Post-op questions!


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Dec 14, 2001
Lucy is almost 20. She had three extractions today. During this, they found what appears to be cancer in her jaw (same side as the really really bad tooth). I knew it could be the case, though, so I was not surprised. We refused the biopsy as the doctor is pretty sure that's what it is and three teeth were loose in that area. I do not plan on pursuing any aggressive/invasive treatment as it would be way too much for her to deal with.

I've never really had experience with an older cat post-op so I thought I'd run some things by everyone here.

so, I expected her to act like a drunken sailor and she took home the gold medal on that one. It was so bad that I started to panic that something was really wrong. She walked bow-legged with her hind legs. She ran into something's. She'd stop and start to lean to one side before making contact with the if she just feel asleep, but it wasn't a hard fall by any means, but more of a roll to the floor. Her second eyelid is red. It was showing frequently before, but I thought extractions would have cleared it up. It's now red and I see a line of film-like material on her actual eye. The twitching has ramped up post-op....especially in that eye area. I tried to take a picture but I couldn't capture the color nor the filmy material. And, she is still experiencing the jolts. It's almost like a startle reaction without being startled. So that never resolved.

The DROOL! It's gotten bad! It was bad before but it's consuming a lot more of Lucy's licking time. She is soaked in both front paws and along one side of jaw. It is the jaw of the bad tooth and cancer. She is slightly wet in the other side. Will this subside after the anesthesia wear off and she heals? Her tongue sometimes sticks out for awhile. I did find that can be common due to nerve blocks.

She was given an injection of Onsior and Metacam and was told she can resume the gabapentin tomorrow. She was on that for potential seizure-like activity (focal-type) and the twitching. She can also resume the liquid metacam at the same time.

She is walking so much better now and she is eating like there is no tomorrow (I'm doing a happy dance!)!! She found her litter box with, a couple of minutes of being back home and used it. She is now in bed with me as she always had been I'm thankful for that. I'm just concerned about these jolts and twitching. They never answered my questions about this stuff. The only answer I had received (via email since we didn't need to come back until her procedure which was about 4 weeks away at the time) was, "it could be a result of the pain and we can refer her to a neurologist". I could not afford a visit to a specialist two hours away and I didn't want to put her through all of that before her teeth were extracted. And now, I don't want to do any of it. I just kind of want to know if it's the cancer? Pain still? Procedure? She didn't have until like mid December and this all began in October.

Will the drool get better as she recovers from the procedure? I'm not bothered by it, but she seems to be and I just want to know if it's normal at this point for this long? The red eyelid that is showing? If I need to run an errand or two, when can I leave her alone post-op? I don't want her to get hurt.

(And look at these sweet pictures of my husband and Lu when we dropped her off last night! ❤❤)



Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I probably won’t be of much help as I’m not too familiar with all this, but when my senior boy had a dental cleaning/extractions he definitely had some of these symptoms which I was told were normal, and he was back to his usual self after a day or so. At the time though I was worried like you are, too.

It’s been a few years but if I recall correctly, the jolts and twitching is an effect of the general anaesthetic wearing off. He was also a bit drooly (as to be expected with dental work) and had a semi-permanent “blep” tongue for the first while, and was overall quite clumsy and derpy, so drunken sailor is a good descriptor. I kept him confined to a room with basic furniture and his necessities while he recovered so he wouldn’t hurt himself trying to jump around and go down stairs and stuff. I would suggest you do the same when you can’t monitor her or if you need to go out, until she’s back to her normal self, and definitely give your vet a call if you have any concerns. Wishing your girl a speedy recovery.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I would contact the Vet who did the dental and tell them about her third eyelid being out and red. They might want to see her again as that isn't normal. The film on her eye might be from drops they may have put in during the procedure to prevent her eyes from drying out (just guessing about that).

I'm a little confused about the jolts and twitching. It sounds like this is not new? But that you feel they have increased since the dental? If that's the case, I would ask the Vet who did the dental if anything they did could have exaserbated that issue. Perhaps some of the drugs they used to sedate her could have done something to increase them? Again, just guessing but it's possible I guess.

If she is still acting drugged and you need to go out, then definitely confine her to a safe area. One of my boys had a dental last year and they gave him a long lasting pain med. He was totally high for four long days, poor guy! His eyes were like saucers the entire time, He spent almost the whole four days in his carrier, which we keep in our closet with the doors off and little blankets inside. Only came out for food and potty :wink:
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TCS Member
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Dec 14, 2001
She has the shocks type of thing before the procedure but after about a month or so after she was dx with the teeth issue. The twitching started about the same time. All of this started in October and when our original vet was dropping balls all the time, we switched offices. Her second eyelid showed usually at night and I was told it was ocular pressure. I thought it would've stopped after the procedure. It was NOT red prior. I am thinking maybe the shock-like jolts could be because she missed the gabapentin dose yesterday, but I was thinking maybe it would've stopped, as well, after her teeth were removed. One vet told us a few weeks back she thought all of it was from pain. She still has pain, obviously, but wouldn't it be less than before? I'm just wondering if something else is the culprit....and I am almost afraid to find out. :( She is walking better today!! No more bow-legged walks! She jumps on the bed with no issues, too. Just still seems lathargic, though.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Just out of curiosity, did the vet send you home with Buprenex pre-filled liquid syringes? Most vets prescribe this med after teeth extractions. Our last cat, Neely, had cancer of the mandible and it was very painful for her. She was lethargic with very little appetite so the vet who was a dental specialist prescribed Piroxicam for pain. I'm sorry Lucy and you are going through this since it can be an aggressive form of cancer. My thoughts are with you. :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
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Dec 14, 2001
No, we did not go home with any meds. She had a couple of injections of meds while there and we resumed the metacam/meloxicam and gabapentin the next morning. Lucy had three teeth removed and that is when they called and wanted to do a biopsy. I declined as the surgeon did tell me she does think it is cancer. I'm sure they've seen enough of this to know what it looks like and I had no plans to put her through treatment at her age. She's eating very, very well and gained a pound over the past few weeks. Three days post-op abs she is back to being the Lucy that she always has fact, the best I've seen her act since it all started back in October. I know it won't last...and I will have to face that, but for now. She's happier...and that makes me happier..and she deserves it. I have noticed these shocks/zaps have significantly reduced with the extractions so I'm hoping that has reduced some of the pain. It's so hard to watch...not going to lie, but it IS relieving to see her get back to herself. I'm sure at her post-op visit they will lay out a plan for her care....gabapentin, I think, will stay on the plan.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
How is Lucy doing now? Is her third eyelid still showing and red? What did the Vet say? Hoping she is pretty much back to normal by now.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Dec 14, 2001
She had a great day yesterday.... a bit of a rougher night, so to speak. She had a bit more twitching, shocks/jolts, and I think she may have had a focal seizure. Yesterday she spent the entire day sleeping in the living room and not in the bedroom. She also played with her kicky catnip toy...on her own without prompt from any of us. She also joined the other two when it was time to sit and beg for treats (they know when it is time). Today? She's out in the living room again! She is sleeping on my lap, but she is out in the living room and not isolating herself in the bedroom/closet/etc. It may not get any "better" may be part of the tumor causing the twitching and seizure-like movements. Her eyelid did show last night, but not for long and it looks a bit normal. She still eats as if it were her last meal. Night always seems worse for her....but I guess that holds true for any of us who are sick with something. Night time with a cold or something?'s always worse for me at night. Thank you for asking!