Oh. No.

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  • #121


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Well, last week I thought maybe I’d post more good news. Things started out OK but soon went from bad to worse. Long post ahead….

My ex-landlord has been on the property for weeks making all kinds of repairs he SHOULD have made while I was still living there. I haven’t talked to him in over two months, and I don’t want to. He sent me a text shortly after I left and said “You have to contact me before you re-enter the property.” Then he left a voicemail about a week ago that said since I hadn’t returned a key, I’m still supposed to be paying rent. I didn’t respond to either. I’ve only been over there once or twice to look for the cats I abandoned. The neighbor had the key because she was going to get the dishwasher out. I haven’t been able to move my shed yet either, and the neighbor was putting the cat food in there. The landlord closed it up and put HIS lock on it! So the neighbor was trying to coax the cats over to her house to feed them.

I heard the landlord was going to be out of town for a few weeks, so I went over there on Friday evening Nov 16. I parked at the neighbor’s and started calling the cats. Mama Kitty immediately popped out from under her house but wouldn’t come to me. She looked thinner, of course, but she was overweight anyway so it didn’t hurt much. I kept calling but nobody else came out.

I went over to call under my old house, but nobody came out. I started to walk away and heard a faint “meow?” So I went back and called some more. Kitty Girl came barreling out from under the house and started meowing very loudly. I was so happy to see her! She was thin to start with and now looked even thinner. I felt SO bad. She wouldn’t come to me at first, but then I sat on the steps like I did when I fed them all, and she practically jumped in my lap. I took the two pics below and made a short video of her, and she was very vocal. I sat with her a few minutes and then started walking back to the neighbor’s, wanting her to follow me but she wouldn’t. So I just picked her up and carried her over there. The neighbor said this was the first time she had seen them around since I left. I put the food on the neighbor’s porch. The cats looked suspicious but came in to eat anyway. They both got two cans of food and probably would’ve eaten more if I had put it out. Kitty Girl was very affectionate, but Mama Kitty was still mad at me. I felt very guilty when I left. The cats looked like they wanted to follow me.

I don’t know where Stripey was. She never showed, so I figure she’s either dead or out having kittens somewhere.

I went back that Sunday evening and parked at the neighbor’s again. Kitty Girl came running over from my old house as soon as she saw me. Mama Kitty came out from under the neighbor’s house, and this time she let me get close and give her some love. I went in and got some dry food for them. As I was squatting on the ground to put it in the pan, both cats went behind me like they wanted to run off. I had some food in my right hand and reached around to show them like “Hey, the food’s over here, come over here”. Before I could bring my hand back around, Kitty Girl chomped down on my right ring finger – and wouldn’t let go. I couldn’t stand up because she probably would’ve torn my finger off, so I just had to drag my hand back around with her still on it, and she finally let go. So while they were eating, I was bleeding all over the yard. I ran the water hose over my hand for about 5 minutes and then went in and told the neighbor. She happens to be a former nurse, lucky me. I finally got it to stop bleeding long enough for her to bandage me up. My whole finger had immediately turned black and blue, and I think it would’ve hurt less if I had slammed the car door on it. I’m glad Kitty Girl wasn’t hungry enough to bite through to the bone, but she put some pressure on it for sure. I thought there were only two tooth marks, but later I saw there were three. I’m really glad it wasn’t my thumb. I felt so stupid, and it was totally my fault. It’s healed up pretty good now but still sore on one side. At least it didn’t turn red, and I’d had a tetanus shot when Stripey tore my left hand up back in March.

Sad to say….that wasn’t the “worse” part.

I got off work at lunchtime on Wednesday for Thanksgiving and went back to the neighbor’s house. She said she hadn’t seen any cats for a day or so, but she was still putting food out, and it was being eaten. I stayed awhile and called the cats, but they didn’t come out. I figured they were just out wandering since it was mid-afternoon. I told the neighbor I’d come back later during the weekend.

I had gone to the neighbor’s the back way when I went it, but I went the other way when I left. As soon as I got up to the main road, I saw a dead cat lying a little off the road in front of another neighbor’s house. My heart almost stopped when I realized it was Kitty Girl. I tried to convince myself it wasn’t her, but it was. I moved her further off the road so she wouldn’t get torn up. She had obviously been hit by a car, but the only injury I saw was to the right side of her face. Her body was whole, and there wasn’t even any fur missing. Maybe she had a broken neck. I prayed that whatever happened was instantaneous.

I went back to tell the neighbor. She had been home only about 15 minutes before I got there earlier. She said she had seen something but thought it was a raccoon. So at least Kitty Girl didn’t get killed because she heard me calling and was trying to get to me. That’s what I was thinking before I told the neighbor about her. I had to leave, but I went back a little while later and got Kitty Girl and buried her at my new house.

Back in the summer I was trying to take care of 11 cats and kittens. Now the only ones left are Mama Kitty and Rex fka Kitty Baby. I can’t count Stripey until I find her again….if I find her again.

My poor Kitty Girl! She wasn’t even two years old yet. She was so beautiful. I had her, then I left her, then I found her, then I lost her again. She deserved so much better.



Sorry these pics are so big. I edited but it didn't change.



Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So terribly sorry about everything. :alright: RIP Kitty Girl. :angel:
Do watch your finger and get it checked out if you see any signs of infection.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:alright: Condolences about KittyGirl - such a tragedy :( I am glad that she was able to reconnect with you before her time was up. The bite was a bad deal & I pray that your finger heals quickly; getting it to bleed out was probably the best thing to keep it clean. I am still praying and sending vibes that your recover Stripey and that Mama Kitty thrives - I am sorry that your colony's numbers have declined; you have been doing so much.:vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #125


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Hey, it’s me! I kept saying numerous times I needed to post some updates but never got around to it. I’ve been keeping up with this site, but it’s been so long since I’ve posted that I can’t possibly fill you all in on everything that’s happened. So I’ll just keep this fairly short and post a lot of pictures instead.

Maximus and Reximus are doing fine. Today is actually Max’s 4th birthday, and Rex will be 2 in another month. They are great friends except when they aggravate each other, and sometimes I have to break up a cat fight. My daughter insists they are playing, but sometimes I wonder. They stay in their own rooms when I am at work. I was putting Rex back in his room at night, but it’s not insulated so when it turned very cold around October, I let him stay with me and Max. I haven’t put him back in his room at night since. Some nights nobody gets any sleep because they insist on running around like fools at all hours of the night. They certainly don’t understand the concept of “It’s SATURDAY and I don’t have to get up!!!”

They have had a few good checkups at the vet, but I haven’t retested Max for FeLV. Rex hasn’t shown any signs of illness, and I hope it stays that way, for both of them, for a very long time. At the last visit, the vet did seem concerned about Rex’s high heart rate, but he didn’t find anything on an echo. Rex is still very scared around other people, so I hope it was just from his nervousness.

Max is not a cuddler except when we go to bed and first thing in the morning. He’ll climb on my chest, and I spend about 5 minutes rubbing “his little face….and his little chin….and his little ears….and his little footies.” He does like chewing on my thumb in the morning, only in the morning. Weirdo.

Rex is more affectionate and will launch himself at me on the couch just to cuddle for less than 5 minutes. If I try to make him stay longer, he fights to get away. He does enjoy it when I throw myself on the floor and pretend to be dead. He’ll climb on my back and paw at me to get up. If that doesn’t work, he’ll pull my hair, sometimes too hard, then game over.

They both enjoy different versions of the Wheeee games. If I open my computer room door, they will run in and jump on my chair. Max wants to sit in the chair and Rex wants to be on the top of it so I can spin them around and say Wheeeeeee! Sometimes they try to put the other one off. Rex also likes to get in a box lid so I can sling him around the floor till he’s dizzy. Rex also likes to climb up my legs so I’ll pick him up under his front legs and say Wheeee! and put him on my shoulder.

The kids and I went on vacation back in October. I was so worried about what to do with the cats that I almost didn't go. But we haven't been anywhere in decades, so I didn't want to disappoint the kids. We went to the beach for three days. I bought two of those Blink security cameras and set them up. I could have boarded the cats but I really felt that would be too stressful for them. I didn't have anybody who could check on them either. So I was a nervous wreck worrying about them. I put out a lot of food and water and just let them have the run of the house. It turned out they were absolutely fine. When I got back home, they just yawned and looked at me like, "Oh? Were you gone?"

I love them both so much and can’t imagine my life without them. I hope they’re here for a very long time.

My old neighbor adopted Kitty Mama and renamed her Cleo. I’ve visited them a lot, and Cleo is doing really well. I can tell they love each other. Cleo is still very much an outside cat, even though the neighbor has tried to get her in the house several times. Cleo will walk it and explore for a while but then wants back out. I hope one day she’ll discover that being an inside cat is quite awesome.

We never saw Stripey again. I still feel so bad about that. I’m sure she’s probably dead by now, but I would prefer to imagine that she found some people who cared about her as much as I tried to and that she’s living a wonderful life instead.

My daughter still has 6 inside cats (and a Chihuahua) and is still taking care of several outside cats. She managed to get several of them fixed, so that’s great. She was so worried about all of them when it got real cold out. She actually wrapped her huge gazebo in plastic so the cats could stay in there. They’re all pretty skittish around people still, but they’re learning to trust her more and more every day.

OK that’s it for now. I have to go hang out with Max for his birthday.


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Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
I tried this once to see if the cats cared if I died. They didn't! They just sniffed me & jumped over me. :lol:
~ HA ! Yes I read that unlike dogs cats are very independent and not so "attached" to humans. I like when my cats rub against my ankles and purr. Usually at meal time of course 😽


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
~ HA ! Yes I read that unlike dogs cats are very independent and not so "attached" to humans.
God obviously never told my cats about being independent. Indy especially, she sticks to me like a stray piece of tape.

She becomes distressed when left alone too long. Funny thing is that she was born to a very feral mom.