Please help - 11 Week old Kitten breaking out in bald patches and rashes


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Agree. I'm not advocating that Catara not get an official / proper diagnosis from her Vet. She needs to do so. However, while waiting for the Vet visit and official diagnosis, I prefer to use the Wood Lamp if I suspect ringworm. I'd rather have a false positive with the Woods Lamp and begin quarantining a potential ringworm cat/kitten and taking proactive steps to minimize the spread of ringworm vs. potentially having it spread and done nothing while waiting for the Vet visit. With a 7 to 14 day incubation period, I prefer to be overly cautious when it comes to ringworm. Hope this clarification helps.
Yes,I agree as well.... you didn't have to clarify for me because I did not doubt your intention and would do exactly what you do,I did get the impression you had some experience,lol

But thank you for the sake of all readers,I appreciate you jumping right in to confirm and further elaborate exactly how & why the tool is used and that it is very important to establish a proper diagnosis

I stand with you!Better to be overly cautious,to take every step possible to prevent spreading nasty infections and to ACT rather than just "wait"

Keep up the good work my friend- nice to meet you