Need Desperate Advice For Withdrawn Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2018
Hello everyone! This is my first post on this site and will apologize in advance if it becomes too long. I have a short haired black cat named Chester who is almost 11 years old. My family got him as a kitten and has been an outdoor cat pretty much his whole life. He is a single cat and from what I gather he is perfectly healthy (no prior health problems). His daily routine has virtually remained unchanged for many years. This includes sleeping (night) at the foot of my parents bed or by himself in a separate room. He usually goes out early (recently he goes out later) and returns ocassionally for food throughout the day. This is pretty much the only interaction I have with him apart from maybe 15 minutes a day where I'll pet him. If the weather outside is nice and warm, he might stay out longer than usual but he eventually makes his way back when we go to bed and goes back to sleep.

This is it. This hasn't changed for at least 5-6 years. He was more playful and curious when he was younger but not by much. I have been reading articles online and I'm starting to get the impression that he might be depressed or lonely. He doesn't mind being picked up but his interaction with us is very short. If I set him down next to me on the couch, he usually leaves after a few seconds or might actually settle down for maybe 10 minutes tops (either goes to bed or door). He has never settled in my lap. The same story goes for the bed. He'll leave my side and sleep at the foot of the bed away from me (when I rest on parents bed). He does purr and knead but not much. He also likes to face away pretty much everytime he decides to settle next to me. He's not playful at all. We've tried buying him toys in the past but he just ignores them. The laser pointer is the only thing that gets him moving but my parents don't like me using it. The only time he seems to personally want to interact is to get us to open the door or to feed him if the food is running low.

I'm not sure what he does outside when he's away. There are other cats in the neighborhood but I doubt he interacts with them that much. There was a female long ago that was curious enough to visit but she disappeared shortly after. I'm guessing he spends most of his time alone exploring more than anything. When he's close by, he either sits by the door looking away or sleeps around the corner of the house. I know that cats are typically solitary animals but watching him live out his life like this is heartbreaking. I blame myself often that maybe I didn't give him enough attention when he was younger. I never let him sleep in my bed because I'm a light sleeper and can't sleep if he's constantly moving around. He would cry at my door wanting to come in but he hasn't done this in years. If I try it now he just faces away and eventually leaves the room. To clarify, he did sleep with my parents but they would often move him out for the same reason. I absolutely feel awful now about this.

Have I failed him as an owner? Could I have done more for him? Or am I overreacting? I sometimes think of getting him a friend but at this point, I think it's too late. And honestly, I just can't see myself ruin another cat. We did have 4 cats prior from 2000-2007 that all died quickly. First two were hit by cars and never reached 2. Third disappeared before he ever reached 3 (most likely killed by wild animals). Fourth was a female that was adopted at an older age (around 5) and she also disappeared after about 2 years. Probably killed by a wild animal. We clearly had bad luck with them and I told my mom to stop adopting them because we were just killing them instead of letting them live out their full potential. I just feel horrible right now and I don't know what to do. Again, I apologize for the long post. I had to share this somehow and this was the only way I could find.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
In reading your post, I don’t see Chester as living a bad or withdrawn life. He has people to sleep near, entertainment in the form of outdoor wandering and a home and food to come back to. I suspect he is a very satisfied cat leading a life that is very comfortable for him. You have nothing to feel bad about and I would not suggest getting him a friend. At his age he would not appreciate the disruption of his routines that another household cat would bring. You could try adding some enrichment in the form of an interactive treat dispenser or some catnip but he is really okay as is.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I have to agree with susanm9006 susanm9006 , as I so often do. He seems to be quite contented with the life that he has. There is this about cats...if they are unhappy, they will vote with their paws, and gladly say, "So long, guys, I'm OUTTA HERE!" and move on to another place. The fact that he stays says that he is content where he is. Many cats are not openly affectionate. Many. But everything you tell me says that you have a cat who is living the life he wants to live. He has many opportunities to take off, but he comes back. You are home, you are security, and that is enough for him. So often we project onto our cats what we would feel ourselves, and that just doesn't work well. Cats do not NEED to socialize the way that humans do. They may enjoy it, but they don't depend on it. You and your cat are doing just fine.
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TCS Member
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Jan 7, 2018
Thank you for your uplifting posts susanm9006 susanm9006 and Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 . I really appreciate the kindness and input!

I realize that he doesn't show the typical symptoms for depression and being an outdoor cat, he probably needs less stimulation from his owners. I just can't help but feel that there's litte or no connection between him and us. Lately, it's been raining a lot and of course he runs right back inside. Instead of resting next to me downstairs, he just completely ignores me and goes upstairs to his sleeping spot on my parents bed. Yesterday, I managed to catch his attention for a minute or so and tried to play with him but he left soon afterwards. I feel he has a better relationship with his spot than us. I've never quite seen anything like it before from other cats. Reading through the threads on this site also reinforces this viewpoint. It seems that people here have much healthier relationships with their pets. I feel like I probably neglected him in his prime years by not showing him enough affection and he adjusted accordingly. Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 you make a good point about him leaving if he felt unwanted but he's always been scared of anything he's not familiar with. He probably wouldn't be able to leave even if he wanted to. I'm sorry for the pessimism in my post. I will continue to engage him in different ways and see if he responds any better. If anybody has more advice, please feel free to share.

Thank you for your time.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
He's content in the here and now. You aren't. He grew up without a lot of interaction and is ok with that. Keep that in mind and also keep in mind that he's picking up on your feelings. Whenever you approach him, admire him, praise him, love him, and do not be guilty because he has no use or need for that emotion. Things between you two might not change with your lighter heart but, with patience on your part it might.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I also wanted to mention that my big guy has some similar behaviors. He will tuck his front and back feet under himself and turn into a meatloaf just wherever and stare off into space. He might be facing towards one of us, facing a wall, facing nothing but empty air... And he doesn't think much of most toys. I have a drawer full of rejects, most with lots of catnip on them. But one of the things he responds the most to, even getting up and coming in from another room if I'm on the phone, is a happy voice. So my thinking is, as I mentioned before, verbally show your cat love, respect and tenderness, gently stroke his back when he's meatloafing, and I think eventually he will begin to interact with you . Thank you for being there for him!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Keep that in mind and also keep in mind that he's picking up on your feelings.
I was just discussing this very thing with another member on her thread. It is true. They are energy sponges. Take a deep breath before approaching him. Try to focus more on his needs than your feelings of rejection (I know that's hard) and let him set the pace. You really are affording him a much better life than you think you are, you know.

When cats don't get a lot of human interaction when they are young, even if they grew up indoors, they become more attached to safe places than they do safe people. True ferals are the same...territory is all. This is normal and natural to cats, and NOT a reflection on you at all.