My stray has been acting unusual as of late!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 4, 2016
Hey there everyone! 

Just a quick back story; as I am new to the site. I have taken in two strays since the new year and things have been going great, up until yesterday. I have my cats on a healthy diet ( their dry food is wheat free, non by-product) and they receive a spoonful of wet food every supper meal. I keep adequate water that is changed daily. They also get a little treat of a piece of chicken cooked for them once a week. Side note, if you feel there is something I am doing wrong I am open to your ideas. This is for my cats not for me!

Ok, to get to it..

My oldest cat Aleister ( would say he is about 8 yrs. havent brought him into the vet yet since bringing him in) has been acting weird since yesterday. He adjusted fine to being indoors and began eating without an issue. Usually he is a glutton, but he has stopped eating almost entirely. I can't figure out why this would be happening and it worries me. I am planning on taking him to the vet, I just want to know if this is a phase he could be experiencing. He has been having muscle contractions, lethargy and a lack of appetite. Any clues as to what could be happening? I tried giving him a whole can of wet food just to get him eating again, but he refused it. He ate a small portion of chicken and then refused it like the rest. This is concerning me, because he literally will eat everything in sight. Any and all input would be great. Especially from people who have experienced this before!



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
It is best to get him to the vet as soon as possible.  It could be any of number of conditions.  It is very important he stay hydrated.  You can try giving him some tuna juice either straight or mixed with a bit of water. 

Please call your vet and make an appointment. 