New Mumma Cat Pls Help!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2019
Hi! I’m new to this so please be patient. My partner and I took on my father in laws young cat as he is terminally ill, she is probably only a year old maybe a month or two off. Anyway surprise pregnancy but she had a litter of 4 beautiful babes 2 weeks ago. She’s an absolute natural mum and she loves them however she is usually an outdoor cat and she hasn’t been able to go outside (for more than a couple minutes when we’re with her) for the last 2 weeks because we don’t want a 2nd pregnancy haha. She’s been really great with them however the last couple of days, as the babies are finding their feet and moving so much, she’s becoming ever so slightly agitated. I think she’s just overwhelmed and the vets have checked her over and health wise she’s 100%. MY QUESTION IS, today especially she’s started to try and play with them a lot, and because she’s only young herself she forgets they aren’t toys or things to be played with and shes been getting quite aggressive with them. I was wondering if there were any tips and tricks to getting her to calm down??? I don’t think at all that she will hurt them or anything but I have found myself having to seperate her from them when she gets a bit carried away. She is booked to be fixed in 3 weeks so soon enough she’ll be able to go outside again but I do worry about her aggressive-playfulness with the babies. Any help or advice for this new cat Mumma (me lol) would be soooooo appreciated.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Luck is, everything sounds normal. And good you dont let her out, becuase they can come into new heat almost immediately after delivery. Especielly if there is a fertile tom outside...
The scheduled spaying is a little early, but it will surely go OK, they can usually continue to nurse even after a spaying. Mommas usually do after an emergency spaying...
But prepare and have some goats milk or kmr if she cant...
Kittens shall be with momma minimum 8 weeks, but preferably 12...

OK, what you really ask about. Her somewhat rough play. You do good, stop her if she plays too hard. Also, try to sooth her down by your voice, it often helps.
And or your gentle hands, stroking her here, praising there, putting your hand between her and the kittens there...

I saw once a supposedly nice video. Momma with kittens and the proud father the tom visiting them. Momma happy with that. Daddy not very caretaking, but friendly and played with the kittens. Not being used to kittens he played quite rough. Momma looked on and was happy with the situation...
And owner apparently was OK too, as she publicized the clip as a heartwarming example of adorable family scenes... :)

So, a somewhat rough play is probably NOT dangerous, but good and wise of you you are observant and do your best to keep things on a safe level. :)

Good luck!

Ps. Tx for you helping your father-in-law with helping his cat. Im entirely sure it will make his last days much calmer, him knowing his dear granddau is safe in a good home.