outdoor cat stopped eating as of yesterday- what is wrong

tiger cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
I feed two outdoor boys. they are best of buddies and follow each other around all day. I also put out a heated dog house for them during this winter so that is where they stay, unless they go off into my backyard and play in the tree-lined area. I am on an acre with a lot of horse properties around me, but they do not wander off very much. I feed them twice a day (wet food & dry) once in the morning at 7:30 and once at night, around the same time. They usually come running up when they heard the door open. Garfield is still eating, the little fatty (he is the alpha cat) JC the b&w tux as of last night has not come up for his food.  I think he nibbled a little yesterday morning. When I went to see if he was in the doghouse last night he was just laying there and looked up at me. I went closer and he jumped out (wanted to make sure he wasn't listless) this morning same thing. wet food- garfield runs up, jc is in the doghouse just looking at me. He looks otherwise healthy. yesterday I heard him coughing/weezing a bit like he was trying to hack up a hairball or something. Could he have eaten a bird and gotten sick?

Like I said he looks healthy (these cats are very well taken care of by me) garfield lets me pet him so I was able to squeeze a revolution on his neck the other day (saw a tick crawling on him-ugh) JC is more feral and so while I am beginning to worry I don't want to rush him into the vet unless absolutely necessary b/c capturing him is very traumatic on him, and  don't want to unncessarily stress him and garfield out. they literally do not separate from each other (it's the weirdest thing, they're not even related). 

anyone have something similar happen with an outdoor cat? At what point is it very concerning if they don't eat- is this normal? Any advice is appreciated,,,


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
My ferals go through spurts where they don't eat for a day or two.  Often I wonder if they went hunting and ate something that didn't agree with them.  Also if you are seeing any sneezing he could have allergies or a kitty cold.  When cats can't smell, they often won't eat.  I would keep a close eye on him.  Make sure he has fresh water.  Do you leave the food out all day?  You might need to leave the dry out during the day to see if he will eat a bit.  You could also try and bribe him with Gerber stage 2 baby food.  The chicken or the turkey.  The ingredients are just chicken or turkey and water.  Cats love it.  A small amount of tuna or tuna juice is another good option. 

Thank you for caring for these boys.  They sound just wonderful!!  I also have two ferals that are inseparable.  I get worried if I see one and not the other.  They are always together rolling around and playing.  Mine are not related either.
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tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
Thank you shadowsrescue. I called my vet and of course the secretary said if he's not eating it's a problem and I should bring him in. Trapping a feral is so traumatic for us both so I want to give it a day to see if he will feel better on his own. I change the water bowl pretty much daily. And I will leave sometimes dry food out when I leave for work. The Blue Jays actually eat dry cat food so I try not to put too much out. I will try the baby food. Will get some today and we have tuna and sardines I believe as well. I hope he gets better on his own, that would be the best. Thank you for all your advice! I'm hoping he just ate something that didn't agree with him and not that he got poisoned by someone. They don't wander very far from my property. They both used to be loners until I got JC fixed. Garf I eld must've been someone's feral bc he already had his eartipped and was always friendly. I got jc fixed about 1.5 yrs ago when I moved here and since then he's been a different cat he just loves garf and follows him everywhere. They claimed this as their own territory now and sleep together, eat together etc. I pray jc is ok bc garf would just be lost without him. I think both of them are so accustomed to having each other it's cute but kind of concerns me they're not more independent. I will let u know how he's doing thank you again.

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tiger cat

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Feb 9, 2013
JC is the tux boy in the picture. My inside cat is obsessed with watching garfield and jc.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Such handsome boys!!!  I hope JC starts to eat soon and you don't have to trap him for a vet visit.  I once had to get a sick feral to an emergency vet and knew a trap was not an option.  I took my carrier and placed the carrier on its end so that the opening was on the top.  I grabbed a blanket and had on thick gloves.  I put the blanket on the cat and then into the carrier.  It wasn't pretty, but it worked.  I then covered the cat carrier with a blanket and off we went.  Hopefully the tuna or baby food will do the trick.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My feral that I've had for 6 years now, gets beat up, and develops abscesses which makes him not want to eat, I've got him on a antibiotic right now for one, mixed in some meat baby food. He also can go a few days without eating, but he is NOT skinny, so I think he catches his own food then. If yours keeps wheezing you might want to call your vet and get an antibiotic for him too, tell them he's feral so you can't bring him in. Amoxicillin is available over the counter at most vets. Good luck and keep us posted!
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  • #7

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
Thanks guys!Paws crossed he gets better. I've had trouble in the past getting meds from any of the vets without bringing the cat in. It's not easy for me to capture them. Even my indoor cat who's never stepped foot outside wants to kill me when i bring out the carrier. Hope this resolves on its own. I will let you know how hes doing Thank you again for ther advice
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  • #8

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
So last night feeding time I opened the door- garfield was sitting on the step waiting for me (the usual) JC was in the dog house (he usually is either sitting next to garf waiting for me or runs up as soon as he hears the door unlock) I fed garf the wet food, and then opened up a can of tuna for jc. after jumping out of the dog house b/c I got too close I put the can of tuna in front of the dog house so he would see/smell it before he went back in. It was raining pretty bad last night to make matters worse. JC sniffed it and looked like he took a few licks, and he did eat a little bit of tuna (but that was it from what I could tell) this morning (still raining) Garfield is again waiting for me.  I put a wide enough bowl (that they both would eat from it at the same time in the past) under a bush to keep them dry when they were eating. it was a can of wet food again (they're spoiled I use dry food just to fill the gaps of feeding times) garf went straight for it. JC eventually came out of his doghouse and tried to get his head in the bowl (usually he'll just drag the bowl to him with his paw if Garfield is being a greedy alpha-cat, sometimes he'll purposely push JC's head out of the way with his head). JC just stood there waiting for garf to finish.  but i did see his little nose sniffing it. finally garf left and I put some more canned food in there just so JC had enough. when he came back to the bowl he licked it a few times and that was it.

I'm still not sure what's going on. It almost seems like he wants to eat but maybe not feeling too well? but if he was sick would he lick the food at all? I try to think when I'm sick or nauseous I won't even go near food to even smell it.  JC is not a hefty boy, he's a normal size cat but when he doesn't eat he'll be sprint up the steps during feeding time and eat quickly and push his head right in the food bowl even if garfield is the alpha cat and tries to push it out.  

I am going to try to remember to buy baby food tonight see if that helps any better. but something is still weird about JC. 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I know when it rains my two will hardly eat anything.  They are so worried about the rain they don't eat much.  Do try the baby food, but if he won't eat, I think it's time for a trip to the vet.  Can you tell if he has runny eyes or nose? 
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tiger cat

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Feb 9, 2013
Eyes and nose look clear from what I can see. He looks otherwise and yesterday he was in the woods sleeping and grooming next to garfield. So he is moving around although he loves his heated doghouse. And he is grooming himself and no runny face. I would say maybe he's eating when I'm not there but morning feeding he should be gobbling the food up. I work long hours and have an appointment at work tomorrow so the earliest I can take him would be Thursday
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  • #11

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
I wish he would stop stressing me out already lol. I meant to say he looks otherwise healthy...


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Our outside kitty stopped eating last summer.  I rushed him to the vet.  $250 later (blood tests, exam, etc.) the vet said "Well it has been sort of hot.  Maybe he just doesn't feel like eating."

I know heat isn't the reason now but there could be all sorts of other reasons.  If he is sick, you will know soon enough and take the appropriate actions.  He may just be feeling a bit down.

My point is - we worry so much about them (in my case, I feel guilty I was unable to bring them inside).  Sometimes, we just worry too much.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Our outside kitty stopped eating last summer.  I rushed him to the vet.  $250 later (blood tests, exam, etc.) the vet said "Well it has been sort of hot.  Maybe he just doesn't feel like eating."

I know heat isn't the reason now but there could be all sorts of other reasons.  If he is sick, you will know soon enough and take the appropriate actions.  He may just be feeling a bit down.

My point is - we worry so much about them (in my case, I feel guilty I was unable to bring them inside).  Sometimes, we just worry too much.
Excellent points!!  If JC is really sick, you will know it with his other actions.

We all worry about our ferals.  They become such a part of our lives and family.  I too feel so guilty that I cannot bring my boys inside.  I think worry just becomes part of having ferals in your life.  I worry when it's cold, hot, snowy, rainy, other animal attacks, coyotes, fox, raccoon, etc...  If it's out there, you can bet I have worried about it!!
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  • #14

tiger cat

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Feb 9, 2013
I am the same way. Worry worry worry. I took my inside cat to the vet bc he was throwing up and not interested in any food at all. I thought maybe he ate a litter crystal which I had switched to (I saw him running around with it I his mouth) I spent 900$ for them to do a sonogram blood test and cray only to give me some nausea pills antibiotics for him.. then he was fine. With the feral I worry putting them through unnecessary trauma. They hate being captured. I will monitor his weight. He could be eating when I'm not there or eating mice. We have barns on our block and I have found a couple of dead mice on our property a few months ago. Obviously JC or garfield brought it back as presents. If he starts losing weight I will bring him in but hope this passes on its own. I have a new vet who actually cares more about animals than charging astronomical vet fees. I love my boys and just trying to do the right thing. I'll keep monitoring the situation. Thank You Guys So Much.
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  • #15

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
ate just a tiny bit of food. He was definitely a little chunkier in the winter. But he doesn't look super skinny he looks normal but I guess if he's not really eating he'll lose weight quick ly.
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  • #17

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
So he's looking ok now. He was eating very light the few days since last night/this morning. Garfield is the alpha cat and will push him out of the way so he can eat first, so I'll put it on two plates sometimes. today and last night he didn't just lick at the wet food, he actually ate it.  I put babyhood chicken/ham/beef variations out also and garfield went for that first. I think maybe they're also confused with the sun/nighttime because last night I came home around 12am and they were out there so we put another can of wet food and they went right for it. Both of them were being weird when I put food out at 7:30pm they would eat a little (JC would lick it) and then they'd walk off.  which makes me think they might also be getting fed somewhere else, catching stuff or they're screwed up with it being lighter later now.  Either way he's a trimmer cat than garfield but it doesn't look like he lost a lot of weight. I hope whatever it was has passed b/c I talked to a feral trapper I know and she told me capturing him would compromise all the socialization I have done with him thus far. I find it harder caring for the outdoor boys than my indoor cats. So many unknown variables to deal with and I feel like I only know half the story of what they do all day/where they go! lol


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
So he's looking ok now. He was eating very light the few days since last night/this morning. Garfield is the alpha cat and will push him out of the way so he can eat first, so I'll put it on two plates sometimes. today and last night he didn't just lick at the wet food, he actually ate it.  I put babyhood chicken/ham/beef variations out also and garfield went for that first. I think maybe they're also confused with the sun/nighttime because last night I came home around 12am and they were out there so we put another can of wet food and they went right for it. Both of them were being weird when I put food out at 7:30pm they would eat a little (JC would lick it) and then they'd walk off.  which makes me think they might also be getting fed somewhere else, catching stuff or they're screwed up with it being lighter later now.  Either way he's a trimmer cat than garfield but it doesn't look like he lost a lot of weight. I hope whatever it was has passed b/c I talked to a feral trapper I know and she told me capturing him would compromise all the socialization I have done with him thus far. I find it harder caring for the outdoor boys than my indoor cats. So many unknown variables to deal with and I feel like I only know half the story of what they do all day/where they go! lol
Glad he seems to be eating better.  I would be sure to always offer separate bowls for the cats.  I have 2 outdoor ferals as well and they each have their own feeding stations.  I have one who always rushes to the food first and will gobble it all up leaving nothing for the other.  I have to keep an eye out some days to be sure the more timid one gets enough to eat.  I also offer dry food that I leave out all day and pick up at night. 

I believe that if you had to trap JC again, it would be traumatic for him, but it would not undo all of the socializing you have done.  It might set him back a bit, but he trusts you and knows you are his food source.  He might keep his distance for a bit, but after a time, he would most likely come around once again.  I guess that if he really needed vet care, it would be best to do whatever it takes to help him even if it meant he might be skittish for awhile. 
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  • #19

tiger cat

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Young Cat
Feb 9, 2013
yes I agree. I put another big bowl outside, even though I do this most all of the time --sometimes garfield will just walk over to JC's bowl. He's definitely alpha cat, but JC if he's hungry enough will just push Garf's head away or walk to garfield's bowl while gary eats out of JC's bowl. they're so weird. they sleep together, eat and play together so nothing is vicious, they never fight.  Whatever it was that was bothering him seems to have gone away on its own though. this morning and last night when I unlocked the door they both ran up the steps and waited at the door head butting each other waiting to be fed. this is their normal behavior.  Past week JC has been staying in his dog house when I opened the door to feeding time, so that is very different behavior.  if they could just talk and tell me what's wrong, that would be so much easier :) 