Nearing The End Here, Advice?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2017
Hey guys, so our cat was diagnosed as anemic 3 weeks or so ago and after mulitple vet visits it turns out she has multiple cancerous masses in her intestines. The prognosis was poor even with chemotherapy and surgeries. Being 13ish years old we are opting not to go that route. They gave us some pills to alleviate some inflammation however everything we have tried results in failure, she can taste and smell them crushed up in her food even in very small amounts. It has gotten to the point where she just doesn't really trust us that much anymore.

She is still eating food all day long but in small amounts. She still seems happy and will lay in our laps and purr. Seems like her normal self but more tired. As far as we are concerned when she starts to vomit or stop eating that's the sign to call the vet and put a peaceful end to it. Which leaves me with the question at home or go to vet? Several people in the household don't want to do it at home because it would be too sad to associate our house with our cat's life ending. I agree with that to an extent but I'd hate another stressful vet visit. The only saving grace with that is that she loves seeing the one vet we go to who would be willing to do the shot but only at the vet office. Whereas some stranger would have to come to our house and when someone our cat sees a stranger she takes off and hides. Any advice here?? When do we make the call? At home or at the vet?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am so sorry that your cat, and your family are going through this.

I dont have a good answer for you, as it so much depends on you and the cat, which would be best. If she has a vet she likes, i might go that route, even if it did involve taking her in. I dont know, hard decision.

Sending you guys my best wishes for a peaceful time! :grouphug: and hugs.


TCS Member
Jul 4, 2017
Man, I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. You said she has a vet she likes, If you plan to put her down, be sure to go with that vet. You want her happy before she crosses the rainbow bridge.

"Making the call" is your decision, although I personally would recommend deciding at home, and not at the vet. If you take her to the vet to get her put down, unfortunately she'll know. I had a cat named Ginger, she was 14 and had terminal cancer, stage 4. We put her in the crate and started driving, unlike normal, she didn't meow, she sat in her crate and looked at me, she stared at me and I knew that she understood what was happening.

I hope you'll be okay, sending my wishes.

Best regards.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I had the same debate with myself last summer, but I decided to take Max to our regular vet who knew him and us. He was loving and caring and helped Max cross the Bridge peacefully with us by his side. I’ll always choose what’s going to be least stressful for my cat, and for Max, that was the right choice.

Thinking of you and your sweet kitty. :redheartpump:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I unfortunately can't help you other than to tell you that I feel the best decision is the one that is best for your cat. There is some comfort, even if painful, knowing you did the best you could by her. I'll be praying for a peaceful end, no matter the decision you make.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
S spartcom
I took my Kiki to the ER vet because she had become so ill so quickly. I put her in her carrier, but she did not have any will to complain. I did not believe I was making a one-way trip...
One piece of advice I found afterwards is that I should have bundled her in a blanket or towels and carried her in a laundry basket. She was not moving much, so a laundry basket would have been easier on her system. I don't know if your kitty would be less traumatized or be secure in a basket instead of a carrier.
The vets I had at the ER were incredibly kind and helped me walk her over the bridge. She was finally comfortable and purred for me before the final step.

When you are able, consider posting your kitty's story in the Crossing the Bridge forum. Members there will offer comfort and help you and your family through this loss.