My Cat Is Peeing All Over My House


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2017
Hi, i'm new here so if this post is in the wrong place, please let me know. I'm from México and my native language it's spanish, so sorry for my bad english.

Ok, now to the point; my cat has been esterilized 3 months ago, and has been peeing all over the house since then. She pees on the couch, in the living room, on my clothes, my mom's clothes, in the bathroom, behind the toilet, in the shower, etcetera, etcetera.

Before surgery she started to pee in the living room, but we suposed that behavior was for the heat and it's getting worse.

When we adopt her, she peeing and pooping in her litter box, the brand i use is the Petco home brand (Soprhesh, the green one) I clean her litter box every day, and i wash once a week; but now she's only pooping there.

I used so many products to stop her (Nature's Miracle Just for cats No More Spraying, Nature's Miracle Just for cats Urine Destroyer, Nature's Miracle Just for Cats Oxy Formula, Clorox, Vinegar with baking soda) and nothing seems to help.

I'm desperate, might be something wrong happens with her on the vet? Surgery problems? Cytitis? The vet only recommended change her litter to the crystal one? but, that's the solution?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA
Welcome to The Cat Site!

I suggest a few things:
1. have her tested for a UTI - urinary tract infection. The first rule is to check for medical issues.
2. once you know there is no medical issue, then go back and retrain her to use the litter box. To do this, you need to confine her to a small area. One room, or if you have a large crate, confine her in that. You want her to HAVE to use the litter box, because otherwise she is in her own mess; cats do not like that.

I'm sure others will be along with more suggestions!