Question of the Day, Friday, January 8


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I've been in the ER for broken bones, but not to stay since I was born. Until last week when I gave birth and was there several days.
How could I forget I had a couple triage trips to the hospital during the pregnancy for bleeding. Again, not kept overnight, but I think it still counts.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 29, 2002
Once in the fifth grade for a couple of weeks hit in the leg by a big rock,cracked the bone and caused a blood 1970 when my son was born...and that has luckily been it.Same day carpal tunnel,same day knee scope.

Silver Crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 8, 2019
Melbourne Australia
Ha ha...sort of chuckling here as I had my first car crash in years and years yesterday and at one stage was thinking I was going to end up there.
No I didn't end up in hospital.only casualty was my undies and a car and trailer.
Only times i have ended up staying in hospital was broken cheek bone (motorbike crash) Cut off achilles tendon (motor bike crash)
Trod on a sea urchin. Busted ribs twice.
ER lots of times for cuts , busted fingers and thumbs and other silly things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I've only been to the hospital twice. Once when I was 4 to get stitches on my chin after falling and smacking my face on the floor. My chin took the brunt and it split right open. Then about 10 years ago...I had a kidney stone, but didn't know what it was. After writhing in pain at home for 4-5 hours, I finally asked my husband to bring me in. I checked in, and based on my symptoms, the nurse said it was possibly a kidney stone. Another nurse took me back to get blood and pee sample. She read my chart and said "Oh! kidney stone...poor thing!" and offered me a wheel chair...I wasn't walking too upright. Of course I refused...I'm stubborn! LOL! Then I got sent back to the reception/waiting area. The wait time was ridiculous though, and after sitting in the ER waiting area for another 3 hours...the pain dissipated. About 30 minutes later I was finally called back.....just to have to wait in a different area. I asked the nurse how much longer it would be and she said that I was on "the board" so maybe about another 2 hours. I asked if I could go home because the pain was gone, and if it was a kidney stone..I obviously passed it by myself. At this point it was 2 am, we had a Christmas dinner to go to that night and I was exhausted. She asked me to wait just a bit longer and she would look at my chart to see the results of the blood and urine test first. When she came back, she said my blood work was normal but I had abnormalities with my urine sample....that's the extent that she could tell me, but "the way" she spoke to me suggested I could go I signed myself out (she didn't suggest I stay) and went home to bed. A couple of days later, I went pee and after wiping...there it was. This huge spiky kidney stone on the TP. It measured 6mm! No wonder they hurt so bad!!!! No issues since though.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I had to go to the hospital as a young child because I had some really bad bug that made me run a high fever and vomit alot. I was in the children's ward for over 2 weeks-- that's how debilitating this illness was. I celebrated my sixth birthday in the hospital and made some friends. I also was a little spit fire towards the end of my hospital stay. I would jump alot on the hospital bed having some fun with the other kids. The nurses were constantly scolding me. I think they were relieved when I was released. Too much to handle!:hyper::runaround::bliss::woo:


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
First time I was kept in over night was when I was about 4. I fell backwards down a flight of stairs and knocked myself out. Then I had several trips to ER. Broken fingers falling into a drain when I was about 8, broken collar bone falling off a pony when I was 12 and then another concussion falling out of a tree that same year. Also two motorbike accidents, another horse fall/concussion and hit by a car crossing a street.

I haven't been quite so accident prone since I passed 20. In the past few years it's only been a broken toe and an infected cat scratch. But I still ride horses regularly, so there's always a good chance.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I had surgery when I was 6 months old because my bowels tunneled in on themselves, so that was the first time (aside from when I was born). The second, and only other time, I was in the hospital was when I had weight loss surgery in 2017.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I have been in the hospital 5 times. When I had my tonsils out, when I had an infection in my chin bone, when I had graves disease and had eye surgery and loss of vision in my left eye, when I had a partial blockage between my stomach and small intestine last February and had to have part of my stomach removed and in April when I had to have surgery on my stomach again because I developed a bad infection. I was in 3 different hospitals for that for 2 months and 3 weeks in rehab. I am now waiting to have both knees replaced and a hernia surgery soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Once at age six to repair a hernia- I tried to pick up a wet hay bale; again for surgery for two blown out lumbar discs; and lastly for observation after a bout of chest pain and weakness.
Aside from that, I've been to the E.R. four times for various injuries that required stitches- three times to my left, dominant, hand and once to my face after getting hit by a large piece of steel shaft that cost me two teeth and around 50 total stitches, both inside and outside my mouth. Great fun, that.
My youngest was born with an undiagnosed diaphragmatic hernia that wasn't discovered until he was 10 days old and turned blue.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I've only been to the hospital twice. Once when I was 4 to get stitches on my chin after falling and smacking my face on the floor. My chin took the brunt and it split right open. Then about 10 years ago...I had a kidney stone, but didn't know what it was. After writhing in pain at home for 4-5 hours, I finally asked my husband to bring me in. I checked in, and based on my symptoms, the nurse said it was possibly a kidney stone. Another nurse took me back to get blood and pee sample. She read my chart and said "Oh! kidney stone...poor thing!" and offered me a wheel chair...I wasn't walking too upright. Of course I refused...I'm stubborn! LOL! Then I got sent back to the reception/waiting area. The wait time was ridiculous though, and after sitting in the ER waiting area for another 3 hours...the pain dissipated. About 30 minutes later I was finally called back.....just to have to wait in a different area. I asked the nurse how much longer it would be and she said that I was on "the board" so maybe about another 2 hours. I asked if I could go home because the pain was gone, and if it was a kidney stone..I obviously passed it by myself. At this point it was 2 am, we had a Christmas dinner to go to that night and I was exhausted. She asked me to wait just a bit longer and she would look at my chart to see the results of the blood and urine test first. When she came back, she said my blood work was normal but I had abnormalities with my urine sample....that's the extent that she could tell me, but "the way" she spoke to me suggested I could go I signed myself out (she didn't suggest I stay) and went home to bed. A couple of days later, I went pee and after wiping...there it was. This huge spiky kidney stone on the TP. It measured 6mm! No wonder they hurt so bad!!!! No issues since though.
OMG, I always thought they were small!! You must've been in such wicked pain! :hugs:

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
My youngest was born with an undiagnosed diaphragmatic hernia that wasn't discovered until he was 10 days old and turned blue.
Mine was an inguinal hernia, and I spent around a week in the hospital. The worst part, aside from the post-op pain, was when they used that ether drip to put me under. Gawd, but it tasted terrible!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
OMG, I always thought they were small!! You must've been in such wicked pain! :hugs:
It wasn't a solid 6mm stone. I measured it from spike to spike because, well, it's the spikes that were tearing up my insides....but they can form in many different sizes from little grains of sand, to stones that need to be surgically removed or blasted because they are to big to pass. And yes, wicked pain. But the good news in all this...I have a pretty healthy tolerance for pain and if they say that a kidney stone is at/near the top of the list of pain causing issues...then I guess I can get thru anything....and I had no pain medications either.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2020
I've only had one surgery: eye surgery when I was in kindergarten, but I think that was not an overnight thing. I can't be sure though since I was so young and pretty wasted on anesthesia. I've been to urgent care many a time for broken bones and twice while I had Mono (once to get tested, the next time a week later when I couldn't even drink water...but they just gave me an IV and some steroids (I think?)) Otherwise I've been very lucky. My immediate family has been, too. None of us have had extended stays. Part of me thinks its because we traveled a lot through the years so we were exposed to a lot of different bacterial fauna. All of our injuries have been pretty simple broken bones or lacerations (like cooking knife accidental slices.)