Queen Bee, My Little Money Machine

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
For 10 years, Queen Bee was the most trouble free, healthy cat ever, and as some of you know this past spring allergies reared their ugly damn head and we went back and forth to an out of town vet that helped us get them under control. Her tummy has grown hair back and she (while always has been a bit of an OCD self/other cat groomer) has kind of chilled a bit on this.
So yay!
A week ago or so she started having poop problems. We watched her, offered her bland stuff or canned food (an old favorite of this little raw fed veteran) and stuff. She'd strain, we'd give miralax, all seemed well. We started giving L-Lysiene because she got a little sneezy but nothing concerning.
Yesterday we woke up to a cat that was squatting every step or two, straining, crying out, and leaving tiny drops of dark, liquid diarrhea/anal gland contents/Mystery Butt Juice.
I was the only one home so after a few calls back and forth, and watching her, I decided to call the vet on emergency because she was straining so badly her anus was inflamed and bright red, and she would lay on her side and stretch her rear legs back a little, then bunch them into her midsection. Then she got up, licked her lips, ran into the next room and threw up enough food to feed a feral colony of 10 for a week. Uh, no. Vet time, now!
The nice vet was there when we arrived and checked her over well. Queen Bee hasn't been to the vet much because of her good health, and for the allergy vet she was good because it was practically non-invasive.
The vet yesterday had to give her a good once over and squeeze her midsection a bit, and couldn't find any poop except for a tiny glob that was ready to pop. The vet did notice a few drops of diarrhea and said "yep, diarrhea. Not constipated, not backed up."
I almost bucked and went "hee haw", I felt like such an ass.
The vet was very nice when I when I expressed I was worried she could have an intestinal blockage, and made the comment that many times over-straining can lead to stomach cramps that pretty much eject whatever is in it out the north end (we'd fed her that morning.) The vet found humor in my own apologies for calling them in on a Sunday and gave me no grief. They did give her fluids as a precaution, and when they returned her to me they commented on what a good, nice cat she is.
Uh, 'scuse me, Bee, but did you fail to tell the vet what a stone cold "b" you can be when you're NOT un-well? :biggrin:
She has medicine to take and pilling her today wasn't a nightmare but wasn't fun, either. I'm going to crush it tomorrow and add some broth and syringe it, she's much better for that.

But phew.
Last night she didn't want to eat much and just slept. We let her.
I tried to post this a few times yesterday but I was worried and drained and just couldn't find a good way to do it.
Today she's sneezing still but "stuff" is coming out her nose (mostly watery), which is actually good. Her appetite is kicked in and we're making sure not to let her hog down anything and are giving small meals.
Earlier this afternoon, I got out the laser light to see what she would do (last night she watched it but made no effort) and she attacked it, then attacked the blanket she was on and came up with a big mouthful of it and kept pulling it to try to unearth that pesky red dot.
I didn't play with her a long time (45 seconds max, because I don't want to get her winded with this URI thing) but she's seeming to feel better.
Vet said if she still isn't right in a few days to call, hopefully she's back to being Queen "B". The "B" stands for.....well, guess.
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
She sounds like great fun! I'm crossing my fingers for her speedy recovery
She is great fun :)
She's on one of the dog beds now, and the owner of the bed (dog) walked up to it, paused about 8 inches away, and pretended to be sniffing the ground while she lay there, eyes squinted, paws neatly folded under her.
Dog wandered away, came back, saw her expression again, used his brain, and he decided to lay by my feet instead. :thumbsup:
I'd love to make this a battle of the sexes thing but I'm already sitting at minus 900, so I won't.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 22, 2018
She is great fun :)
She's on one of the dog beds now, and the owner of the bed (dog) walked up to it, paused about 8 inches away, and pretended to be sniffing the ground while she lay there, eyes squinted, paws neatly folded under her.
Dog wandered away, came back, saw her expression again, used his brain, and he decided to lay by my feet instead. :thumbsup:
I'd love to make this a battle of the sexes thing but I'm already sitting at minus 900, so I won't.
She really is a queen! I do love when cats sit in a regal position, arms crossed underneath. I see why the ancient egyptians saw divine qualities in them! Did the vet have any clue as to what's causing the runs for queen b? Either way I hope it's just a minor issue that'll sort itself out