Question of the Day, Wednesday July 15


Cat Devotee
Thread starter
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Every morning, my big Poppycat always gets someone out of bed (if he could manage the faucet handle, the lid on the food can and the door, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't bother with a minion lol).

He hops up and the faucet with its filter is angled just right and turned on low and slow so that he can get a drink. Then he typically requests to go outside into his backyard for some supervised time, when he can check to see what happened overnight.

When he's satisfied that his world is as it should be, he comes back in and asks for his breakfast if that's not already in a fresh dish on the floor.

He washes up, and might get another drink and go outside again, and then he finds his favorite spot in the main part of the house where everyone has to step over him/pet him, to catch his morning snooze :).

What routines does, or do your cat(s) have?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 13, 2019
Maine, USA
Lola comes in my room in the morning and waits for me to wake up so I can feed her. If I sleep too late, she taps my face with her paw. Then she follows me to the bathroom every morning! She doesn't understand privacy I guess. After I feed her and she's done eating, Lola will pick a bed in the house and spend the day sleeping on it. Then in the evening, she'll find me for pets and cuddles. She's very active at night. As I go to sleep I can hear her running around.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Willow comes in to greet me when she hears me in the shower. As I am sitting on the bed drying off and getting dressed, she hops up and comes over to lick my left arm dry (something she firmly believes is her job) and get a few pets before I get dressed. Usually I start my coffee and then pour out her kibble breakfast. Because one of her lingering fears is being grabbed while she is eating, she waits in the living room until I have taken my coffee and sat down before coming in to eat. Once I start blow drying my hair she will usually come and sit behind me and enjoy the heat.
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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Kiwi wakes me every morning ( usually at 6am) by walking all over me meowing loudly. If I ignore her she taps my face repeatedly. I let her out into the garden to do her business, she comes back in and demands to be fed then insists I sit outside with her to drink my coffee and rub her tummy. Then she pops over to check my neighbour's garden, comes back demanding more food then sleeps all day.
Buzz patiently waits for Kiwi to do her thing, goes into the garden and into the catio where he waits for his mate the squirrel and checks there are no mice about, then comes in for food and uses the litter tray, then back out into the catio.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
When I go to bed, Astrid comes and taps on the side of the bed until she decides to jump up and sit by my head. Soon after, Tara comes and makes Astrid move. Astrid then sits on my hip, and Tara sits by my head. Then Simon comes and sits by my feet. Freya hops into my husband's computer chair. At some point, Tara and Astrid leave. Sometime around 10 or so (usually) Simon decided it is time to eat a snack of wet food and starts tapping and honking in my face. Then Fennimore comes running in and is turning around in circles. Fennimore, Simon, and Freya follow me out of the room, where I am met by Astrid, Estella, Tara, Willow, Evangeline, Silas, Cassian, Iroh, and Xanthippe. They get fed, I go back to bed. (I have tried stopping this. It does not work.)

When I make dinner, Simon, Tara, Cassian, and Xanthippe run around the kitchen waiting for snacks. (They always get a bit of cut-up meat or cheese. Fennimore wants cheese, too, but he is not allowed to eat it.)

I go to bed as "early" as 4, but I sometimes stay up until 8. Whatever time that is, I feed the cats their night time wet food snack. As soon as I come down the stairs after brushing my teeth, eight cats and three kittens head towards the kitchen and one cat jumps on top of a cabinet in our sitting room because she does not eat with the other cats.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Especially during the school year Mooch waits for my kids to get up. Then she sits outside my bedroom door for DS to let her in. She goes into my bathroom to be sure she can't reach the toilet brush to chew on. :rolleyes2: Then heads back out to her chair in the dining room. She spends most of her day there but will get up to walk the house a few times. Or sit on the couch with me if I am there; but that's pretty rare.

In the evening she gets up from her chair about 15-30 minutes before the kids bedtime and comes to the living room for attention. She will follow me from room to room as I tuck the kids in. Then when everyone; including DH, has been put to bed she gets lap time on the couch. :lol2:

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
My wake-up is Miss Eleanor jumping on the bed and purring in my face. Then, after I get dressed and head downstairs, I have several cats swirling around my feet, and upon reaching the bottom, they disperse to their food dishes and wait for me to fill them. At this point, Stretch gets up on the counter as I fill my teacup so he can lick the faucet when I'm done. As I eat my breakfast, either Burdock or Bashful, or sometimes both, sit by demanding attention, and finally, when I retire to the living room to drink my tea, Miss Eleanor jumps into my lap for her morning attention session.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Besides the “feed us” routines which I’m sure all of our cats have, Mocha has a particularly endearing routine in the evening.

After their evening meal, all three cats disappear. We then eat our dinner, clean up the kitchen, scoop litter boxes, and get ready to watch our usual hour or so of TV. While I’m grabbing the remotes, Mocha shows up and hops onto the coffee table and waits.

Once I sit down and put my feet on the footstool, she climbs into my lap and stretches out down the length of my legs. And there she stays until I turn off the television which is her signal to hop down, run around my husband’s chair, and waylay him as he heads to the bedroom. He is then required to give her pets and rubs.

What makes this little habit so special to me is that Mocha was an untouchable semiferal when I adopted her. She’s come a long way in two-and-a-half years. :redheartpump:

Iris follows me into the bathroom every morning, and once I get in the shower, she plops herself down directly in front of the shower door so I can’t easily get out again. I swear she thinks it’s funny. “Iris, move, sweetie.” Iris yawns. “Iris. I can’t get out.” Iris stretches, rolls, looks over her shoulder at me, and begins to lick her paw. “Iris!” :sigh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
When they want their food, Toffee and Fudge will sit next to us and meow for about half an hour before we feed them to let us know they're hungry, lol. If that doesn't work, they'll start ripping the carpet to get our attention, which isn't so good. When their food is being prepared, they always run in and out of the door (they're fed in the garden so they can go to the toilet there as they don't like using their litter tray anymore) until their bowls are put down in front of them.

Throughout the rest of the day they don't really have a routine apart from sleeping and cuddles, but they normally get tired and "go to bed" at 11:30pm.

Besides the “feed us” routines which I’m sure all of our cats have, Mocha has a particularly endearing routine in the evening.

After their evening meal, all three cats disappear. We then eat our dinner, clean up the kitchen, scoop litter boxes, and get ready to watch our usual hour or so of TV. While I’m grabbing the remotes, Mocha shows up and hops onto the coffee table and waits.

Once I sit down and put my feet on the footstool, she climbs into my lap and stretches out down the length of my legs. And there she stays until I turn off the television which is her signal to hop down, run around my husband’s chair, and waylay him as he heads to the bedroom. He is then required to give her pets and rubs.

What makes this little habit so special to me is that Mocha was an untouchable semiferal when I adopted her. She’s come a long way in two-and-a-half years. :redheartpump:

Iris follows me into the bathroom every morning, and once I get in the shower, she plops herself down directly in front of the shower door so I can’t easily get out again. I swear she thinks it’s funny. “Iris, move, sweetie.” Iris yawns. “Iris. I can’t get out.” Iris stretches, rolls, looks over her shoulder at me, and begins to lick her paw. “Iris!” :sigh:
Toffee and Fudge were semi-ferals too, and they love having their cuddles. Semi-ferals can be the most loving when you give them some TLC!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
If I don't wake up by the time Carleton thinks he should have his breakfast he lets out a yowl. He watches me very closely because he knows my routine and races down the stairs. Once I make my coffee I prepare his breakfast and then he likes to look out the patio door since the birds are chirping away. If he thinks I'm leaving the house he will start to bat his ball around the kitchen floor to get my attention. After dinner if I'm sitting on the sofa he will jump up and lay beside me until I get up. If I go out to meet friends DH says he will not jump on the sofa but rather sit on the kitchen rug waiting for me to come home. :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Now that I've been working from home the last few months, the routine has been that Maisie will come and lay on me around 8:30 in the morning (the only time she ever does that) because she's hungry. Then at 5pm she seems to know I'm done with work and comes and sits on an ottoman across from me and just stares at me until I get up.

With Remy he is usually always near me throughout the day, but at night when I go to bed, he comes and lays in my lap, then might leave but he'll come back and lay at the foot of my bed.

Flora always comes into the bathroom when I'm in there. She likes to play in the tub but seems to only be interested in it when I'm in the bathroom.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mowgli wakes me up by jumping from the bookcase headboard on to my pillow, running over me, and repeating that till he's sure I'm getting up. Then he races into the bathroom so he can nag some more. Right after he's eaten, he curls up on a kitchen chair and goes back to sleep.


Human slave to Sinclair the Kitten
Alpha Cat
Jun 5, 2020
Cheltenham, UK
Sinclair likes to start each day the same, and despite the fact her routine begins at 5-5:30am it is so adorable, so I can’t complain!

Every single morning, she’ll lie on my chest, purr loudly and give me little kisses. We boop noses, she’ll even lick my nose sometimes, and she’ll bury her face in my neck. But she spends a good 20-30 minutes doing this every morning, and she purrs the entire time.

She is such a little sweetheart :lovecat3:


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Cal is unpredictable but one habit I can always count on is when she hears a lawn mower,
weed eater, vacuum cleaner, or any loud noise, she runs and hides underneath the bed.
Baby girl doesn't like loudness.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Amber starts yelling at 5:00 every morning (I can't wait til we change over Daylight Standard Time). Rick and I take turns getting up with the girls. When it's my day to lounge, Mollipop will come back to scritch the bedroom door; either Rick will open the door or I will. She hops into bed, curls up next to me, and we catch some extra napping. When we get up, I make my coffee and give the girls their after-breakfast breakfast. While I'm back here on the computer, she's back here with me, usually on "her" pillow by the double window, either napping or yelling at the birds.

The girls usually get breakfast, after-breakfast, lunch, after-lunch, pre-dinner, and dinner. A bedtime snack when I come in from the shed at night. It's funny. I'll come in the front door, and all four girls are waiting at the top of the steps. They'll meow to say, "Follow us!" and they head into the kitchen. And I give them their snack.

Molli is usually on the cat tree during the evening. When I'm ready to grab my iPad and go to bed, I'll call her, "Molli! Bed! C'mon! Bedtime!" She awaken, jump down from the cat tree and saunter back to the bedroom. That's our time. She hops up in to bed and waits for me to settle in. I'll put my left arm out, she come into my arm and curl up around my neck. Sometimes, depending on her mood, she'll bat the iPad; that's her way of telling me, "Not tonight. No iPad tonight. Pay attention to me." When she does that, I'll put the iPad down and I'm all hers until she falls asleep. She'll stay with me until Rick comes to bed. Then she gets up, for me to roll over to my left side. I'll put my right arm out, and she come in and curl back up. And we'll fall asleep. Usually at some point in the night, she leaves and goes up to my second pillow to stretch out. And she's there until we start all over again the next morning. Sometimes Muffin will hop in bed, too, and then I have to position myself for both of them. But since it got really warm this summer, she's been sleeping in her buggy at night.