My Cat Is Suddenly Scared Of My Room


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 6, 2018
(I don’t know if I’m posting this on the right place) ... so me and my mom left for vacation while my brother and my dad stayed at home...

as soon as we came back my cat was scared of my room even though he usually slept there with me or even when I wasn’t home.

He had his special basket he lived over everything and he is even scared of that now

He usually came in my room when I shaked a box of his favourite treats and sometimes I took him there but he always stayed and slept there ...

Now he is scared and only wants to leave the room... I tried everything I though of

I put him in his favourite basket, gave him treats, put him in his favourite hiding spots, brushed him (he loves that too) and even tried playing with him (he did try to catch the ribbon but very carefully)

I thought maybe something fell over and that’s why he’s scared but my brother and my dad say they didn’t notice anything ...

So ... please help me I feel like he’s not the cat I know and I really need help


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! He's fine everywhere else? Eating drinking and using his litter?
I would suggest that you relax.
Forcing your cat into your room right now isn't working.
Leave him alone. He loves you like crazy and you simply need to wait until he becomes confident in the room again.
Play music from the app Relax My Cat, and you could even get some chamomile tea in the bags (that's safe for cats, the loose tea leaves are not). A couple teaspoons a couple times a day for a few days.
He needs time to see that what scared him won't happen again.
Be calm, it will just take some time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I know you are worried but take a deep breath and try to relax. Cats pick up on our stress. It does seem like something happened that startled him in that room while you were gone. Perhaps he heard a noise from outside the home while your dad and brother were asleep. Cats can hear things we don't. I agree about not forcing him to be in your room right now. If his eating, drinking and eliminating normally then I would just give him time to realize that what ever startled him is gone. If you can try interacting with him in other rooms he is more comfortable in for now. Play in another area of the house he is more comfortable in for now. You could even try putting his special basket in another room he is more comfortable in right now. It may take some time for him to feel comfortable in the basket too. I would let him decide when he is ready to use the basket too. The calming products mentioned above may be helpful too.

Two of my cats got startled by a loud thunderstorm one night when I was home. I had a migraine and had taken some strong medicine so I did not wake up from the storm like I normally would have. Two of my cats that slept on the bed every night would not go near the bed room for about 2-3 weeks. They were acting normal other wise and just had to work through being scared on their own. We interacted with him in the den or downstairs until they were ready to come back into the bed room on their own.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 6, 2018
Ok thanks so much This was very helpful ^^