Post Dental Surgery Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 25, 2018
Philadelphia, PA

I'm new on here and am hoping to get some advice!

I adopted an 8 year old cat about a year ago. She's my pal and my cuddle partner and I couldn't have asked for a better cat. However, she was drooling a lot so I took her for dental surgery in May and they removed 5 teeth. She didn't heal all too well and she was sneezing so I took her back in before her check-up and she had an allergic reaction to her sutures so they removed them. Things didn't heal so well again so I took her back in and they took out more teeth. After her check-up for her second surgery they told me she would need surgery again to remove 2 more teeth (I was surprised she still even had teeth for them to remove!). I've been unhappy with this vet so I am seeking out a new one but over the past month I've noticed a change. She has lost some weight, at least a pound, and her appetite has decreased quite a bit. She used to eat dry food pre-surgeries but after all of these she was prescribed wet food. She kept turning her nose up with each dish so I put out some of her dry food and she started eating. She still drools a little bit but the vet told me she probably always would with the new set up in her mouth. The minimized appetite concerns me but she's fairly normal in all aspects and she will eat her food if I place it in front of her wherever she's laying. I'm not sure if her mouth still has not healed correctly or if these are signs of a much bigger problem for her. I am seeking out a new vet soon but I'm worried I'm not moving fast enough or if I'm over-reacting and I should wait and see if she improves a bit.

Has anyone else seen this sort of behavior post dental surgery? It's been about 2 months since her last visit. We visited some 24 hour places in between these visits to our regular vet so I wanted to give her a break because it really works her up after each visit.

Would appreciate any advice!

Here's a picture of Peepers!



TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 26, 2007
My cat had dental surgery a few years ago. She had a severe infection to the point the vets said blood came out her nose when they removed the infected teeth. There were not any complications. When she came home she was not herself for a few days (likely because of antibiotics) but was fine. I think my cat had the stitches that absorb into the mouth... she never had to get anything removed.

I would definitely take your cat to a specialist. The complications seem a little odd to me.

Best of luck to you!!!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I would get her checked by another vet. I don't know what is going on but this doesn't sound normal. Between my two there have been multiple dental surgeries with extractions and there has been nothing like this. They healed up quickly and there were no changes in their eating.