homes. I actually only had two kittens in all I bred that were PET quality!

For me, I only consider purebreds IF I want a show cat - otherwise I would just adopt a mix for a pet.

The other thing I find interesting is the "caged cat" question and the responses. Most people do not realize you have to keep at least the males in large cages because of spraying unless you have a bedroom they can live in. They can't run around loose. And maybe it was a bit unclear - moms and kittens don't need to be caged (they do need to be confined right before birth and for a few months after - just for safety). But they can be confined to a room and not a cage.

I think most thought of the cats being in tiny or small cages all the time which really is not the case in a reputable breeder.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

For me, I only consider purebreds IF I want a show cat - otherwise I would just adopt a mix for a pet.
That's how I view it, too, honestly. If you're getting a cat with a lot of potential it seems a shame to waste it. If you don't want to show, but love a breed - get an adult or a cat that's proven not to be cut out for showing.

I was confused by how people were answering - as if they only wanted plain pet cats. So I never participated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
When I got Wrinkles I did ask for a show quality kitten but her breeder does not show.
I am also the only one that has shown a cat from her cattery.
I have been told from other breeders and have learned never to buy from a breeder that does not show.
That is one of the reasons I think it is very important for a breeder to show.
I knew nothing about showing when I got Cleo and did not know if I would show at that time.
I was answering the questions as some one that shows.
Sometimes you can not visit the`cattery that the kittens come from because they are not in your state or area.
Then you have to trust people that know the breeder or have bought kittens from them before.
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kai bengals

TCS Member
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Sep 5, 2005
North Carolina
Here are my thoughts on showing.

Most everyone knows I show my cats and I think it's a good idea for breeders to show their cats. Do I think it's imperative? No. I know many breeders in the bengal community that don't show yet produce world class cats. Gogees being just one example.
I believe it would be ridiculous to expect buyers of breed cats to show their cats. The show environment is not for your average kitten buyer. I can completely understand folks that just want a purebred pedigree'd cat to enjoy as a pet in their homes without all the hoopla and expense of showing.
And, thank goodness for those people!

I have happily placed quite a few show quality kittens into regular old pet homes. I will tell the new owners that they are getting a top notch kitten that could be shown IF they wanted to. If they show any interest, I explain what's involved, but I never push the issue.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2005
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

I know when I was breeding my Rexes - most show quality ones did go to pet homes and I didn't have a lot of people interested in showing (which I was disappointed). My cats were bred to show standards - to breed quality and while I was happy they were spoiled I wished I could have found more show homes. I actually only had two kittens in all I bred that were PET quality!

For me, I only consider purebreds IF I want a show cat - otherwise I would just adopt a mix for a pet.
I find this surprising. It is not as if I would expect a breeder not to breed cats to show quality but I have an understanding that not all kittens are show quality. And I would be just as happy with the non show as a show. I buy my cornish rexes to support the breeders efforts, if not than how could they continue the breed if no one did. I love, love, love my cornies and would hate to see them go due to lack of interest.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
Maybe you misunderstood my comment - I researched lines and pedigrees before I put two cats together. I wanted a healthy cat and ones that would be show quality. I did not just breed to produce pets - even if most went as pets.

Sorta like Nial - the cats had potential in the show ring if the person wanted to show later. One owner first mentioned they wanted a "pet" kitten. I told her that it was fine, but that I would rather sell them a show quality cat and if they chose to never show, fine, but if they changed their minds later, the cat would be able to compete well in the rings.

I was disappointed that I didn't have more people interested in showing them and at the time I could not keep them to show myself - that's all.


TCS Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally Posted by strange_wings

I was confused by how people were answering - as if they only wanted plain pet cats. So I never participated.
I answered as if I were going to get one as a pet yes, but wanted a specific breed. I don't think that's confusing at all. I have no interest in showing a cat, nor do I have the time and money for it. It just doesn't appeal to me. Lots of people do have an interest in it (obviously), so I leave it to them. But lots of people want a specific breed because a certain look or type of personality appeals to them. I would wager that the lion's share of purebreed cat/kitten buyers fall into the latter category.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 14, 2007
Middle-Of-No-Where Michigan
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

The other thing I find interesting is the "caged cat" question and the responses. Most people do not realize you have to keep at least the males in large cages because of spraying unless you have a bedroom they can live in. They can't run around loose. And maybe it was a bit unclear - moms and kittens don't need to be caged (they do need to be confined right before birth and for a few months after - just for safety). But they can be confined to a room and not a cage.

I think most thought of the cats being in tiny or small cages all the time which really is not the case in a reputable breeder.
You are absolutely correct here. I've never seen any cages used by breeders (only the tiny things that are used by the animal shelter.) In my mind, I thought small cages. Your explanation helps a lot!

I probably shouldn't have answered the survey, since I'll most likely never purchase a cat. God always seems to give me the special needs kitties, so I never have the extra money, lol... I guess He trusts that I will give them the home and care they need.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
When you are looking for a purebred cat it is good to go to the cat shows and see what you like.
I went to the shows before I decided on the sphynx.
I really loved how the sphynx looked and acted.
I had never touuched a sphynx before I got Cleo.
Some of the other breeds I love are Cornish Rex,Bombay and Singapuras.
Singapuras are the smallest breed of cat in CFA and the ones I have seen were hyper.
I also like Peterblads and Donskys but have never seen them in person.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
as for me, I will never show, but eventually I would like to get Siamese cats because I love their looks and personality, so I would want a kitten that is going to grow up to look like a Siamese should and have the (typical) Siamese personality. Plus, if I am forking over a few hundred dollars for this kitten, then I would expect the kitten to be of high quality; if not, then I could just adopt a Siamese look-alke from a shelter. I think that I voted low on the champion/showing/quality questions, but I would still expect my kitten to get ooohs and aaahs if that makes sense.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
My aunt bred Persians. I can remember going to her house as a child and her cat accomodations were quite impressive. She had a downstairs guest room converted into the "cat room", complete with cat trees, toys, etc. She also had pictures of her show winners on the walls, along with displays of their trophies and ribbons. There was a building outside where some of the cats were housed. It was completely climate controlled, with central heating and air, and had a really nice outdoor enclosure so the cats could sun themselves and get some exercise. I do remember cats in large "cages" but they were probably about 7' x 10' and from floor to ceiling, running the length of each side of the building. Her cats were extremely well cared for.

When I read the survey, the cages I pictured were more like the very confined ones that they have at our local horror show excuse of an animal control. Or like the cages shown on the news at terrible puppy farms. So I may have answered incorrectly: I guess it depends on the cage itself and how much time the cat spends outside the cage.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Kai Bengals

I believe it would be ridiculous to expect buyers of breed cats to show their cats. The show environment is not for your average kitten buyer. I can completely understand folks that just want a purebred pedigree'd cat to enjoy as a pet in their homes without all the hoopla and expense of showing.
And, thank goodness for those people!
And thank goodness for breeders like you!

I am SO proud that my Penny was a showgirl as a kitten. Her "Best Specialty SH Kitten" ribbon is displayed on the wall in my office.

But she now lives the life of a spoiled pet retired queen, and I don't think she'd complain much about it. (except maybe that Baby Bonnie is a big bully to her, sometimes.)

And I am SO grateful for my "miracle" boy, Maxwell. He will be 3 years old on 2/19.

He'll never be a show cat, but he's living the life of Riley. He jumped about 5 feet in the air several times yesterday, and finally snapped the string on one of my Da Birds.

There's nothing wrong with loving a breed so much that you just want the honor of living with a couple of them and being their caretakers. Especially when the person adopting them also has several rescues at home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2002
Next to the World's Largest 6-pack
I didn't have time to answer the original posting, my schedule is pretty crazy right now. Those are some interesting results. I haven't ruled out the idea of one day getting a pedigreed Maine Coon to have as a pet someday. I just love them. I've had Maine Coon mixes before, and our latest rescue has a LOT of Maine Coon blood in her (if not mostly/all). And it really reminded me how it would be nice to have a pedigreed Maine Coon someday.

I used to be pretty set against getting a pedigreed animal, but my husband has a friend who has 2 dogs from very good breeders and it really shows (temperament and looks). His friend doesn't show his animals, they are family pets. One of my friends has a beautiful Abyssinian cat. Most of people I know who have pedigreed animals, have them just as pets.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Originally Posted by katiemae1277

I would want a kitten that is going to grow up to look like a Siamese should and have the (typical) Siamese personality. Plus, if I am forking over a few hundred dollars for this kitten, then I would expect the kitten to be of high quality
Pet quality kittens usually have small faults, ears too high, pinched muzzle, eyes too round, rib bars etc.

It's not like buying a Bengal that turns out looking like a Persian. Many pet owners wouldn't even be aware of the fault unless it's pointed out.

I have no issue with people wanting pets of a certain breed, show careers are so short anyway. Or the kitten/cat may not like showing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
I agree showing in not for everyone and there is nothing wrong with getting a pet quality kitten.
You also have to be careful with breeders.
Something terrible happened to this lady on a sphynx site I am in.
I am so
about this.

She bought a kitten last month and the kitten was not altered.
Today she posted pictures asking if the kitten looks preg.
You can tell she is preg so we all said go to to the vet.
She went to the vet today and the kitten appears to be 6 weeks preg at least.
She confronted the breeder and she said oh you get a free litter of $1000 cats.
What a b##ch
This lady that bought the kitten said.There was no contract I walked in said I'll take her and handed the breeder$400 and left. She told me she was so cheep b/c of her age and they were hard to sell right now
The breeder only has 2 males and her sire might be the father of the kittens or her own brother.
She did confront the breeder and bad things were said.
The breeder will not respond to her anymore either.
She knows she made a mistake buything from that breeder but she is getting bashed by other sphynx people.
I understand she made a mistake she is new to sphynx and breeders so she got scre#ed.