My cat suddenly breathe faster from big stress


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 9, 2013
Hello all,

I am curious if anyone can advise or help as I am frustrated.
2.5 weeks ago, I went to the vet for a regular semi-annual check-up for my 11-year-old cat. At that time, I think she coughed a little bit, but completely behaved normally, and her breathing count was around 18-20 per minute. There are several symptoms I noticed a week before the visit, such as my cat stretching her neck a bit to breathe, cough (not often), and teary eyes...By the way, my another cat had herpes virus or something like a cold lately so she could've gotten it as they live pretty close to each other.

My vet recommended an x-ray and blood work so we did. Blood work shows her having elevated kidney related and some inflammation. Also, she had a high WBC. Last year, we did blood work twice and the kidney level was normal but also asked me to watch it. Meanwhile, she drank and pee fine. Her x-ray reveals her heart is a bit big and recommended I go to the cardiologist for more examination.

The problem is that since we came back, it was such a big stress to her. Immediately after we came back home, she couldn't breathe (barely brought back). Then she stopped eating and only drank a bit of water. She went to the quiet place of my home, crouched, and I could hear her breathe loud and hard. In the beginning, it sounded like something stuck in her nose. As much as I wanted to go to the vet again, my cat is a very sensitive cat and this type of visit gives her too much stress. I lost another cat similar reason, so this time, I decided to let her decompress, and also try to encourage her to eat more.

It's been 2.5 weeks. My cat finally starts behaving a bit more normally. She goes to the bed she used to go to, moves around, and eats more than before (but not the same as before the vet visit). However, when I count her breathing, it's 25-28 per minute, which is in the normal range, but a lot more than before. I also still see her breathe deep(?), like I see the movement much clearer than before. I am not sure if this is because she lost some weight past 2.5 weeks due to decreased appetite.

Another thing after this visit is that now when I pet her, she shows her belly as usual, but after a few seconds, she is having a harder time to breath, so I have been minimizing to make her excited, something I have not seen before the visit.

As much as I want to go to vet or even try home visit, this will give her too much stress that I don't think I can do that for awhile. I also put feliway all day in case. At this point, I am not sure what to do. Like I said, I lost my pet a year ago because of frequent vet visit gave him too much stress that he got weaker drastically so I mpersonally do not want to repeat this again. Anyway, anyone had similar situation and what should I do? Maybe holistic way?

Some symptoms I still notice
- Breathe faster than before but in normal range (Before, it was 18-20, but now, 25-28).
- Back legs are actually warmer (not colder)
- Still see her stretches her neck to breathe but less frequent than 2 weeks ago.
- Drinks water, sometimes feel like a lot but I am not sure.
- Still having trouble to breathe when she makes certain position (showing belly) or gets excited.
- Jumps and moves around more than 2 weeks ago, but not the same.

Thank you so much


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Would you have a way to video her behavior?

My angel Poppycat was very stressed by vet visits, and so we tried a homevisiting vet. It was quite a lot less stressful for him. There is a calming product that can be given to cats to help with their stress so that a vet visit isn't so hard on them.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Would you have a way to video her behavior?

My angel Poppycat was very stressed by vet visits, and so we tried a homevisiting vet. It was quite a lot less stressful for him. There is a calming product that can be given to cats to help with their stress so that a vet visit isn't so hard on them.
IF, I may ask: What is the calming product? Besides Flyway..Is it Gabapentin? Or Zyklene? to something else?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2013
Would you have a way to video her behavior?

My angel Poppycat was very stressed by vet visits, and so we tried a homevisiting vet. It was quite a lot less stressful for him. There is a calming product that can be given to cats to help with their stress so that a vet visit isn't so hard on them.
Yes! I will try to do it later today. Thank you so much.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 9, 2013
IF, I may ask: What is the calming product? Besides Flyway..Is it Gabapentin? Or Zyklene? to something else?
I have tried Zylkene, but not consistently. I haven't used Gabapentin, but I am also afraid as it may give some burden to heart. (That's what my vet said?)